The Order of Men


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
I've been a member here for a couple of years now and just wanted to share something I wrote up for my website, Order of Men is a forum geared towards the attributes and virtues all men should hold, which you will soon find in the order below.

Its the basis behind the community,

Article placed here (

As the years go by, I see the stature of men changing all around. At one time, being a real man was much less blurred. From the beginning of time, man was born to hunt and defend his family. From birth, everybody was taught to be both strong and brave, and as years passed o through a test of manhood. Killing a great beast, fighting in battle, or going through a trial of strength would proclaim him a man. Not everyone could live up to be a true man, it took great courage to stare danger in the face, go into battle with little odds of survival, or stand steady as arrows or bullets flew by. If he feared or retreated, he was labeled a coward and disgraced by fellow men. Many would rather die in battle then lose their proclaimed honor. It was these who were the real men, when masculinity and honor were the most important virtues in life. Being a man entailed masculinity, something seen as a force for good, something that could be expressed in occupations only we as men could do.

The atmosphere has changed men, as the roles between men and women fuse closer together; it’s getting harder to know what exactly being a man is supposed to be. You see people all around us talking about the feminization of society; you see it everyday as men’s magazines are progressively focusing more on appearance over all other attributes. The so called “new man” is supposed to be more sensitive, gentle, and nurturing, something more traditionally associated with being a woman. Now there’s nothing wrong with having these attributes, as you should remember that being strong and tough does not and should not negate all emotions. A real man is not afraid to show feelings towards close others. You as men should understand what is really important. However, focusing primarily on these and trying to suppress our inner manliness is something I’m getting tired of witnessing. We as men have much higher levels of testosterone, naturally suiting us to take risks, be competitive, engage in physical activity, and action. To reject masculine traits is to deny our very nature. As men, let’s bring back what is crucial for the world we live in today. Restore the confidence and self-respect so many of us once had and bring back that purpose and sense we as men should always have with us.

We’ve all heard Schwarzenegger talk about the girly men out there, but what are they really? In this day and age, the world we live in has produced millions of modern day wimps. Men who whine but don’t ever act, men who are pushed around and end up accepting second best. To step away from being a wimp and tread into manliness doesn’t mean you have to work in a mill, fight others in the bar, or even work with your hands, but rather make the qualities of manliness visible to others while conducting these actions in every direction and everyday of your lives.

To be a real man means being assertive when neccesary and having traits such as nobility, leadership, chivalry, and stamina. It means being confident enough to take defeat when needed and not pass on the blame unfairly. It means having grace under pressure, not panicking in a crisis, being dignified, having pride without boastfulness, knowing how to treat women, and, most importantly, not allowing yourself to be manipulated or pushed around. A real man respects other people. We all have the same rights and deserve to be treated that way. Judging others should not be in his ideals while offering help to people in need should be done whenever possible. A real man can take calculated risks, push fear aside when needed, and always have the strength of body and mind. A real man is brave, he stands his ground in the face of danger even if he may be afraid. A real man always decides his own destiny no matter what the circumstances. He should always be aware of his freedom and not let anyone take it from him. He must create his own destiny and fulfill it.

Being a real man isn’t about how many years you’ve graced this earth, how tough you think you are, or how successful you may be. It’s about how you conduct yourself in front of others and when there backs are turned. Bring out those inner real and manliness qualities everywhere you go, and if you do this, men, you will be respected for it. Be proud of who you are and stay true to your own virtues. In the end it is only you who is conscience of them and who will judge how much of a man you are. There is no point in pretending because in the end, it is only you who is being cheated.

If you can agree or relate to what I have come to say above, I welcome you to the Order of Men!


(copyrighted 2007)
What do you think? I know it's long but I think you'll enjoy it
MikeEagle12 said:
I've been a member here for a couple of years now and just wanted to share something I wrote up for my website, Order of Men is a forum geared towards the attributes and virtues all men should hold, which you will soon find in the order below.

