The old tubular vs. clincher debate - some evidence?

Andrew F Martin writes:

> I want to see what sort of extra wattage you see by using Mr. Tuffy
> tire liners compared to regular clinchers. It's especially noticeable
> at lower pressures, but the tire just doesn't deform the same way with
> Tuffys. I have had real good luck with them on my rain bike, but the
> rest of the guys on my team roll without them. All winter I feel like
> I'm killing myself to keep up and I'm wondering if it's my bulletproof
> (read pig-heavy) 36o wheels or my Tuffy's that are causing me this much
> pain.

Before we see those numbers, I'd like to know what repeatability such
indirect measurements have. Wind changes and exact speed have a great
bearing on the outcome. Consider that power goes as the third power
of while rolling resistance as the second power of speed. That's a
tight schedule to hold while riding a bicycle. What we need is a
motor driven tester with that instrument between motor and wheel and
the whole thing run on a test bed.

I recall something like 2 watts reported a while back. What percent
of rider power was that?

Jobst Brandt