RR of Florida trail so automatically boring/Ping: Volker



Went on a ride out to Alafia... Have you been there?

It's not very elevationy overall, but lots of ups and downs
within. I rode Rollercoaster a while, but it was pretty much
the same stuff over and over. I didn't get to Moonscape
because it was mudded out. But I highly recommend Gatorback,
which I think has excellent flow and will probably burn most
riders out. None of the trails I encountered were
"technical" so much as a roller-coaster ride or short ups
and downs, which is what we have to live with.

There were surprisingly no mosquitoes, and even at 1PM it's
not too bad since there's lots of tree cover. I also
wondered what it would have been like to ride singlespeed...

Look out for money-laden recreationalists all decked out in
their gloves and jerseys and Camelbaks and clipless and
Lycra and Bullits and dual-crown forks pretending they're
riding off cliffs, hehe. This one guy had just finished and
washed off his Bullit before I headed out. I noticed the
tread pattern on the Intense 2.35s and saw them on some
easy, rooty trail, but I noticed no such tire tread on the
more difficult trails, which was easy to see since it had
rained the night before, erasing tire tread in the clay...
what gives?

I left my Camelbak at school and didn't have my jersey or a
water bottle cage, so I just drank a lot of water before
riding and it worked well... I rode for 2.5 hours without
drinking, and I actually found it really convenient not
having a backpack on. I forgot my trail tires and rode with
my slicks, which were an exercise in manipulating the bike
so as to use body english to increase traction (shifting
weight back while applying power on each revolution).

I rode my Giant STP2 (which is actually a mountain bike,
gasp!). I rode on a mountain bike trail, went up hills and
down hills, and I stayed on it, but then I got to the
trailhead parking lot... and so I automatically wasn't
mountain biking because went on pavement. I ride my STP in
an "adult bmx" style sometimes - oops.

Phil, Squid-in-Training
"ZeeExSixAre" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:p%[email protected]...
> Went on a ride out to Alafia... Have you been there?
> It's not very elevationy overall, but lots of ups and
> downs within. I
> Rollercoaster a while, but it was pretty much the same
> stuff over and
> I didn't get to Moonscape because it was mudded out. But
> I highly
> Gatorback, which I think has excellent flow and will
> probably burn most riders out. None of the trails I
> encountered were "technical" so much as
> roller-coaster ride or short ups and downs, which is what
> we have to live with.
> There were surprisingly no mosquitoes, and even at 1PM
> it's not too bad since there's lots of tree cover. I also
> wondered what it would have been like to ride
> singlespeed...
> Look out for money-laden recreationalists all decked out
> in their gloves
> jerseys and Camelbaks and clipless and Lycra and Bullits
> and dual-crown forks pretending they're riding off cliffs,
> hehe. This one guy had just finished and washed off his
> Bullit before I headed out. I noticed the
> pattern on the Intense 2.35s and saw them on some easy,
> rooty trail, but I noticed no such tire tread on the more
> difficult trails, which was easy to see since it had
> rained the night before, erasing tire tread in the
> what gives?
> I left my Camelbak at school and didn't have my jersey or
> a water bottle cage, so I just drank a lot of water before
> riding and it worked well... I rode for 2.5 hours without
> drinking, and I actually found it really convenient not
> having a backpack on. I forgot my trail tires and rode
> my slicks, which were an exercise in manipulating the bike
> so as to use
> english to increase traction (shifting weight back while
> applying power on each revolution).
> I rode my Giant STP2 (which is actually a mountain bike,
> gasp!). I rode
> a mountain bike trail, went up hills and down hills, and I
> stayed on it,
> then I got to the trailhead parking lot... and so I
> automatically wasn't mountain biking because went on
> pavement. I ride my STP in an "adult bmx" style
> sometimes - oops.
> --
> Phil, Squid-in-Training

You covered the technical trails arguement in Florida,
thought about singlespeeding, mused about dewbies with OTT
bikes sticking to easy trails, through in a curve ball about
hydration, talked about tyre choice and finally ended with a
comment regarding adult bmx

Congratulations my friend you have summarised the whole of
AMB in one post.

spademan o---[) * wrote:

> You covered the technical trails arguement in Florida,
> thought about singlespeeding, mused about dewbies with OTT
> bikes sticking to easy trails, through in a curve ball
> about hydration, talked about tyre choice and finally
> ended with a comment regarding adult bmx
> Congratulations my friend you have summarised the whole of
> AMB in one post.