Its the basis behind the community,

What do you think? I know it's long but I think you'll enjoy it

I think it sounds like you're screaming for a little man on man leather action. Your manifesto reads kinda like you secretly see yourself as a bottom. Have you met James over at James Biker Blog, Spammer Emporium, and Pederasty Clearinghouse? He likes submissive bears and hairless twinks. At Divine Interventions you'll find his favorite anal stimulant, the Baby Jesus Buttplug.

You two should make a playdate.
alienator said:
I think it sounds like you're screaming for a little man on man leather action. Your manifesto reads kinda like you secretly see yourself as a bottom. Have you met James over at James Biker Blog, Spammer Emporium, and Pederasty Clearinghouse? He likes submissive bears and hairless twinks. At Divine Interventions you'll find his favorite anal stimulant, the Baby Jesus Buttplug.

You two should make a playdate.
Oh you're a clever one aren't you boy. But see, all you proved with your post was who the bigger man is. I'm just going to look past your stupid remark and go on with my life, no point in even begining to try and counter your rediculous remark.

Anyone else see anything that should be taken out or added to the article? I know it's full of grammar erros as it's still a rough draft
MikeEagle12 said:
Oh you're a clever one aren't you boy. But see, all you proved with your post was who the bigger man is. I'm just going to look past your stupid remark and go on with my life, no point in even begining to try and counter your rediculous remark.

Anyone else see anything that should be taken out or added to the article? I know it's full of grammar erros as it's still a rough draft

Yeah: throw it in the trash. The time of chauvanistic chest thumping is over. All you held dear is gone. Yeah, women are your equals....likely even your superiors.

Yeah, you do serve a purpose: your sort are good at killing innocent people 'round the world, perpetuating the ol' caveman mentality by insisting that there is something special about your lack of manhood.

That you even need a site to spew your garbage just goes to show how fragile your pathetic little ego is. It's likely your site is populated with neanderthals of sub par intellect, with no ability at all to use things like critical thought.

It's likely the kind of place where guys sit around in a circle jerk spurting on each other as they get all hot and bothered by the newest SUV.

You are the minority, and your numbers are falling. Likely the only folks attracted to your stench are wife beaters, pent up child molesters, religious freaks carrying their "Promise Keepers" dogma.

With all the things that threaten societies around the world, your imagined view of what you think a man is and the state of that ideal is not one of those threats.

You guys are fun to laugh at, though.

Order of men. Heh. Yeah. Right.

"Operation Enduring Freedom". Christ. It's frightening that people like you are allowed to have guns, go overseas, and shoot people that don't look or think like you. What a tool you are. Any respect you could have had was lost when you decided to wave your service **** in your signature.
MikeEagle12 said:
I've been a member here for a couple of years now and just wanted to share something I wrote up for my website, Order of Men is a forum geared towards the attributes and virtues all men should hold, which you will soon find in the order below.

Its the basis behind the community,

What do you think? I know it's long but I think you'll enjoy it
IMHO the Order of Men is a collection bucket for men who feel inadequate in today's world and long for yesteryear, when they could deer hunt all day and be well regarded in their tribe as a master hunter.

Seriously, I am not sure what you are selling here. I think it is membership in your society? In any case, if you substitute "white man" for the male references in the first half of the article, and you substitute "black man" for the female references, you end up with what reads like a KKK recruitment pamphlet. I also counted a reference to "man" or "manhood" in about 90% of the sentences in the first couple of paragraphs. Subliminal psychology? Also in the last sentence of paragraph one, you can't get by with one "man" reference, you have to make two in this tautological phrase "Being a man entailed masculinity...". This is about as profound as saying "Being a dog entailed being canine".

You end up in the article by saying that all men should act in accordance with their male characteristics - but that implies that guys are wandering around lost, acting like girls, and all they need is to be told to be brave, and honorable etc. and hey presto, they feel like men again. Shouldn't we just try to be ourselves, and not live up to some outside reference of what we should be? Seems like you guys need to be told how to live your life and you've been told the wrong things, and now you need some guidance (or to be told it isn't your fault that you're a loser). Why can't you all just act with the virtues you describe? Who needs an Order of Men? Personally, I'm a man. I act like a man. Its as simple as that.

