Smoking Pot and Cycling

"Bill Baka" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> LMO wrote:
>> What the heck does all this **** have to do with Recumbent Cycling? I am
>> mystified...

> Nothing. This idiot started messing things up about 3? weeks ago and won't
> go away.
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>For Christ's sakes, why doesn't someone drive a wooden stake through the
>>>heart of this treasonous *******. He is nothing but a vampire sucking the
>>>blood of America with his pro-Muslim views.
>>>Hey Bill, you freaking idiot, why not go over to Iraq as a peace
>>>demonstrator. The Arabs will be delighted to sever your stupid head from
>>>your stupid neck - and the rest of us Americans will be glad to be rid of
>>>Take your pro-Muslim sentiments and stuff them up your ass, you
>>>confounded jackass!
>>>Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>>Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

> Ed,
> You are again showing your arrogant stupidity. I am not pro-Muslim, I am
> however anti-Bush and his stupid war. If it was a real war we could either
> nuke all Muslims or my preferred method, release a whole boatload of
> laughing gas and let them laught themselves to death. I tried to do my bit
> with Viet Nam so go crawl under your Minnesnowta rock.
> Bill

Yes, you can clearly see who is at fault here! Bill posted his usual jive
about everyone in the world being stupid except him of course, and I called
him out for the treasonous liberal know nothing that he is.

But that is not what will destroy a group. We have to give LM (Little Meow)
full credit for that. She dragged the kooks from other newsgroups over here
to infect us. Just be thankful I am here to remind you of who did what as
old Bill would never get it figured out if he lived to be a hundred.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> It has always been my ambition to start The Usenet Thread That Wouldn't
> Die. Now I think I have succeeded.
> Or perhaps I flatter myself. In view of the repetitious and Off-Topic
> posts, it may be that instead this is merely an example of the
> curvature of space-time which was postulated by Einstein's General
> Theory of Relativity.

This thread died and went to hell long ago. It is only the idiots, morons
and imbeciles that keep it going. It is all about who is going to have the
last word. But is not that always the case. An intelligent person would not
be caught dead on these cycling newsgroups.

Greatness does indeed exist - only not on Usenet and certainly not on these
cycling newsgroups. I prove that every time I post!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

See my interspersed comments regarding your typical convoluted,
self-contradicting statements...

Edward Dolan wrote:
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > It has always been my ambition to start The Usenet Thread That Wouldn't
> > Die. Now I think I have succeeded.
> >
> > Or perhaps I flatter myself. In view of the repetitious and Off-Topic
> > posts, it may be that instead this is merely an example of the
> > curvature of space-time which was postulated by Einstein's General
> > Theory of Relativity.

> This thread died and went to hell long ago. It is only the idiots, morons
> and imbeciles that keep it going.

Since Ed Dolan keeps it going, it is logical to conclude that Ed Dolan
is an idiot, moron or imbecile ... pick one.

> It is all about who is going to have the
> last word. But is not that always the case. An intelligent person would not
> be caught dead on these cycling newsgroups.

Since Ed Dolan is still present, It is logical to conclude then that Ed
Dolan is not intelligent.

> Greatness does indeed exist - only not on Usenet and certainly not on these
> cycling newsgroups. I prove that every time I post!
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

What Ed Dolan proves every time he post is that he is a conundrum who
contradicts himself constantly. He claims that he is great and yet
also claims that greatness does not exist on Usenet and cycling
newsgroups. It is logical to assume that if greatness does not exist
on Usenet and cycling newsgroups, and Ed is the most prolific poster on
ARBR, then his claim of greatness is countermanded by his claim that
greatness does not exist on Usenet and cycling newsgroups. His efforts
to prove otherwise are consequently fruitless..

Ed Dolan is an enigma in a perpetual state of confusion and
contradiction. How long do you intend to continue to embarrass
yourself, Ed? Cut your losses. Give it up. Be gone TROLL!!!

Jim McNamara

You dismiss each and every person that proves to be a superior
adversary because your "greatness" comes up short and you find yourself
in a no win situation. Welcome to reality ... HEADward the GRATE!!!


