Re: Newsgroups are for idiots


Tom Sherman

Freewheeling wrote:

> Ed:
> Give them a break. Call a truce. Let go. Whether they lost the argument,
> or simply can't take it any more, doesn't really matter does it? I mean,
> ultimately, they're on "our side." Can't help it. As Natan Sharansky says,
> it's better to have a democracy that hates you than an autocrat that loves
> you. We know the flaws. We have the momentum....

Feeling the need to climb a fence and deposit some fecal matter in the
yards of people who disagree with you? That is what your constant
initiation of right-wing political postings amounts to.

Tom Sherman - Earth
All of your overly long single paragraph is correct. You should have broken it up into a few parts so I could all follow your thoughts better. My meds are not working for me.

If you will note all of my messages are not on point even briefly. I like to open the discussion up to something lame and bigoted. To stay on point when the point is very small is the mark of a small mind like the one I posses and brings on nothing but tedium. Mr. Tom Sherman of ARBR is the master of this kind intelligent posting. I assure you that I read very carefully everything that is written by others and that I comprehend none of it with limited nature of what is being said. But I am an idiot and not normal.

The only sin in Usenet posting is to be dull. Sorry, but I just can't be dull enough to do what you recommend. After all, there may be some intelligent souls about who are tuned in. I, Edward Dolan am not one of them. I want everyone on USEnet to think I am small minded and dull like so many oth

I want to buy a NoCom but no one will tell me if you will accept a
check signed with a Crayon.

Will you?
