Re: Dave Clinger: Major League Dumbass


Kurgan Gringioni

Musashi wrote:
> If I were "the team" I wouldn't make him take it off. But I would

> him get a long and involved psych evaluation before he could continue
> being part of the team. How could you ever trust the future judgement
> of someone that once thought THAT was a good idea.

Dumbass -

Whatever happened to your compassion for the mentally ill?

just curious,

K. Gringioni.
On 19 Feb 2005 20:46:57 -0800, "Kurgan Gringioni"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Musashi wrote:
>> If I were "the team" I wouldn't make him take it off. But I would

>> him get a long and involved psych evaluation before he could continue
>> being part of the team. How could you ever trust the future judgement
>> of someone that once thought THAT was a good idea.

>Dumbass -
>Whatever happened to your compassion for the mentally ill?
>just curious,
>K. Gringioni.


That was my compassion. Mandating that someone get a psyche evaluation
would be proactive and help him in the future regarding decisions.
Rather than just having them remove part of the tatoo.... reactive and
probably disheartening to him. With proper intervention, whether that
be therapy or medication, maybe DC could live a more balance life.

just informing,
Musashi wrote:
> GoatJockey-
> That was my compassion. Mandating that someone get a psyche

> would be proactive and help him in the future regarding decisions.
> Rather than just having them remove part of the tatoo.... reactive

> probably disheartening to him. With proper intervention, whether that
> be therapy or medication, maybe DC could live a more balance life.

Dumbass -

How do you know that his life is out of balance?


K. Gringioni.
On 20 Feb 2005 10:58:50 -0800, "Kurgan Gringioni"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Musashi wrote:
>> GoatJockey-
>> That was my compassion. Mandating that someone get a psyche

>> would be proactive and help him in the future regarding decisions.
>> Rather than just having them remove part of the tatoo.... reactive

>> probably disheartening to him. With proper intervention, whether that
>> be therapy or medication, maybe DC could live a more balance life.

>Dumbass -
>How do you know that his life is out of balance?
>K. Gringioni.



de nada,
Musashi wrote:
>> >

> >Dumbass -
> >
> >How do you know that his life is out of balance?
> >
> >thanks,
> >
> >K. Gringioni.

> RimJobber-

Dumbass -

Ya. From the website the Gorilla posted:

"It would be easy to beat this up into a team vs rider confrontation,
but it seems both sides are actually trying to achieve a reasonable
outcome. "


K. Gringioni.
> > K. Gringioni wrote:
> > >How do you know that his life is out of balance?

> >
> > Musashi wrote:
> >


After a couple laser treatments I can assure you that his ink will be
out of balance.

By the way, this whole Clinger thing is the stupidest thing in bike
racing since the Mavic wireless derailleur. Webcor is old news and no
one really cares -they've "jumped the shark" as RVD would say.

While we're at it, I don't buy the whole, "they've all got day jobs"
thing. I'll bet the young guys are all in school with no job, most
race full time, a few have minor "work obligations" and one or two
token guys have the grinder jobs and race occasionally.
Sounds no different than any other team out there.
On 20 Feb 2005 16:34:59 -0800, "Kurgan Gringioni"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Musashi wrote:
>>> >
>> >Dumbass -
>> >
>> >How do you know that his life is out of balance?
>> >
>> >thanks,
>> >
>> >K. Gringioni.

>> RimJobber-

>Dumbass -
>Ya. From the website the Gorilla posted:
>"It would be easy to beat this up into a team vs rider confrontation,
>but it seems both sides are actually trying to achieve a reasonable
>outcome. "
>K. Gringioni.


To quote the great philosopher, Dirty Ponytail Chang-
"It's not even hard to figure out, but in today's world it seems like
people have to be hit in the face with something otherwise they won't
get it."

If you're not an imbecile, you sure make a world-class effort at
simulating one.

You're welcome,
Musashi wrote:
> >Dumbass -
> >
> >Ya. From the website the Gorilla posted:
> >
> >"It would be easy to beat this up into a team vs rider

> >but it seems both sides are actually trying to achieve a reasonable
> >outcome. "
> >
> >
> >thanks,
> >
> >K. Gringioni.

> ScrotumCheese-
> To quote the great philosopher, Dirty Ponytail Chang-
> "It's not even hard to figure out, but in today's world it seems like
> people have to be hit in the face with something otherwise they won't
> get it."
> If you're not an imbecile, you sure make a world-class effort at
> simulating one.

