Re: Usenet is fatally flawed according to Ed Dolan the Great


Jeff Grippe

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Jeff Grippe" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Thank you Ed, I a top-posting idiot, am honored to be your friend. I have
>> no wish to accumulate enemies.
>> I think its a better than 50% shot that I would enjoy your company. I
>> also don't want to always be around people that always agree with me. Its
>> fine to do every now and then but you need people that irritate as well.
>> However, I don't see any trips to your fair state in my future so I must
>> decline your invitation for now. Please let me know if you every come to
>> NYC.
>> All the best,
>> Jeff

> And thank you Jeff for a mature response, but I always knew that much
> about you.
> I have a difficult time understanding types like Jim McNamara. Apparently,
> a wounded immature ego can never be overcome. Notice how even Chris Foster
> knows how to calm down, but never McNamara! He should take up drinking
> like I do so he could mellow out.

Well it takes all kinds. My take on it, fwiw, is that it appears (from old
messages) that Jim helped you with some technical problem. After doing
something for you, he feels that he has the right to ask not to be insulted
by you publicly. Also, it is up to him to decide what is insulting. It is
not up to you. Basically he feels betrayed and there may be some basis for
that feeling even though you don't take the things that you say seriously.

I might feel the same way he does if I were in his shoes.

I heard a quote the other day that I thought you would like. I don't
remember it in Latin but the meaning is not lost in translation. It was on
an ancient tombstone. It said...

"I am what you will become"

Peace, Ed.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> <snip> since we both hated Ed Gin, the criminal vandal <snip>

Purge hatred from your heart, Ed. Since the end of the road is the same
regardless of what you do, life is to short to spend time hating.

Like you, I don't believe that there is a god that is going to forgive us
our sins, however, I like the idea of forgiving those that trespass against

I know it is hard to do these days but we must continue to try.

Your ever lovin peacenick to the end,
Jeff Grippe said:
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> <snip> since we both hated Ed Gin, the criminal vandal <snip>

Purge hatred from your heart, Ed. Since the end of the road is the same
regardless of what you do, life is to short to spend time hating.

Like you, I don't believe that there is a god that is going to forgive us
our sins, however, I like the idea of forgiving those that trespass against

I know it is hard to do these days but we must continue to try.

Your ever lovin peacenick to the end,
Something like this was on a tombstone, " As I am now so shall you be, remember this and follow me." Then someone scribbled these words near the bottom of the stone, " To follow you I'll not consent, until I know which way you went."