The real reason you need an Order of Men IMO is that you are all in this Order suffering the same affliction. You are all insecure about your manliness in today's world. You fear others see you as a girlie failure (which most of you probably are) even though you feel you would have been able to "cut it" as a caveman. Success within society is an important male benchmark. Unfortunately today's society has moved the goalposts, and the guys who want to go hunting all day aren't as valued. So you all get together and pat each other on the back and tell each other what big men you REALLY are, and everyone feels good and you go home with a puffed out chest feeling better than the loser you felt like when you woke up that morning.

There wouldn't be any problem with all this (heck its one of the basic calling cards of most religions, Amway, etc.) except that it ends up with everyone in the Order of Men getting together and blaming the rest of the world (feminist groups, etc.) for their predicament and things can get almost like men on a mission to right the world (think Timothy McVeigh).

So I am a little concerned that this Order of Men is a front for something else, and that it might have as its goal: to return the world to a time when men had power over women by birthright. Unlike perhaps the dissatisfying state of affairs in today's world, where a guy needs to be reasonably attractive and moderately successful to have influence over women or a woman.

So I second alienator on all his points.
Crankyfeet said:
IMHO the Order of Men is a collection bucket for men who feel inadequate in today's world and long for yesteryear, when they could deer hunt all day and be well regarded in their tribe as a master hunter..
Well sense you have no clue who makes up the community, your spewing up generalization is pretty sad my friend. You're exaclty the kind of men we don't need.

Crankyfeet said:
Seriously, I am not sure what you are selling here. I think it is membership in your society? In any case, if you substitute "white man" for the male references in the first half of the article, and you substitute "black man" for the female references, you end up with what reads like a KKK recruitment pamphlet. I also counted a reference to "man" or "manhood" in about 90% of the sentences in the first couple of paragraphs. Subliminal psychology? Also in the last sentence of paragraph one, you can't get by with one "man" reference, you have to make two in this tautological phrase "Being a man entailed masculinity...". This is about as profound as saying "Being a dog entailed being canine". ..
Haha, well I never meant you to get the idea of the KKK. The article is more written in a way that might portray a motivational speaker's meathods. I think you're looking way to far into it, though you may have brought up a couple of points I may look into.

Crankyfeet said:
You end up in the article by saying that all men should act in accordance with their male characteristics - but that implies that guys are wandering around lost, acting like girls, and all they need is to be told to be brave, and honorable etc. and hey presto, they feel like men again. Shouldn't we just try to be ourselves, and not live up to some outside reference of what we should be? Seems like you guys need to be told how to live your life and you've been told the wrong things, and now you need some guidance (or to be told it isn't your fault that you're a loser). Why can't you all just act with the virtues you describe? Who needs an Order of Men? Personally, I'm a man. I act like a man. Its as simple as that
No one, it was more of a play on the Man Laws from the bear commercials. I didn't think anyone would take it so seriously as you. If I have made you angry, I sorry for that haha.

Crankyfeet said:
The real reason you need an Order of Men IMO is that you are all in this Order suffering the same affliction. You are all insecure about your manliness in today's world. You fear others see you as a girlie failure (which most of you probably are) even though you feel you would have been able to "cut it" as a caveman. Success within society is an important male benchmark. Unfortunately today's society has moved the goalposts, and the guys who want to go hunting all day aren't as valued. So you all get together and pat each other on the back and tell each other what big men you REALLY are, and everyone feels good and you go home with a puffed out chest feeling better than the loser you felt like when you woke up that morning.
You want to know the two reasons I wrote this? Number one, the attitudes of so many men today. I'm tired of seeing so many today with a lack of respect and goodwill towards people. And I'm tired of seeing guys more and more only looking out for themselves and no one else. The second reason? It was suppose to be FOR FUN! You seem to take it so seriously when in reality it was more or less a play of words on the famous beer comercials.

Crankyfeet said:
There wouldn't be any problem with all this (heck its one of the basic calling cards of most religions, Amway, etc.) except that it ends up with everyone in the Order of Men getting together and blaming the rest of the world (feminist groups, etc.) for their predicament and things can get almost like men on a mission to right the world (think Timothy McVeigh).
I didn't mean to get that message out at all, when I was refering to feminization I was more or less describing what the hard core feminist have done. For example, being wrong to open up a door for a lady without her thinking purly about equality. Trust me buddy, I have no ill feeling to females. Hell if I did my girfriend would of left me long ago haha. But if I got that message out to you, I will look back over the article and try and revise some things. No hard feelings :beer: . Anything in particular I should totally take out?

