South Africa - Protest ride for safer cycling.


Aug 11, 2001
Below is information I've received from the Secretary of Gauteng North Cycling regarding the Critical Mass ride they are planning. Please support them or other Critical Mass rides in your area.


Members of the GNC Select Cycling Club (25 riders) went for a training ride on Saturday, 31 May 2003. At about 07h00 a motorist under the influence drove into the group of riders killing 2 instantly (Mr Johan Bester and Mr Harm Tromp) and a 3rd rider was injured (Kobus Mouton).

The above is a short explanation of what happened on Saturday, 31 May 2003 in George Storrar Drive, Near Pretoria’s Fountain Circle.

A Protest Ride that is planned (details below) and we aim to publicise the event in the press and hope to see as many as possible participants.


2 JUNE 2003

Dear Cyclist


In light of the tragic events over the weekend, we are planning a protest ride to raise awareness of cycling safety issues, in particular the evil of drunken driving.

The particulars of the ride is as follows:

Start: Bruce Reyneke Cycles
Address: 275 Lynnwood Road
When: Saturday 7 June 2003
Time: 7:00
Route: Proceed Lynnwood Road in a western direction
Turn left in Duncan street and proceed to Brooklyn circle
Proceed down Middel street, George Storrar towards Fountains circle
Proceed Fountains circle to Van der Walt street towards CBD area
Turn right in Skinner street and proceed to Schoeman street intersection
Proceed in an eastern direction and turn right in Park street
Proceed in Park street towards Hatfield where we will disperse

Duration: Finish by 8:00

We plan to publicise the event in the press and hope to see as many as possible participants.

Yours faithfully
If there are any other protest rides in your area, please post them here.
VO, I'll most definately be there. When are they planning on having it? I see the weekend but will it be on Saturday or Sunday?
Please let us know.
Tx for the "heads up".
Hmm, I see the dear lady didn't indicate the date. I've corrected.
It's on Saturday the 7th.

Thanks LL
Unfortunately not LL. I have a paintball game on Saturday that I have already committed to.
Paintball!!! Maybe we should start carrying those with us when we go riding. We can use it to MARK all those cars that's rude to cyclists, that way other cyclist will see them coming and be more careful!!!
Enjoy it, I hope there will be a good turn out- keep us up to date please.
Originally posted by Lazy legs
Paintball!!! Maybe we should start carrying those with us when we go riding. We can use it to MARK all those cars that's rude to cyclists, that way other cyclist will see them coming and be more careful!!!
Enjoy it, I hope there will be a good turn out- keep us up to date please.

How bout getting one one of those flame throwers fitted to your bike? :D
Originally posted by steve
How bout getting one one of those flame throwers fitted to your bike? :D

Yeah steve, I wouldn't even mind the extra weight.
It wouldn't have helped 2 other cyclist yesterday though. 2 more cyclists ended up in hospital yesterday afternoon after crashing into the back of a 20m long bus.
Apparently they lost control when the bus passed them and slammed into the back of the bus??? :confused: :confused:
They reckon that the riders lost control when the bus passed them; I would like to know how close to them the bus passed; 10-20mm???
VO, do you have any idea if they are still going ahead with tomorrows ride, I haven't heard anything except from what I've read here. Can you please let me know, Tx
Yep, still going ahead. Bring a rain jacket, by the look of things.
Originally posted by Lazy legs
They reckon that the riders lost control when the bus passed them; I would like to know how close to them the bus passed; 10-20mm???

Figures, bloody bus drivers, I be suprised if he gave them that much room :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Vo2
About 2000 cyclists attended. Well done!

We had a work party Friday afternoon and I only went home in the early hours of Saturday morning, I overslept and missed the ride :eek: :eek:
But I must admit I saw the report on the local TV news and was very glad to see that it was held in such a way as not to offend motorists.
At least it didn't end up like this;
Here's the press release from the secretary of Gauteng North Cycling:


We are gathered today as cyclists for the following reasons:

1.Firstly, to mourn the deaths of two fellow cyclists and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families.
2.Secondly, to protest against the evil of drunken driving and the havoc and carnage that this causes on our roads. We implore the authorities to act against this by dramatically increasing their actions in this regard.
3.Thirdly, to create an awareness and tolerance for the rights of cyclists on our roads.
4.Lastly, to improve the relationship between cyclists and motorists in general. We realise and accept that cyclists are at fault in many cases and it is our intention to address the adherence of cyclists to traffic rules with vigor from national to club level. We hope that in as far as it is possible, something positive can be gained from this tragic incident.

The organisers would like to thank all the people who offered their assistance as well as for their words of encouragement. A special word of thanks to the Tshwane Metropolitan Police who offered to assist us on such short notice and their positive attitude towards our endeavour. We hope that this mutual understanding can be the foundation of our co-operation in the future.

Gauteng North Cycling
Select Cycling Club