Re: BBC - Campaign to reduce cyclist deaths



I submit that on or about Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:35:52 +0100, the person
known to the court as NJF <[email protected]> made a statement
(<[email protected]> in Your Honour's bundle) to the
following effect:

>>How about *remove all distractions* such as excessive road signage,
>>scameras, stereos and the like, most motorists driving modern quiet cars
>>have no idea of their speed without constantly looking down at the
>>speedo and without the doubt its one of the reasons so many hit each
>>other, let alone cyclists....

<sigh>. Yet another "law-abiding speeder".

Not me, I have a noisy land-rover drive train to remind me of just how
fast or not I'm travelling.

Fact: Every single driver in the UK since the late 1960s has had to
demonstrate the ability to drive safely within the speed limits before
being allowed to drive unaccompanied.


I do not speed. I rarely need to look at my speedo. Those who come
up with the pathetic excuse you give have, I'm guessing, never
actually made a genuine effort to obey the law - it's amazingly easy.

It is in some cars, older ones esp. newer ones less so, its the paranoia
effects and distraction/panic braking that I observe that bothers me, as
a former driving instructor/examiner I've seen even "good" police
drivers distracted from the job at hand.

Here's a clue for you: it's a limit, not a target. You are allowed to
go slower, you do not have to maintain speed at the limit ± 0.5%.

I prefer to travel at a lower than limit speed mostly for safety and
fuel economy reasons, this evening it saved the lives of several
children riding round in circles in the road who were unseen until 15
feet away (junction+high hedge), last night it was a child crossing the
road on his bike without looking from between stationary traffic...

Niel aka NJF