Recovering from broken femur

li rider

New Member
Oct 11, 2004
2 weeks ago, I crashed after losing controlling riding downhill into a series of S curves. Asphalt is not very foregiving. Broke the neck of my femur just below the hip joint and it was repaired with 2 "screws". Shoulder and chest are also pretty torn up (although the road rash is almost all healed). For now, my doctor just wants me walking with crutches for 2 more weeks until another set of X rays show how the bone heals.

Anyone out there with similar experience? I'm curious how long it took you to recover and what suggestions you have for exercise until the Spring when I hope to get back on my bike.
li rider said:
2 weeks ago, I crashed after losing controlling riding downhill into a series of S curves. Asphalt is not very foregiving. Broke the neck of my femur just below the hip joint and it was repaired with 2 "screws". Shoulder and chest are also pretty torn up (although the road rash is almost all healed). For now, my doctor just wants me walking with crutches for 2 more weeks until another set of X rays show how the bone heals.

Anyone out there with similar experience? I'm curious how long it took you to recover and what suggestions you have for exercise until the Spring when I hope to get back on my bike.

This is a late post so hopefully you're well on the way to recovery.

Try swimming, sorry wong help your technique for biking but you can still work some of your aerobic and anaerobic training and maintain your fitness. You will not gain breakthrough cycle speeds but it's non impact and brilliant for your maintanence needs. just don't give in.
thanks for the suggestion.

i'm off the crutches and on a cane and just started PT Friday. the therapist will have me on an exercise bike next week so by Spring, I hope to be back on the road.

ianhargreaves said:
This is a late post so hopefully you're well on the way to recovery.

Try swimming, sorry wong help your technique for biking but you can still work some of your aerobic and anaerobic training and maintain your fitness. You will not gain breakthrough cycle speeds but it's non impact and brilliant for your maintanence needs. just don't give in.
My brother broke his femur. He is fully recovered now regarding his femur but his hip and knee still bothers him a bit.He fell while mountain climbing when he was 13. Lucky to be alive. Initally they said he might not walk again so he is doing real well:)

So I don't know if you will recover as fast as you but it sounds like you were less hurt then my brother and he recovered for the most part except for some pain when the weather gets cold.
LottomagicZ4941 said:
My brother broke his femur. He is fully recovered now regarding his femur but his hip and knee still bothers him a bit.He fell while mountain climbing when he was 13. Lucky to be alive. Initally they said he might not walk again so he is doing real well:)

So I don't know if you will recover as fast as you but it sounds like you were less hurt then my brother and he recovered for the most part except for some pain when the weather gets cold.

Thanks for the good word. I have 30+ years on your brother, but we all need some good luck. Inches here and there clearly made the difference for me not losing a hip, and for your brother even more so. A friend said God blinked when I crashed -- the answer is he was looking so that is why I am walking.

And I assume that the screws in my hip will be as good in predicting the weather as the guy on TV is. ;)
I am also recovering from a broken hip (femoral neck). I had a complete separation and the doc put me back together with 4 screws.... I broke it 5 and a half weeks ago and have been on crutches ever since. I have been doing physical therapy everyday at home and once a week as outpatient.
My doc insists on no more than 20 lbs. weight bearing on my bad leg for 8 weeks. That seems like forever. I can, however, ride my bike on the trainer... which I started a week ago and is the only thing that's keeping me from going insane.
Has anyone had a similar experience? My doc wants me on crutches for a total of 3 months (till Sept 1). But I've heard of other people walking with a cane after 6 weeks.....
I'm 27, a Cat 3 racer, am (or was) in great shape....and want to get back to racing asap
I shattered my femur nearly 4 years ago. If all you got off with is two screws, you are very lucky.

I have a giant piece of steel in my leg, that includes a hip screw and 6 retaining screws. I was in hospital for 1 week, then a rehab hospital for another 2 weeks, and off work for almost 3 months (the doctor approved my being off work for 4 months, but I was getting bored). I wasn't allowed to put any weight on my leg for 6 weeks.

