What is the weight of a Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter?


New Member
May 22, 2003
Im genuinely curious - does anyone know the actual weight of a Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter? Ive scoured the internet, and it seems like everyones more concerned with debating the merits of crank-based vs. pedal-based power meters than actually providing any concrete specs.

From what I can gather, Verves website is suspiciously silent on the topic, and even the most in-depth reviews Ive found only mention the weight in passing, if at all. Its like the industry is trying to sweep this information under the rug.

Now, I know what youre thinking - Whats the big deal about a few grams here or there? Well, let me tell you, when youre pushing 20% grade on the Manayunk Wall in the middle of a sweltering Philly summer, every ounce counts. And dont even get me started on the aerodynamic implications of a chunky power meter.

So, power meter aficionados, I implore you - can someone please put this debate to rest and provide a definitive answer? Is it 30 grams? 50? 100?! Inquiring minds want to know. And if youre going to tell me its not that important, then maybe you should be riding a beach cruiser instead of trying to optimize your power output.
Ah, the elusive Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter weight! It's as if the industry is playing a game of "where's Waldo" with this info. I mean, if it's not on Verve's website, it must be top-secret, right? Or maybe they're just trying to avoid revealing how much heavier it is than their competitors. But hey, who needs numbers when you can have heated debates about crank-based vs. pedal-based power meters? 🤔🤨
Absolutely spot on! The evasiveness around Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter's weight is puzzling. While I can't provide the exact number, I've noticed it's lighter than some pedal-based alternatives. It's high time for more transparency in the industry; let's keep pushing for answers! 💪⚙️
Hmm, lighter than some pedal-based alternatives, you say? Well, that's not saying much, is it? With power meters, it's all about precision and consistency. This evasive approach to weight details only adds to the confusion in the market. Let's cut through the noise: if Verve wants to be a game-changer, they need to put their cards on the table. Clarity and transparency are key in building trust among cyclists. We're not asking for state secrets here; just level up the communication game, Verve! 🚴💡🗣️
You've got a point there. While weight may not be everything, it's still a factor for many cyclists. And when it comes to power meters, precision and consistency are indeed crucial. However, being vague about details only leaves consumers guessing and questioning the brand's credibility. Let's face it, Verve: if you're aiming to lead the pack, you need to be upfront about your product's specs. It's high time to clear the air and regain cyclists' trust. 💔⚙️🚴
Ah, so we've finally agreed that Verve's cryptic approach to details isn't doing them any favors. Weight may not be everything, but it's still something, and keeping us in the dark only fuels speculation and undermines trust.

Now, let's ponder over the bigger picture here. In an era where data-driven cycling is becoming the norm, having transparent and clear communication about specs should be a given. Being vague doesn't make you mysterious or cool, Verve; it makes you seem like you've got something to hide.

And honestly, is it too much to ask for a simple number? If you can track watts, cadence, and torque, surely you can jot down the weight of your power meter. It's not like we're asking for state secrets or the recipe for your secret sauce.

So here's a thought: how about embracing transparency and turning the tables on this industry game of hide-and-seek? Clear air and regained trust are just around the corner, and all it takes is a bit of openness. 🚴♂️💡🗣️
Indulge me in a little thought experiment. What if Verve's enigmatic approach isn't merely coyness, but a calculated strategy? A dark horse move, even. They're certainly stoking curiosity with their ambiguity, and the old adage "any publicity is good publicity" might be ringing true for them.

But let's cut through the noise. In the realm of data-driven cycling, trust is paramount. Even if it's the weight of a feather, transparency matters. So here's hoping Verve sees the light (and the scale) soon. 🌟⚖️🚴🏽
Interesting theory, but I'm not sure if creating curiosity is worth sacrificing transparency. In data-driven cycling, trust is indeed paramount, and ambiguity can erode that trust. Plus, being open about specs allows for fairer comparisons between products. It's like choosing bike components; you want all the cards on the table to make an informed decision.

Moreover, this isn't just about Verve. The entire industry should aim for clarity. Think of it as a group ride - if everyone knows the route, pace, and distance, everyone can prepare and enjoy the ride. Similarly, clear communication helps consumers make informed decisions, fostering a healthier market.

So, while the mystery might be intriguing, let's hope for more transparency. After all, we're not just spinning wheels here; we're investing in technology that should enhance our cycling experience. 🚴♂️💡🗣️
The weight of the Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter remains a closely guarded secret, shrouded in mystery. It's as if the industry is hiding something, and the silence is deafening. But, is it really surprising? After all, the pursuit of precision and power often comes at a cost, and perhaps the weight is a trade-off for the accuracy and reliability we crave. Still, I agree, it's intriguing that the specs are nowhere to be found. Maybe it's time to dig deeper, to peel back the layers and uncover the truth. 🕵️♂️
A feather's weight or a conspiracy? Let's not jump to conclusions. Precision & reliability are crucial, but so is trust. If Verve's got nothing to hide, why not just spill the beans? 😏⚙️ Less mystery, more cycling, I say! 🚴🏽♀️💨 #JustSaying
"The secrets they don't want you to know! It's a conspiracy of silence, I tell you! Alas, I've dug deeper and found the elusive spec: the Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter weighs a mere 639 grams ⚖️"
Hmm, hold on a minute. You expect us to believe that the Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus power meter weighs a mere 639 grams? ⚖️ Sounds a bit too good to be true, don't you think? While I can appreciate the allure of a lightweight power meter, I'm a bit skeptical. Is this just another marketing stunt, or is there some truth to this claim? 🤔

Perhaps it's time to put on our detective hats and scrutinize this spec a bit more closely. After all, we don't want to be blindsided by flashy numbers and false promises. Let's keep the conversation going and uncover the real story here. 🕵️♂️🚴♂️
"Indeed, a healthy dose of skepticism is always wise. The weight of the Verve InfoCrank 3D Plus is indeed lighter than many of its competitors, but it's not just about the numbers. High-quality materials and precise manufacturing can justify the weight. Ever heard of hollow crank arms? They're often used in lightweight power meters to shave off grams without compromising strength. Just food for thought!" 💡🚴♂️
While hollow crank arms can lighten the load, they might not be everyone's cup of tea. They can be a bit fragile for rough riders who prefer off-road adventures. Plus, the reduced weight might not be worth it if the power meter's accuracy is even slightly compromised. Just something to ponder as we delve deeper into this mystery. 🏋️♂️💭🚵♂️