Tour of Missouri in 10 days


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Notables slated to compete:

Christian Vandevelde
Dave Zabriskie
Mark Cavendish
Mark Renshaw
George Hincapie
Mick Rogers
Levi Leipheimer
Heinrich Haussler
Thor Hushovd
Franco Pellizotti
Jens Voight
Chris Anker Sorenson
Nikki Sorenson
Rory Sutherland
Floyd Landis

Tour of Missouri 2009
I'm looking over the map of the course for Monday's start. Goes through some less than lovely parts of town...including places I don't feel comfortable in my car.

Not sure what they were thinking. Does go thru some historic areas. And around Busch Stadium, whoopteedoo.

Does look like I'll have the opportunity to watch from a blues bar though, lol. :cool:
"The Italians are coming, the Italians are coming!"

After two days of rain, the weather is PERFECT. Looking forward to Stage 1. :) I still think the course sucks, and is embarrassing. Supposed to "showcase St Louis." Well, if you really want to see our train tracks, old factories, potholes, and homeless people, it's quite lovely really. :rolleyes:

Drove part of the course for stage 3 this weekend...very twisty. Hope it's dry that day. Goes past our driveway!