Edward Dolan wrote:

> My main mission in life at this point is to make Tom Sherman just as
> miserable as I am. Why should he be a happy go lucky son of a gun when it is
> something that has alluded the Great Ed Dolan all of his life. Nay, Mr.
> Sherman deserves to be just as miserable as I am.

.... This is your objective in life ... how sad. Are you the same Ed
Dolan that said you don't involve yourself with othere and you don't
engage in personal attacks. You don't even know your own mind from
post to post do you? The conundrum continues.

Jim McNamara
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


> Ed,
> You dismiss each and every person that proves to be a superior
> adversary because your "greatness" comes up short and you find yourself
> in a no win situation. Welcome to reality ... HEADward the GRATE!!!
> Jim

You surely aren't implying the LM and Kali are anywhere near the Great Ed
Dolan! They are both a couple of kooks who are unable to refute, let alone
follow, the simplest of arguments. They are like little kids, although Kali
shows some promise.

The secret to name calling is not to overdo it. What is at first good and
refreshing quickly grows old and stale if indulged in overly much. Knowing
when to quit when you are engaged with fools is always a sure sign of

What LM needed to explain was her justification for promiscuous fornication
not connected to marriage and procreation. We all know what men are like,
but it would have been interesting to hear the distaff side. But she was not
up to it. All she could do was call me names like a little kid.

At least Kali tired to make an argument, but he/she wants and/or needs to
ingratiate himself/herself with LM, so he/she was never able to follow
through on his/her own. He/she also needs to stay in good standing with
his/her own group, the kooks, so that right there rules out any meaningful

By the way, there is never any win or lose situation. It is just who is able
to make the best argument by hook or crook. Where the truth lies is more
often than not unknowable.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

PS. JimmyMac could take a cue from my post above by noting how I say things
of general interest, something he never seems to do anymore.
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

>> She does not know how to edit a post
>> so as to say something that might be of
>> interest to the group.
>> She is only into herself (like all her type) and
>> until she learns how to focus a post on some
>> substance I can't be bothered with her nonsense.

> Ed realizes that he can't win an argument with
> me by being pedantic.

> BTW:
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> "You do not know how to use commas either. Why the hell
> don't you go blow your brains out and thereby give the
> rest of us some relief from your idiocies."
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> "Leuck needs to learn how to use commas as well as periods."
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> "Everything counts - periods, commas, capitals where required,
> apostrophes and spelling."
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> "You see what a mess you make of even a very simple statement
> when you do not use periods or commas."

There is nothing pedantic by insisting on correct grammar. Mark Leuck has
forever been a lout and a slob when it comes to his writing. That is because
he is lazy and has no regard for the reader.

LM is OK in this regard. Now all she has to do is get herself a brain so she
can have something to say instead of engaging in nothing but childish name


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed,

Not necessary to address me as this is Usenet, not email.

> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> My main mission in life at this point is to make Tom Sherman just as
>> miserable as I am. Why should he be a happy go lucky son of a gun when it
>> is
>> something that has alluded the Great Ed Dolan all of his life. Nay, Mr.
>> Sherman deserves to be just as miserable as I am.

> ... This is your objective in life ... how sad. Are you the same Ed
> Dolan that said you don't involve yourself with othere and you don't
> engage in personal attacks. You don't even know your own mind from
> post to post do you? The conundrum continues.
> Jim McNamara

Tom and ARBR understood perfectly what I was saying, but not you. In fact,
you have the peculiar knack of never understanding anything of what is being
said. Keep up the good work as it is a nice contrast which will provide some
amusement to the dullards here on ARBR. You can be the yin to my yang.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

>> But that is not what will destroy a group. We have to give LM (Little
>> Meow)
>> full credit for that. She dragged the kooks from other newsgroups over
>> here
>> to infect us. Just be thankful I am here to remind you of who did what as
>> old Bill would never get it figured out if he lived to be a hundred.

