Time off the bike hurts, is it just me?


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
Throughout the years this has always been the pattern.

I can ride 100 miles tempo and feel great the next day, but for some reason if I am off the bike for two days or more, after the next ride my legs are toast? Takes almost a week to get all the sore out doing light recovery rides.

Is it just me?
Originally Posted by WillemJM
Throughout the years this has always been the pattern.

I can ride 100 miles tempo and feel great the next day, but for some reason if I am off the bike for two days or more, after the next ride my legs are toast? Takes almost a week to get all the sore out doing light recovery rides.

Is it just me?
No, I don't believe it's just you. I hate days off the bike. The next day I invariably feel weak. Even 1/2 an hr of spinning at low intensity is FAR better than nothing IME.
I think it is a common thing. If you don't ride for several days, your muscle tone is lower. By spinning a little bit, you keep it higher. That is why it is recommended (at least in triathlon :) ) to go for a little ride the day before a competition.
It's a couple of things, notably a drop of blood plasma. That's also why heart rate is generally a bit higher after a day or two off. Muscle tension may lessen a bit, too, which is why almost everyone recommends taking a day off two days before an important ride and then doing an easy ride with a couple of hard efforts the day before as a "primer" which gets muscle tension up again.