Wanted - Karrimor Pannier Struts


New Member
May 21, 2013
I am wondering if anything can help please.

I have a pair of Karrimor Pannier Bags with a kickplate. The baks are at least 15 years old but in very good condition. I am unable to use them as I do not have the struts that attatch to the bike rack, which then slot into the kickplate.

I have tried to contact Karrimor, but the company that have bought them over do not supply these, nor do they know where I can get them from.

Is there anyone out there that can help, e.g. know where I can get these struts from or have spare struts that I could buy?

Many thanks ...

Liz - keen cyclist from Angus, Scotland.
I bet you never thought this would get answered!
Lancashire Sports Repairs
01282 439109
they are called disk locks! £12.50 a pair.

Have a good day!
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