too soft. where do I start?


New Member
Jun 16, 2005

Did triathalons during my high school years. Lived and trained at 300 feet above sea level. Stopped riding about 15 years ago. got waaaaaaay out of shape :(

Decided it was time to get back into riding. I now live at 4500 feet above sea level. Bought a good (road) bike. I can ride maybe 12-15 miles before I am wasted. The ride that I do has light hills and I average about 18 mph. Pretty sick and embarrassing. My legs feel fairly good but I have no lung capacity which makes my rides short and discouraging. All junk food and fast food has be eradicated from my diet.

I know that I need to ride ride ride and then ride some more to build my endurance up. the question is what is the best way to start? Give me some training tips people!!!

I want to be able to ride much longer, duh. No racing in the forseable future. Maybe club rides.
Go see a Dr. first.

If you live in a hilly area and are really struggling, get a trainer $100 or so. Work your way up to the hills.

If you can, try to find someone to get in shape with. Its great motivation.
justgettingby said:

Did triathalons during my high school years. Lived and trained at 300 feet above sea level. Stopped riding about 15 years ago. got waaaaaaay out of shape :(

Decided it was time to get back into riding. I now live at 4500 feet above sea level. Bought a good (road) bike. I can ride maybe 12-15 miles before I am wasted. The ride that I do has light hills and I average about 18 mph. Pretty sick and embarrassing. My legs feel fairly good but I have no lung capacity which makes my rides short and discouraging. All junk food and fast food has be eradicated from my diet.

I know that I need to ride ride ride and then ride some more to build my endurance up. the question is what is the best way to start? Give me some training tips people!!!

I want to be able to ride much longer, duh. No racing in the forseable future. Maybe club rides.
Sounds like you're riding too hard and getting fried in 45 minutes. 18 mph in rolling terrain is a good speed for a pack club ride; way more than you need now.

To build your endurance and burn the fat off, suggest you slow down and stay aerobic so your body is using mostly fat as the fuel source. When you become aware of your breathing, you're going too hard. If you have a heart rate monitor, 65-70% of your max would be the range to stay in. It should feel pretty easy and enjoyable, so you can ride everyday without getting fatigued or glycogen-depleted.

Just slow down, relax and enjoy the exercise. Concentrate on base miles, a good diet and weight loss before you worry about average speeds. If it took you 15 years to get de-trained, you're not going to get it all back in 3 months. With a few thousand miles this year, and a good diet, you'll be ready for the serious club rides next spring.
18 mph is nothing to be sick or embarrased about. I live in a very hilly area, and I can only average 18mph if I go all out for 25 miles ( with two 10-15% grade hills of about 1000 meters).

To give you an idea of how that translates to flat pavement, on flats I can average about 22mph (no wind) for 25 miles time trialing. So if your average is 18mph through the hills, thats pretty good. Are you going by what your computer says, or are you guessing at your average?