Turbo Trainers - Better than the Road?


New Member
Nov 14, 2003
Hi All,

As the nights draw in i've started to train on my turbo trainer and as i've riden along with no country scenary to ocupy my mind i began to wander. When training on a turbo trainer the resistance you pedal against can be constant, compare this to riding on the road where it is gradient of the road, wind etc which varies the resisting force you pedal against. Which result in a varied reistance and therefore a varied intensity. By training on a turbo trainer at a specific heart rate the desired intensity can be acheived for the duration of the training time. So does a turbo trainer give more bang for buck than a road session by allowing the rider to train at the desired intensity for the whole session.


mac_220 said:
Hi All,

As the nights draw in i've started to train on my turbo trainer and as i've riden along with no country scenary to ocupy my mind i began to wander. When training on a turbo trainer the resistance you pedal against can be constant, compare this to riding on the road where it is gradient of the road, wind etc which varies the resisting force you pedal against. Which result in a varied reistance and therefore a varied intensity. By training on a turbo trainer at a specific heart rate the desired intensity can be acheived for the duration of the training time. So does a turbo trainer give more bang for buck than a road session by allowing the rider to train at the desired intensity for the whole session.



If the weather doesnt cooperate and there is no way that you can go out and ride, then the trainer is the only way to go. This is way better than no exercise at all.