Crankyfeet said:
So I am a little concerned that this Order of Men is a front for something else, and that it might have as its goal: to return the world to a time when men had power over women by birthright. Unlike perhaps the dissatisfying state of affairs in today's world, where a guy needs to be reasonably attractive and moderately successful to have influence over women or a woman.
No not at all haha. Any men on there with that kind of attitude will be quickly banned. I have to much respect for women. If you would look into some of the forums, you would see that.

I sorry you got impression you got out of it, because I had no intension of portraying that idea. Guess my writing skills really need a workout.
alienator said:
Yeah: throw it in the trash. The time of chauvanistic chest thumping is over. All you held dear is gone. Yeah, women are your equals....likely even your superiors.

Yeah, you do serve a purpose: your sort are good at killing innocent people 'round the world, perpetuating the ol' caveman mentality by insisting that there is something special about your lack of manhood.

That you even need a site to spew your garbage just goes to show how fragile your pathetic little ego is. It's likely your site is populated with neanderthals of sub par intellect, with no ability at all to use things like critical thought.

It's likely the kind of place where guys sit around in a circle jerk spurting on each other as they get all hot and bothered by the newest SUV.

You are the minority, and your numbers are falling. Likely the only folks attracted to your stench are wife beaters, pent up child molesters, religious freaks carrying their "Promise Keepers" dogma.

With all the things that threaten societies around the world, your imagined view of what you think a man is and the state of that ideal is not one of those threats.

You guys are fun to laugh at, though.

Order of men. Heh. Yeah. Right.

"Operation Enduring Freedom". Christ. It's frightening that people like you are allowed to have guns, go overseas, and shoot people that don't look or think like you. What a tool you are. Any respect you could have had was lost when you decided to wave your service **** in your signature.
Again your rampant generalization and spewing of ill hearted words have no solid base to go on. It seems to me you are just angry at the world and need a place to spew that hate. You are looking FAR to into the article, it was meant to be a play on that famous set of beer commercials more then anything. What you have described above has absolutely no likeness in the community, if it did, they would be gone.

And one last thing, oh so clever one, if you look at my sig and then look below at the very bottom, you'll notice a quote. Read it again carefully and then your idiocy may creep away.
I've been a member here for a couple of years now and just wanted to share something I wrote up for my website,
couple of years and 13 posts - you're worse than me - next time I wouldn't worry about the sharing thing...

I know it's long but I think you'll enjoy it
too long, waaayyy too long. There's never a spam cop around when you need one. Has CF become the new listing directory for new web sites - wtf!

kakman said:
couple of years and 13 posts - you're worse than me - next time I wouldn't worry about the sharing thing...

too long, waaayyy too long. There's never a spam cop around when you need one. Has CF become the new listing directory for new web sites - wtf!

I'm a lurker more then anything, I'm sorry I don't post much haha.

And you're right, maybe I did go about this in the wrong way. I didn't mean to spam, I just needed some input outside of my community. I figured if I sent you a link, you might be able to have better input. Reading over it again, it does sound like I'm advertising, and I was about to edit my post and take out the link, but then I realized I can't edit the damn thing. Already reported my post to the mods and asked them to take out the links
ojuice said:
Dude, you've watched Conan a few too many times. (@_@)
haha okay, I think I'm getting the picture. Anything you could point out that needs to be taken out?
MikeEagle12 said:
And one last thing, oh so clever one, if you look at my sig and then look below at the very bottom, you'll notice a quote. Read it again carefully and then your idiocy may creep away.

Wow. You were able to google a quote and paste into your signature. Clearly that must mean something. :rolleyes: Obviously only a real man could do that. :rolleyes:

Your diatribe reads just like Taliban writings, as well as any number of extremist manifestos from elsewhere in the world.

Since no one, here, has swallowed your swill, by all means, continue to back pedal and claim your intent was other than what it seems.
Thank the Lord for the internet.

