Results of hard off-season training

I actually did not use a PM, I did however use a WKO, estimating my TSS by using PE and HR. It is not ideal, a PM would certainly work better, but I was consistent so while the actual #s may have been a bit different the idea was still the same. So to compare my #s would be of little use. I will say that a CTL of 60 sounds really low and is likely why you are struggling a bit in the Cat 4 group. For perspective the last few weeks prior to tapering this last time, I was around 15hrs a week.
Originally Posted by bgoetz .

It is not ideal, a PM would certainly work better.....

I am not sure if you would have been interested. I just shipped my old PT wheel out this morning to another CF member at a really good price.

Hopefully you can get one in the coming months. There are always deals on Ebay or like the person I sold to was observant that I just got a new wheel and sent me a message asking about my old wheel (which is actually like brand new).

I can just speak for myself, but I notice that I can barely keep up with my recreational group when my CTL is in the 60's. I recently went into a hole from working overtime and then a mini vacation, but now I am starting to climb out of that hole. While I was in the 60's I was really struggling to keep up. My general time is limited, but if I can approach the 10 hour training mark per week I can feel fairly confident with a spirited group ride. I think I would still be real short though for racing.

It seems like you have answered for yourself as you observed low CTL and a low training load and struggling in your category.
I was curious if it was something you can work to improve on consistency, scheduling and/or intensity levels or is this more to do with life conflicts?

So the question as it relates to this thread are you going to jump in with us this fall and winter and get in some good off season training?