> I was helping you, Ed. You now have the opportunity to share
> your "Greatness" and "wisdom" with an attentive audience.
> You're quite welcome.


I will never post anything to the kooks as they have proven themselves to be
nothing but one-liners (except Kali) and into nothing but nonsense. In other
words, they are as stupid as you are. However, I will make sure that
everything I post in response to you gets to RBM. I am sure they will
appreciate it and will want to thank you for it.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed,
> See my interspersed comments regarding your typical convoluted,
> self-contradicting statements...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > It has always been my ambition to start The Usenet Thread That Wouldn't
>> > Die. Now I think I have succeeded.
>> >
>> > Or perhaps I flatter myself. In view of the repetitious and Off-Topic
>> > posts, it may be that instead this is merely an example of the
>> > curvature of space-time which was postulated by Einstein's General
>> > Theory of Relativity.

>> This thread died and went to hell long ago. It is only the idiots, morons
>> and imbeciles that keep it going.

> Since Ed Dolan keeps it going, it is logical to conclude that Ed Dolan
> is an idiot, moron or imbecile ... pick one.
>> It is all about who is going to have the
>> last word. But is not that always the case. An intelligent person would
>> not
>> be caught dead on these cycling newsgroups.

> Since Ed Dolan is still present, It is logical to conclude then that Ed
> Dolan is not intelligent.
>> Greatness does indeed exist - only not on Usenet and certainly not on
>> these
>> cycling newsgroups. I prove that every time I post!
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

> What Ed Dolan proves every time he post is that he is a conundrum who
> contradicts himself constantly. He claims that he is great and yet
> also claims that greatness does not exist on Usenet and cycling
> newsgroups. It is logical to assume that if greatness does not exist
> on Usenet and cycling newsgroups, and Ed is the most prolific poster on
> ARBR, then his claim of greatness is countermanded by his claim that
> greatness does not exist on Usenet and cycling newsgroups. His efforts
> to prove otherwise are consequently fruitless..
> Ed Dolan is an enigma in a perpetual state of confusion and
> contradiction. How long do you intend to continue to embarrass
> yourself, Ed? Cut your losses. Give it up. Be gone TROLL!!!
> Jim McNamara

Poor JimmyMac does not know how to read at all.

My last line was actually THE masterpiece. Here it is again:

"Greatness does indeed exist - only not on Usenet and certainly not on these
cycling newsgroups. I prove that every time I post!" - Ed Dolan

Yet it flew right by him. He commented on my other contradictions preceding
but missing all the humor latent in them, but not my greatest and last one.
I truly despair of JimmyMac ever knowing how to read anything with any
insight. He is a literalist in the very worst way. Did he not ever take a
literature course in his life? How do you get to be so humorless? I
recommend that he learn something about parody, especially self parody,
although I realize it will be forever foreign to him.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:_fadnYsSd_BY0rbZRVn-
> [email protected]:
>> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:

>> [...]
>>> I only mention fornication in response to your desire to see Kali and me
>>> fornicate. You not only approve of fornication, you encourage it.

>> But what came before that - and before that?

> You excitedly assumed I was an effeminate man, after you shared your
> fantasy of having a "large black negro" rape me, after you introduced
> homosexual prisoners into a discussion about race, that resulted from
> Mr. Baka's off-hand comment referring to African poachers as
> "spear chuckers".

Well, since the word "spear chuckers" upset you so, I thought it only
appropriate that you be raped by a big black Negro so you could learn
something about what words mean and don't mean.

I assumed you were a ****** if a man and a ***** if a woman. The main thing
to note is that either way, you are a mess. The one thing I knew for sure
right off the bat is that you were incredibly stupid, whether a man or a

I am still waiting to hear your justification of fornication unfettered by
considerations of marriage and procreation. Cat got your tongue,
FreakingMeow? Just give me the standard liberal view of it so I can demolish
it and call you lots of new names.

The above by the way is what "came before" as far as I am concerned.

>> Would you like to start this
>> thread all over again from scratch when it has already been archived by
>> Google for generations yet unborn to appreciate the genius of the Great
>> Ed
>> Dolan. Would you rob me of my immortality?

