Unexpected cycling gifts this Christmas?


Dec 14, 2010
North Carolina
Anyone get any really cool or really bad cycling gear this Christmas. I got these really cool Knog USB rechargeable lights for the front and back of my bike. Feel more visible!
I didn't get any bike kit on Christmas day, but in mid-November, I did buy myself an early Christmas present, one of the new version Selle Italia Turbomatics (black, thank you). After 1000 miles or so, it's coddling my peaches quite nicely.
Got a pair of Lake all weather shoes. http://www.nashbar.com/bikes/Product_10053_10052_516315_-1_202642_10000_202362
The wife got them on 20% discount sale.

So far so good. I road yesterday 11 degrees out with just one pair of wool socks and my feet were cool not ice cold. Today 28 degrees with one pair of wool socks and my feet were warm. I wear size 9.5 shoes and got the 44.5 enough room for one more pair of socks. Plenty of room in the toe area.

A few other little odds and ends including a gift card to Bikeworks from my son.