During this 6 week period, the muscles in my leg atrophied extensively. I first had to walk with two crutches, then one crutch, then a cane. I gave the cane up about 5 months after the injury. It took about a year until I could walk again without a noticeable limp. I was going to physio, but I hated it and stopped going after 67 visits. Even today, 4 years later, I can still feel discomfort, especially when I walk.

sounds like your doctor gave you different advice than mine. I also broke the femoral neck but had "only" 2 screws. he wanted me to put full weight on the leg the very next day while walking with the crutches, but not try a bike at first. The weight was supposed to help the bone fuse.

After 6 weeks, I switched to a cane (hold it in the hand opposite the hip you broke, NOT on the same side) and went into physical therapy (I drove the therapist nuts since I kept increasing resistance on the exercise bike, and spining at too fast a cadance). after about 6 weeks of that (by then, winter had set it) I went back into my gym and did the same exercises as I had in therapy plus more for about 6-8 weeks, then back into spin class.

Biggest loss from the lack of exercise at first was a reduction in cardio and overall muscle atrophy.

By spring I was back out on the road, although at first my balance was a little off and I still heistate on the curves downhill. I am hoping to do my first century at the end of August (although I may do only the metric century since I haven't had enough time on the road). The lasting effects so far 10 months later are an ache when there is a period of more than 2 days of rain, weakness in some irregular leg movements (I used to be a better dancer), and some pain on impact (which keeps me from running, but not riding). I had also separated my AC joint in my shoulder, and that is still only at 95% flexibility.

I've got almost 20 years on you, and if I can get back to the same shape I was (and I actually think better -- I did about 10 miles of my ride today up and down hills in 90 degree heat), then so can you.

If you want real proof, look at Erik Dekker, who rides for the Rabobank team. he broke his hip 2 years ago, this year won the Paris Tours race by riding a 100 mile breakaway and in this year's Tour de France already won the polka dot jersey for 2 stages. and he is 35.

Being unable to do my usual exercise sucked. Getting back on the bike after felt great, especially the first time I picked up some real speed. Be patient. You will get there too.

peterwjunk said:
I am also recovering from a broken hip (femoral neck). I had a complete separation and the doc put me back together with 4 screws.... I broke it 5 and a half weeks ago and have been on crutches ever since. I have been doing physical therapy everyday at home and once a week as outpatient.
My doc insists on no more than 20 lbs. weight bearing on my bad leg for 8 weeks. That seems like forever. I can, however, ride my bike on the trainer... which I started a week ago and is the only thing that's keeping me from going insane.
Has anyone had a similar experience? My doc wants me on crutches for a total of 3 months (till Sept 1). But I've heard of other people walking with a cane after 6 weeks.....
I'm 27, a Cat 3 racer, am (or was) in great shape....and want to get back to racing asap
thanks, li rider. I really appreciate you sharing your story. I know it sounds cliche, but hearing from others who've gone through the same thing really helps.
sometimes cliches are true.

your welcome, and recover quickly

peterwjunk said:
thanks, li rider. I really appreciate you sharing your story. I know it sounds cliche, but hearing from others who've gone through the same thing really helps.
I crashed 1/24 and broke my femur in 8 places. A 16 inch rod and 10 screws were put in. No weight bearing for 2 months. I am now walking with a cane. PT 2 times a week. I have been on my trainer for 3 weeks. After about 2 hours I get hip pain and get off.

I road 3/21 for first time outside with tennis shoes, 20 miles of slow and flat riding. I at first had a recumbant trainer that I road indoors. At first my knee would only bend to 75 deg. I am now to 100+ but it hasn't been easy. The trainer will continue to be my main training until I feel comfortable to ride with clips outside. I am a 62 old male who loves to climb.
Good luck!
LTM red said:
I crashed 1/24 and broke my femur in 8 places. A 16 inch rod and 10 screws were put in.  No weight bearing for 2 months.  I am now walking with a cane.  PT 2 times a week.  I have been on my trainer for  3 weeks. After about 2 hours I get hip pain and get off. I road 3/21 for first time outside with tennis shoes, 20 miles of slow and flat riding. I at first had a recumbant trainer that I road indoors. At first my knee would only bend to 75 deg. I am now to 100+ but it hasn't been easy.  The trainer will continue to be my main training until I feel comfortable to ride with clips outside.  I am a 62 old male who loves to climb. Good luck!
While the thread was mostly dead, your comeback to cycling certainly isn't. Kudo's to you for the hard work and getting back on the bike after the skeletal reorganization. You can never underestimate the value of PT and a bicycle in injury recovery.