Stomach ache after excercise


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
I have been having a problem of having slight stomach aches after hard workouts. In all cases I allowed at least 90 minutes for my stomach to digest any foods. Before excercise i also drink a lot of water to make sure im hydrated, does anyone have some tips on stopping my stomach aches? It only hurts slightly and lasts maybe 20 minutes, but its annoying.
I used to get Heart Burn/indegestion following track racing and circuit training no matter how long I left it following a meal. Just used to take indegestion tablets to calm things down and it always worked (quite worrying when I was 15).
Could you have too much fluid in your system and be bloated, you mention you're drinking a lot? If your abdomen's not strong enough to cope with your legs you'd get a different kind of stomach pain, it's a possibility if the pain's that other kind.

There's a story about a hugh porter (the 60s-70s pursuiter) having a spoon of andrew's liver salts in his squash after training. 'Clears the acid from the blood'. He was a real motorbike of a pursuiter.