Dumbass -

Hit me in the face then.

Just because a guy gets a very ugly tattoo doesn't make him mentally
unbalanced. From all the interviews I've read, he seems quite rational.
Please show me a quote where he seems otherwise. I'm very willing to be
proven wrong in this instance.


K. Gringioni.
Yeah, Dumbass

getting some mythical warrior face mask without knowing jack about the
history of the people......"I read a book somewhere, and it seemed

asking the fiance what she thinks after getting it.

knowing the team might have objections, so 'only' getting 80% of the
tattoo to be safe.

stating that it means something to you, is personal, with deep meaning,
and then reversing and saying that it is now problem to get it removed
to please the team.

what a headcase. mental imbalance would be an understatement.

crit PRO
Oh yeah....the funniest. Misses the next two three months, but has big
races later on in july in the US to do. Uh, hello. The US season ENDS
at Georgia, cept for Philly and SF.
On 20 Feb 2005 19:41:07 -0800, "crit PRO" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Oh yeah....the funniest. Misses the next two three months, but has big
>races later on in july in the US to do. Uh, hello. The US season ENDS
>at Georgia, cept for Philly and SF.


Other gems

"I knew it would be controversial, but I kind of just did it... I
needed it, and wanted it."

Uhh, you "needed it"?

"I'm so competitive, racing bikes year after year, I felt it falls in
line with being a warrior."

Yea, that's what people think of when they think Warrior.... cyclists.

"It's somewhat of a publicity stunt as well, nobody in the cycling
community has a facial tattoo."

Shouldn't that alone be a hint? Anyone else in sports have one? Oh,
yea, Mike Tyson. Good job genius.

"I looked into removal before I even got it."

The one hint of temporary sanity.

Ponytail, I can't "prove" he's a nutter but all of the evidence is
there. His Polynesian girlfriend even knew it was crazy. And she's
from a culture where's it's somewhat accepted.

If you can't spot the nutter, maybe it's because you ARE a nutter.

Musashi wrote:
> On 20 Feb 2005 19:41:07 -0800, "crit PRO" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Oh yeah....the funniest. Misses the next two three months, but has

> >races later on in july in the US to do. Uh, hello. The US season

> >at Georgia, cept for Philly and SF.

> Precisely.
> Other gems
> "I knew it would be controversial, but I kind of just did it... I
> needed it, and wanted it."
> Uhh, you "needed it"?
> "I'm so competitive, racing bikes year after year, I felt it falls

> line with being a warrior."
> Yea, that's what people think of when they think Warrior....

> "It's somewhat of a publicity stunt as well, nobody in the cycling
> community has a facial tattoo."
> Shouldn't that alone be a hint? Anyone else in sports have one? Oh,
> yea, Mike Tyson. Good job genius.
> "I looked into removal before I even got it."
> The one hint of temporary sanity.
> Ponytail, I can't "prove" he's a nutter but all of the evidence is
> there. His Polynesian girlfriend even knew it was crazy. And she's
> from a culture where's it's somewhat accepted.
> If you can't spot the nutter, maybe it's because you ARE a nutter.

Dumbass -

Dude gets a bad tattoo and he's a wacko to be scorned.

Dude does cocaine till it kills him and we're supposed to admire him.

I understand.

K. Gringioni.
Kurgan Gringioni wrote:
> Musashi wrote:
> > On 20 Feb 2005 19:41:07 -0800, "crit PRO" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > >Oh yeah....the funniest. Misses the next two three months, but has

> big
> > >races later on in july in the US to do. Uh, hello. The US season

> > >at Georgia, cept for Philly and SF.

> >
> >
> > Precisely.
> >
> > Other gems
> >
> > "I knew it would be controversial, but I kind of just did it... I
> > needed it, and wanted it."
> >
> > Uhh, you "needed it"?
> >
> >
> > "I'm so competitive, racing bikes year after year, I felt it falls

> in
> > line with being a warrior."
> >
> > Yea, that's what people think of when they think Warrior....

> cyclists.
> >
> >
> > "It's somewhat of a publicity stunt as well, nobody in the cycling
> > community has a facial tattoo."
> >
> > Shouldn't that alone be a hint? Anyone else in sports have one? Oh,
> > yea, Mike Tyson. Good job genius.
> >
> > "I looked into removal before I even got it."
> >
> > The one hint of temporary sanity.
> >
> > Ponytail, I can't "prove" he's a nutter but all of the evidence is
> > there. His Polynesian girlfriend even knew it was crazy. And she's
> > from a culture where's it's somewhat accepted.
> >
> > If you can't spot the nutter, maybe it's because you ARE a nutter.