> I think you meant "immorality".

LM is nothing but a one-liner jerk. She thinks she is being witty when she
is just being stupid. Those who write one-liners are without exception jerks
and should not be writing anything at all. However, I will make sure that
all her inane comments get posted to RBM where the rest of the group can get
the full measure of her.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
About "Kali":
University of WIisconsin - Parksides' Psychology Instructor,
Kimberly Barnard is INSANE.

She has a history of OFF-TOPIC harassing spam posts and enjoys
stalking and harassing people and lying about them for the sport of it.

She is posting using the newsserver of a CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER. is owned by Gary Burnore. (see ) is a notorious spam and abuse domain See:

She is also a graduate student . She is a
Northern Illinois Psychology Graduate Student

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

As concerns noting how you say things, I have. The words incongruous,
monotonous, uninspiring, nonsensical and boring come to mind.

I was not implying anything. What I said was straightforwardly stated
and beyond misinterpretation for most people that is, the exception
being Mr. Imperceptible ... Ed Dolan.

You have lectured me for being wordy and yet have become the king of
verbosity. Now that wouldn't be all that bad if it were not for the
fact that it is that same old first through the mill. We heard you
mantra all before, Ed.

If you are not a write as you have indicated numerous times, then why
must you struggle to write. You have also accused me of not being able
to write. Editors of various magazines and newspapers have considered
my writing to be sufficient to publish what I've written. The only
conclusion that I can draw is that you need to take a remedial reading

Why since what I wrote had nothing to do with name calling,
fornication, procreation, argument, truth, etc, did you fell compelled
to digress and randomly babble incoherently and out of context about
your favorite topics. Just what is you major malfunction jackass?

Jim McNamara

You only want to be taken literally an seriously when it is convenient
and when it suits your agenda. When you are caught with you pants down
for saying something patently absurd and someone like myself calls you
on it, then you attempt to turn the tables by pretending that what you
said was misconstrued humor as if invoking an escape clause to justify
your obvious miscue. I understand perfectly well what you have to say.
There is no need to repeat yourself. Unfortunately, you revere
monotonous repetiton as though it were an art form. Withoug success,
you have attempted to convince the readership that I misunderstand what
you sad if it were so profound as to be beyond comprehension. What you
wish is that what you say would excape my attention so that you would
not have to contrive a twisted response when I take you to task. If
you were half as smart as you fancy yourself to be you would realize
that you have more than met you match not just in me but in several
others here that you regard as your inferior.

Jim McNamara

Once again you make the ridiculous assertion that I have again
misunderstood. Is this the only feeble counter you can come up with
each and every time I take you to task when you make a foolish
statement. I thought you were intelligent. You know all to well that
I understand that which you wish I did not and that is the crux of the
matter and precisely why you assert that I don't understand. You don't
much like it when I make mincemeat of your foolish statements, turning
your owns words against you. This has become just too easy ... not
even a challenge. You supply your adversary with just too much to work

By the way you said:

1. You'd no longer be bothered with me.
2. You'd only be checking back here once a week

Since you have broken your word on both accounts, in effect undermining
your own credibility, why should I or anyone else take you seriously?
Ed Dolan, you are a liar and a buffoon.

As concerns yin and yang, you are unworthy. Besides you already have
your yin in Tom Sherman.

Jim McNamara
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


> Ed,


> As concerns noting how you say things, I have. The words incongruous,
> monotonous, uninspiring, nonsensical and boring come to mind.
> I was not implying anything. What I said was straightforwardly stated
> and beyond misinterpretation for most people that is, the exception
> being Mr. Imperceptible ... Ed Dolan.

Who knows what he is talking about since he has not included any of the
previous message to which he is replying.

> You have lectured me for being wordy and yet have become the king of
> verbosity. Now that wouldn't be all that bad if it were not for the
> fact that it is that same old first through the mill. We heard you
> mantra all before, Ed.

