speed bumps/separated shoulder



I wiped out in a triathlon Saturday. The whole long story is at:

First question:
They had wooden ramps on the side where you approached the speed bump,
but not on the far side of the bump (the bikes going out and the bikes
coming in used different lanes). Going out it felt ok, so I didn't
worry about the speed bump much coming in. All I remember is that after
going over the bump my bike started to oscillate and I couldn't bring it
back into control. I've learned my lesson about going over speed bumps
too fast. But I'm curious more specifically what happened. I broke 13
spokes in my front wheel, but I assume that somehow happened after I
went down. The rim wasn't tacoed and the tire was still full of air.

Second question:
An x-ray showed some separation of the A-C joint of my shoulder, where
the collarbone meets the shoulder. Today, two days after the injury, it
hurts if I try to do any work with it, even lifting my arm, but not if
my arm is resting. I even ran slowly this morning with my arm in a
sling without pain. The doctor at the local urgent care center didn't
know very much and didn't tell me what level of A-C injury, but I would
guess 3 or less. I'm waiting for an appointment with an orthopedist,
but in the meantime does anyone have experience with such an injury and
how soon you went back to bicycling? It will take a while to get my
bike fixed but I have a yard-sale no-suspension mountain bike I could
ride. I'm sure it will be a while before I can get back to swimming so
I would like to get back to bicycling as soon as possible.