> Dumbass -
> Dude gets a bad tattoo and he's a wacko to be scorned.
> Dude does cocaine till it kills him and we're supposed to admire him.
> I understand.
> K. Gringioni.

THAT is a low blow. Leave the family of Len Bias alone. He COULD have
been the next Michael Jordan. The Boston Celtics never did recover
after that. You are an asshole.
Musashi wrote:
> If Clinger's tattoo led to his untimely death it wouldn't be cool to
> rag on him.

Dumbass -

I understand now.

Being unable to control one's appetite for cocaine is a killer.

Getting a bad tattoo? One of the biggest killers ever!

Oh, the humanity!

K. Gringioni.
Musashi wrote:
> FartSniffer-
> That's my point dipshit. And I wasn't being disrespectful to either
> one of them. Saying Webcor should mandate that he get a psych
> evaluation is exactly what I meant. No sarcasm intended.
> But ragging on Clinger for his nutter tattoo is a lot less cruel than
> hacking on a guy for his cocaine addiction when it lead to his own
> death.

Dumbass -

No it isn't. The bald lunatic is dead, therefore it isn't cruel at all.

When it comes to lunacy, La Elefantina's actions were a few orders of
magnitude greater than those of Tatoo Boy.

calling a spade a spade,

K. Gringioni.
On 21 Feb 2005 13:26:26 -0800, "Kurgan Gringioni"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Musashi wrote:
>> FartSniffer-
>> That's my point dipshit. And I wasn't being disrespectful to either
>> one of them. Saying Webcor should mandate that he get a psych
>> evaluation is exactly what I meant. No sarcasm intended.
>> But ragging on Clinger for his nutter tattoo is a lot less cruel than
>> hacking on a guy for his cocaine addiction when it lead to his own
>> death.

>Dumbass -
>No it isn't. The bald lunatic is dead, therefore it isn't cruel at all.
>When it comes to lunacy, La Elefantina's actions were a few orders of
>magnitude greater than those of Tatoo Boy.
>calling a spade a spade,
>K. Gringioni.


The very fact that you can't grasp how rude you are says it all.

But don't worry. When you die nobody will utter a word.

Musashi wrote:
> Ankle-Grabber-
> The very fact that you can't grasp how rude you are says it all.

Dumbass -

Ha ha. Don't be so sure.

> But don't worry. When you die nobody will utter a word.

Good riddance. Funerals exist to help the living. The dead can't be
helped - if you wanted to help a dead person, you should have done it
while they were alive.

take care and have a nice day,

K. Gringioni.
former RBR Secretary of Offense
Kurgan Gringioni wrote:
> Musashi wrote:
> > On 20 Feb 2005 19:41:07 -0800, "crit PRO" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > >Oh yeah....the funniest. Misses the next two three months, but has

> big
> > >races later on in july in the US to do. Uh, hello. The US season

> > >at Georgia, cept for Philly and SF.

> >
> >
> > Precisely.
> >
> > Other gems
> >
> > "I knew it would be controversial, but I kind of just did it... I
> > needed it, and wanted it."
> >
> > Uhh, you "needed it"?
> >
> >
> > "I'm so competitive, racing bikes year after year, I felt it falls

> in
> > line with being a warrior."
> >
> > Yea, that's what people think of when they think Warrior....

> cyclists.
> >
> >
> > "It's somewhat of a publicity stunt as well, nobody in the cycling
> > community has a facial tattoo."
> >
> > Shouldn't that alone be a hint? Anyone else in sports have one? Oh,
> > yea, Mike Tyson. Good job genius.
> >
> > "I looked into removal before I even got it."
> >
> > The one hint of temporary sanity.
> >
> > Ponytail, I can't "prove" he's a nutter but all of the evidence is
> > there. His Polynesian girlfriend even knew it was crazy. And she's
> > from a culture where's it's somewhat accepted.
> >
> > If you can't spot the nutter, maybe it's because you ARE a nutter.

> Dumbass -
> Dude gets a bad tattoo and he's a wacko to be scorned.
> Dude does cocaine till it kills him and we're supposed to admire him.
> I understand.

Nice. Keep the attention off the mistaken right hand by throwing flames with
the left. Hey, it works for politicians.

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