I simply do not know how I would be able to be so entertained without threads upon threads of morons attempting to duke it out with Alienator...

Every time I come to the Bike Cafe there is at least one thread like this.

Thank You Cyclingforums. Thank You Alienator. Thank You Morons. :D

Oh, and as the proud father of two daughters, I would like to second everything Alienator said about you MikeEagle. You. Are. A. Moron. Grazie. Arrivederci.
alienator said:
Wow. You were able to google a quote and paste into your signature. Clearly that must mean something. :rolleyes: Obviously only a real man could do that. :rolleyes:

Your diatribe reads just like Taliban writings, as well as any number of extremist manifestos from elsewhere in the world.

Since no one, here, has swallowed your swill, by all means, continue to back pedal and claim your intent was other than what it seems.
The quote has been there sense I first signed on in 2006, and yes it holds meaning to my sig dumbass.
Powerful Pete said:
Thank the Lord for the internet.

I simply do not know how I would be able to be so entertained without threads upon threads of morons attempting to duke it out with Alienator...

Every time I come to the Bike Cafe there is at least one thread like this.

Thank You Cyclingforums. Thank You Alienator. Thank You Morons. :D

Oh, and as the proud father of two daughters, I would like to second everything Alienator said about you MikeEagle. You. Are. A. Moron. Grazie. Arrivederci.
I still don't get why you think I am looking down upon women, did you read it thoroughly? I know you guys think it's completely spam, but are you actually reading it or just skimming it and seeing what you want to see to have something to spew at me? That's great you have two wonderful daughters, you should be proud. But cut the badmouthing, thankyou goodbye.

But, all in all, what some of you have said makes sense which is why I have taken down the article from my website to be completely revised. I guess when I was writing it, I didn't think people would take it so seriously and see it in such a negative way. After re-reading it a couple times, I plan on completely revamping the first paragraphs and taking out the second one.
MikeEagle12 said:
Well sense you have no clue who makes up the community, your spewing up generalization is pretty sad my friend. You're exaclty the kind of men we don't need.
You mean...Men who can see through you for spewing out the kind of redundant and discriminatory **** that your article displays. Why would any REAL man need to join your web forum to learn how to become a man? Or...oh that's right...your Order of Men ARE all the real just want to put the gays and metrosexuals in their place.:p

MikeEagle12 said:
Haha, well I never meant you to get the idea of the KKK. The article is more written in a way that might portray a motivational speaker's meathods. I think you're looking way to far into it, though you may have brought up a couple of points I may look into.
The KKK was an analogy. Your article characterized today's society as tending towards equal gender roles ("feminization"). Your article suggested that we as men have lost our way compared to yesteryear. It is no coincidence that yesteryear was a more patriarchal society.

MikeEagle12 said:
No one, it was more of a play on the Man Laws from the bear commercials. I didn't think anyone would take it so seriously as you. If I have made you angry, I sorry for that haha.
Angry? Only in the sense that you are using this forum to plug your website. Not in the slightest bit angry at your article. Where did you get the impression I was angry?
And I thought that taking your article seriously was probably paying you too much of a compliment. But what are you trying to tell us? That you were not serious?....That your website/Order of Men is really just a joke endeavor?

MikeEagle12 said:
You want to know the two reasons I wrote this? Number one, the attitudes of so many men today. I'm tired of seeing so many today with a lack of respect and goodwill towards people. And I'm tired of seeing guys more and more only looking out for themselves and no one else. The second reason? It was suppose to be FOR FUN! You seem to take it so seriously when in reality it was more or less a play of words on the famous beer comercials.
So you want to change other men into the mold that you think they should be? Aren't you a regular magnanimous and charitable warrior.:D The characteristic of a person wanting to change others to fit that person's own mold is precisely the characteristic I despise.