You are still a bit too wordy for my taste. Note how I confine my words to
just a few paragraphs of medium length. If you emulate me, you will never go
far from wrong.

> If you are not a write as you have indicated numerous times, then why
> must you struggle to write. You have also accused me of not being able
> to write. Editors of various magazines and newspapers have considered
> my writing to be sufficient to publish what I've written. The only
> conclusion that I can draw is that you need to take a remedial reading
> class.
> Why since what I wrote had nothing to do with name calling,
> fornication, procreation, argument, truth, etc, did you fell compelled
> to digress and randomly babble incoherently and out of context about
> your favorite topics. Just what is you major malfunction jackass?

Since you do not post what was previously said, I do not have any idea what
you are talking about. Now you see the importance of proper formatting.

The reason I wander a bit in my posts is that, unlike you, I like to say
something that I think may be of interest or amusement to the general
reader. Apparently, you are unable to distinguish between Usenet and email,
but unfortunately for you I am.

But overall, your lack of concern for the general reader is a sign of your
monomania. I would be ashamed to post a message that I did not think would
engage the entire newsgroup, not just you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Anonymous" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> About "Kali":
> University of WIisconsin - Parksides' Psychology Instructor,
> Kimberly Barnard is INSANE.
> She has a history of OFF-TOPIC harassing spam posts and enjoys
> stalking and harassing people and lying about them for the sport of it.
> She is posting using the newsserver of a CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER.
> is owned by Gary Burnore. (see )
> is a notorious spam and abuse domain See:
> Abusers:
> She is also a graduate student . She is a
> Northern Illinois Psychology Graduate Student
> -=-
> This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

Thanks Anon., but I suspected as much. I will henceforth treat her with the
contempt that all such female *****es deserve. She will only get a response
from me if she posts substance. Anything else will be ignored. Let's face
it, when a female goes crazy, they go all the way.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

>> LM is nothing but a one-liner jerk.

> You conveniently forgot the multiline parts of that message,
> which you also forgot to cut. You don't know how to effectively
> edit a post to make your point. By your own definition, you are
> an idiot.

I am the supreme editor in the land of numskulls such as yourself. You are
nothing but a one-liner kind of moron. You never say anything of substance.
You are merely yin to my yang.

>> She thinks she is being witty when she
>> is just being stupid. Those who write one-liners are without exception
>> jerks
>> and should not be writing anything at all. However, I will make sure that
>> all her inane comments get posted to RBM where the rest of the group can
>> get
>> the full measure of her.

> Do what you like, Ed.
> I simply respect the wishes of those who would rather you
> get your cage rattled in your home group.

My home group died and went to Hell long ago. But not RBM where all of this
is ending up.

LM illustrates to perfection the defects of the female mindset. I thank God
that I have not been saddled with it ever. My condolences to all you
husbands out there who have to put up with these kind of idiocies on a daily
basis. I have walked with giants and with the gods all of my life because I
have avoided the female mindset, which is ever trivial and petty, incapable
of ever thinking any large thoughts.

Anyone for Hillary or Condi for President?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed,
> Once again you make the ridiculous assertion that I have again
> misunderstood. Is this the only feeble counter you can come up with
> each and every time I take you to task when you make a foolish
> statement. I thought you were intelligent. You know all to well that
> I understand that which you wish I did not and that is the crux of the
> matter and precisely why you assert that I don't understand. You don't
> much like it when I make mincemeat of your foolish statements, turning
> your owns words against you. This has become just too easy ... not
> even a challenge. You supply your adversary with just too much to work
> with.
> By the way you said:
> 1. You'd no longer be bothered with me.
> 2. You'd only be checking back here once a week
> Since you have broken your word on both accounts, in effect undermining
> your own credibility, why should I or anyone else take you seriously?
> Ed Dolan, you are a liar and a buffoon.
> As concerns yin and yang, you are unworthy. Besides you already have
> your yin in Tom Sherman.
> Jim McNamara

You do not correctly format which makes more work for me. Therefore, I can't
be bothered any further with you. Either format your posts in the acceptable
manner or get lost.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota