Sort of OT: Don't steal bikes in Toronto

"Jay Beattie" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> thebooradley wrote:
> > Jason Spaceman wrote:
> > > From the article:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > > Cyclist puts alleged bike thief in hospital
> > > No charges likely after single punch, police say
> > >

> >
> > Here in the UK it seems that the justice system has swung in favour or
> > the criminal, so much so that in that situation the victim would have
> > been prosecuted for unreasonable force, and then probably sued by the
> > criminal.

> Not here. We got tired of the crooks suing for civil damages and
> passed a staute in Oregon prohibiting recovery of civil damages if the
> plaintiff was involved in a Class A or B felony at the time of the
> injury. Problem is that simple theft only becomes a Class B felony if
> the property was worth more than $10K (aggravated theft in the first
> degree). So, you need a throw-down Rolex to put in your tool bag -- or
> an Ottrott with carbon wheels -- before you can punch with impugnity.

Exchange IOU's with someone for the value required; place IOU inside frame
[email protected] wrote:
> Donald Munro wrote:
>> Donald Munro wrote:
>>>> Anyway if he's an alien as his name may imply, then earth laws don't
>>>> apply.

>> [email protected] wrote:
>>> Rasul v. Bush and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld imply that at least
>>> some specific parts of US law apply to aliens, even when they
>>> are located outside the borders of the USA.

>> Rumsfeld - Conqueror of the Universe.

> More like Ozymandias, King of Kings:
> "My name is OZYMANDIAS, King of Kings."
> Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!
> No thing beside remains. Round the decay
> Of that Colossal Wreck, boundless and bare,
> The lone and level sands stretch far away.