MikeEagle12 said:
I didn't mean to get that message out at all, when I was refering to feminization I was more or less describing what the hard core feminist have done. For example, being wrong to open up a door for a lady without her thinking purly about equality. Trust me buddy, I have no ill feeling to females. Hell if I did my girfriend would of left me long ago haha. But if I got that message out to you, I will look back over the article and try and revise some things. No hard feelings :beer: . Anything in particular I should totally take out?
No...I think you like females...who do what they're told.;)

MikeEagle12 said:
No not at all haha. Any men on there with that kind of attitude will be quickly banned. I have to much respect for women. If you would look into some of the forums, you would see that.

I sorry you got impression you got out of it, because I had no intension of portraying that idea. Guess my writing skills really need a workout.
Nice try Spam Sham.
MikeEagle12 said:
The quote has been there sense I first signed on in 2006, and yes it holds meaning to my sig dumbass.

Of course it means something, else Shaw wouldn't have created it.

That says nothing about you, though. It's just a quote that says nothing about you at all. Now, I suppose that you'd like people to believe that it does say something about you, that some correlation can be made between the essence of that quote and what you think you're all about; however, it appears, at least by the wife beater manifesto you posted, that quote is really meaningless in terms of you. It seems to be an opportunity to blow on your thumb and pump your chest up, all the while hopeful that everyone will see what a principled manly man you think you are.

Alas, you're strutting; the quotes you google, cut and paste; and your club for guys who feel inadequate all combine to make you look like your posing, hoping that no one notices how small you feel, how slighted you are by the mean way that society, in your eyes, has feminized your studliness.
Crankyfeet said:
You mean...Men who can see through you for spewing out the kind of redundant and discriminatory **** that your article displays. Why would any REAL man need to join your web forum to learn how to become a man? Or...oh that's right...your Order of Men ARE all the real just want to put the gays and metrosexuals in their place.:p .
No one needs to join the site, hell you didn't need to join but you did it for the sense of community, contacts, and great information. It's the same way with Order of Men, except apparently the article is spewing the kind of message I don't wan't in our forums. Although reading some of your articles have made me frustratedd, in the end it did exactly what I needed. You guys gave me the critiscm I needed to correct my mistakes. Which is wierd because I'm mad at you, yet I thank you if that makes any sense.

Crankyfeet said:
The KKK was an analogy. Your article characterized today's society as tending towards equal gender roles ("feminization"). Your article suggested that we as men have lost our way compared to yesteryear. It is no coincidence that yesteryear was a more patriarchal society.
You have a good point there

Crankyfeet said:
And I thought that taking your article seriously was probably paying you too much of a compliment. But what are you trying to tell us? That you were not serious?....That your website/Order of Men is really just a joke endeavor?.
haha funny guy, I get it now

Crankyfeet said:
So you want to change other men into the mold that you think they should be? Aren't you a regular magnanimous and charitable warrior.:D The characteristic of a person wanting to change others to fit that person's own mold is precisely the characteristic I despise.
No...I think you like females...who do what they're told.;)
I really had no intent to mold anyone, I guess it was more of a rant then anything. Something that other guys could look at and take notice and try to be a better "person" overall. Obviously it didn't have the affect that I wanted it

Hahaha, if you only met my girlfriend you'd realize how funny that seems. I've been in a situation with a girl like that before and hated every minute of it. Her father was deeply for the old ways of MAN>Woman and a lot of that seemed to rub off on her. Couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into, and quickly got out of it.
alienator said:
by the wife beater manifesto you posted,
Please give me one reference of that article that would suggest it is somehow a wife beater manifesto?

Oh and I'm glad I could fulfill your probably otherwise typical boring saturday afternoon. I just find it funny how much energy you put into your posts, I really question what it is you yourself is trying to prove on here.

Is this the kind of place you like to feel all high and mighty. A place you come to let your mouth go because you know otherwise in the real world you'd be one to sit back in fear with your mouth shut?

I understand alot of your anger/words are coming because of the way I presented this thread, but seriously, why keep going at it? It's not my fault the mods/admin of your sanctuary have sold out for profits and wont let me edit/delete my thread. Seems like an endless waste of time you continue to spend here standing up and fighting. I'm truly sorry if this is the only thing you have going for you in life right now.
MikeEagle12 said:
I'm truly sorry if this is the only thing you [alienator] have going for you in life right now.
You mean he doesn't have his own website for men who've lost their way like you have?