Summarised? I think he covered most troll subjects...

Good work Phil!
ZeeExSixAre wrote:

> I rode my Giant STP2 (which is actually a mountain bike,
> gasp!). I rode on a mountain bike trail, went up hills and
> down hills, and I stayed on it, but then I got to the
> trailhead parking lot... and so I automatically wasn't
> mountain biking because went on pavement. I ride my STP in
> an "adult bmx" style sometimes - oops.

Just be sure to create alt.adult-bmx and post those ride
reports there.

HTH, Greg

Destroy your safe and happy lives Before it is too late The
battles we fought were long and hard Just not to be consumed
by rock'n'roll
"ZeeExSixAre" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:p%[email protected]...
> Went on a ride out to Alafia... Have you been there?

I've been twice....I like it for the rooler coaster quality.

> It's not very elevationy overall, but lots of ups and
> downs within. I
> Rollercoaster a while, but it was pretty much the same
> stuff over and
> I didn't get to Moonscape because it was mudded out. But
> I highly
> Gatorback, which I think has excellent flow and will
> probably burn most riders out. None of the trails I
> encountered were "technical" so much as
> roller-coaster ride or short ups and downs, which is what
> we have to live with.

You need to ride Moonscape and a few of the other advanced
loops before you decide there is no challenge :) I would
not call it technical like the rides I hear about out west--
where the issue is--can a mountain biker actually ride a
section-period, at any speed. Although, there are a few
sections that could qualify, even for this for the
"average" mountain biker.

If I have to drive for half a day though, I'd prefer to
drive to razorback. Lately, most of my rides are just an
hour away at a trail called Oleta. Regards, Dan V
> You need to ride Moonscape and a few of the other advanced loops
> before you decide there is no challenge :)

I didn't say there was no challenge... I said they weren't
really "technical" ;) The main thing that slowed me down
were the 45-degree downward slopes in the loose soil, but
thank god for trials, as I was able to reposition myself for
a better line at 0mph without dabbing a foot down.

I rode all the advanced loops I could (with the exception of
Moonscape)... Rabbit Ears, Gatorback, etc. Although I
couldn't always clean every single one, there still wasn't
the real technical challenge posed by other places I've
ridden, such as in Tennessee, where there were more rocks
and roots and stuff that was actually in the way. The Alafia
trails are relatively "clean," you know what I mean?

> I would not call it technical like the rides I hear about
> out west--where the issue is--can a mountain biker
> actually ride a section-period, at any speed. Although,
> there are a few sections that could qualify, even for this
> for the "average" mountain biker.

Absolutely... I guess I won't really know till I get out
there, huh? ;)

> If I have to drive for half a day though, I'd prefer to
> drive to razorback. Lately, most of my rides are just an
> hour away at a trail called Oleta. Regards,

Still need to get to Razorback... need a card...

Phil, Squid-in-Training
> If I have to drive for half a day though, I'd prefer to
> drive to
> Lately, most of my rides are just an hour away at a trail
> called Oleta.


Ahh.... Oleta.... ^_^

I was wondering if anyone from this group ever rides out at
Oleta. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is patricia and
I'm fairly new to mountain biking... however, quite the park
brat at Oleta, as the maternal unit works there (as did I
for a few months).


"Stephen Baker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Snowy Rose says:
> >::delurks::
> Hi!
> >Allow me to introduce myself,
> OK....>my name is patricia and I'm fairly new to
> >mountain biking... however, quite the park brat at Oleta,
> >as the maternal unit works there (as did I for a few
> >months).
> Lessee... Young, polite, female, Floridian. You be careful
> out here, 'K?
> Steve

I promise ^_^

"Snowy Rose" <pikachu14 @ mindspring.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > If I have to drive for half a day though, I'd prefer to
> > drive to
> razorback.
> > Lately, most of my rides are just an hour away at a
> > trail called Oleta.
> ::delurks::
> Ahh.... Oleta.... ^_^
> I was wondering if anyone from this group ever rides out
> at Oleta. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is
> patricia and I'm fairly new to mountain biking... however,
> quite the park brat at Oleta, as the maternal unit works
> there (as did I for a few months).
> cheers
> patricia

Hi Patricia, I ride at Oleta most Saturdays and Sundays..I
try to get there by 8:30am so the heat index does not climb
to far over 100;-) My girlfriend rides with me on Sundays,
and if you'd like, we'd love to have you ride with us the
next time we go.

You can e-mail me direct, if you'd like .. [email protected]

Regards, Dan V