Unclipped and he still fell over...


New Member
Jul 21, 2003
Hi All!

Last night I hooked up with a friend who found out I had just gotten a road bike and wanted to see it and ride with me as well...

The ride gave me a much better chance of practicing my "wheel taking" and "relaying" manuevering with alot less stress as he and I are good friends.

Well, to break a long pause of silence I started telling him a joke I just heard.

We were just rolling to a stop at a big intersection when I started... and there was a big burley type guy waiting there on a mountain bike...

"Ok, there was this sperm donor bank and it had a long line of guys going out the door since it hadn't opened yet...

Suddenly, this young lady walks up and stands at the end of the line...

The guy right in front of her looks back at her, puzzled... then after a while he looks back again and says, 'Hey lady, this is a sperm donor line...'

Then she points to her closed mouth and say "MMmmmummmm mmmmm mummmmm!"

Well, the burley guys busts out laughing hysterically, and he laughs so hard he has to drop his bike as he falls to the ground still laughing... My friend was laughing too, but no where near as intensely... :)

The guy looks like he is about to pass out he is laughing so hard, and tells us thru his tears that he HAS to tell that to his buddies tonight at a party, and thanks for sharing it :) He said also that he's gald he heard it while stopped or else he surely would have crashed from laughing so hard!

Yet another amusing on the road story :)

Have fun!

Feanor, where do you get all these stories from? Do you live in a city full of jokers?
Originally posted by Spider1977
Feanor, where do you get all these stories from? Do you live in a city full of jokers?

I would like to think so :) I think its mainly that the street I ride on is rather busy and you see and run into (not literally) dozens of others at the lights etc...

My town is a happy small community in the Eastbay of California... To give you an idea of what its like, I live on a court, and In the late afternoons, all parents and couples come filtering out of the houses and we all talk together and visit, and invariable one house gets desginated as the "Martini Center" and from that point on, Appletinis and Cosmopolitans start getting served...

My across the street neighbor used to play in a band in college and is still very much into music. Invariably on Fridays he gets friends together and their is a mini concert at least once a week out of his garage...

Its rather bizarre, because as they're playing away and all of us are talking and laughing and clapping... the teenage aged sons and daughters come home later on on that friday night and go to bed while we're still socializing :)

In a town as friendly as that, you constantly run into great stories and people :)

have a good one!
