Sport Psychology Study - Research Participants Needed


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
Hello Cyclers, Coaches, and Fans!

We are in search of athletes to participate in an online research study examining athletes' optimism and resilience.

What are the goals of the study?
-To determine whether a resilience training program will help athletes develop greater optimism.
-To collect feedback on how to best tailor the program for training of athletes.

Who can participate?
-Be 18 or older.
-Be currently participating in a competitive sport.
-Have access to the Internet.
-Be able to read and understand English.

What will you be asked to do?
-Complete a pre test questionnaire.
-Participate in an online, computer-based intervention.
-Complete a post test questionnaire and provide feedback on your experience with the program.
-Approximate total time of participation will be 10-12 hours.

What are the benefits of participating?
-You will have access to a state of the art program designed to increase resilience.

-All of the information provided by you will be kept confidential.

To learn more about the study or to register to participate, please email us at [email protected] . Also, if you know of someone who meets the above criteria and would like to receive this email, please feel free to forward it along.

Thank You!

The Resilience4Sports Staff
The University of Pennsylvania
Applied Positive Psychology Program
Hey man, I was actually thinking of doing Graduate School for psychology. The field of applied positive psychology sounds quite interesting. If you are willing I'd like to know more info about it. Have a website or anything?
EvilJediJ said:
Hey man, I was actually thinking of doing Graduate School for psychology. The field of applied positive psychology sounds quite interesting. If you are willing I'd like to know more info about it. Have a website or anything?

Here are a few sites you can visit to learn more about positive psychology:

A great primer for positive psychology are two books by Dr. Martin Seligman called "Authentic Happiness" and "Learned Optimism".

Good luck and hope that was helpful!