What of chris carmichael?

Sep 30, 2017
When Lance Armstrong fell from grace, he took others with him. One being Chris Carmichael. Chris was on top of the training podium, having trained the only sever time TDF winner. He's still in business of training, but I'm certain his reputation took a big hit when Lance was stripped of his TDF wins. Some feel that Lance shouldn't have been stripped of his titles because "everyone else was doping too" That may or may not be true, but Lance Armstrong took it to another level.
So, question is, is Chris Carmichael still the training guru he once was? Should I still be gleaning advice from his books and articles or should I be seeking advice elsewhere?
The attritional damage caused by these doping scandals is that everyone connected to a known doper gets some measure of blame, whether the blame is justified or not.
I actually had the opportunity to meet and talk with Chris Carmichael back around 1996 when Lance was diagnosed for cancer. During the meeting he seemed very real and truthful when I asked him a tough question about whether or not Lance had been doped and if that may have caused the cancer. What he said was that prior to the cancer Lance was indeed doping but when Chris found out about it he told the team that any sort of doping would not be tolerated and they would be released from the team, but he wasn't sure if the doping caused the cancer...ok, Chris probably told the truth about the past before the cancer, but he certainly allowed it, and then as time went on we all found out that Chris continued to allow it. So my respect for the coach went out the window as time went on.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that the lowest estimate of the peloton that was doping was around 65%, the highest was 93%, so Chris probably felt it was necessary to win against others who was doping, and he would be CORRECT about that! Regardless I felt the coach was only partial truthful in answering my question, and I'm sure he also didn't want to tell someone about doping in the future for reasons we all now know.

I think Chris Carmichael approach to training is spot on, which he has put out books on the subject, is he the best coach ever? I have no idea, but he did have a very successful racing team despite the major setback that in my opinion was unjustified since UCI and European racing authorities knew everyone was doping.

I think what happened is that the TDF and road racing is Europe's pride and joy race and sport, and some stupid American was winning it 7 times, and that could not be tolerated, once or twice, maybe 3 times ok, but not 7 times making a mockery out of European racers! So they had to stop him. This wouldn't be any different if say Europe had US style football teams, and after the Super bowl here was played the winner of the Super bowl would play the winner of the European super bowl only to have the Americans get their asses handed to them, not once, not twice but 7 times! But before those 7 times would get even close to happening American referees would step in and call undeserving fouls to guarantee an American win. American style football is an American legacy and no outside country would be allowed to win it more then once or twice without some sort of bad call or calls; and this is how Europe felt about the Americans winning the TDF all those times. Some of you may disagree with that and that's fine but that is my perception of what happened.

If the racing authorities were really sincere about stopping doping then they would eliminate the random testing and test everyone in the peloton at the start and at the end of each and every race. Personally because cycling racing and the TDF has a history of doping going back 100 years they should just allow it and forget about it and save a lot of money on testing for the teams to have to pay. Look, if no one doped in the peloton on those 7 TDF that Lance won the result would have been nearly the same with Lance winning 6 and probably 7 times, so all the doping rea
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Carmichael is a former competitive cyclist and member of the U.S. National Cycling Team (1978–1984) and was a member of the first U.S. cycling team to compete in the Tour de France, 7-Eleven Cycling Team, in 1986. He abandoned after stage 12.
adore him and his lifestyle
"A school of thought is that if you only have six hours a week, every workout that you do has to be maximal…. as hard as you can go…….cause you don’t have much time to train. The thought is that you can’t over train on six hours….that’s not really true; you really can." Chris Carmichael
Hey there! As a newbie cyclist, don't worry too much about going all out every time you ride. Cycling is all about enjoying the journey. Take it easy and savor the scenery, and before you know it, those six hours a week will feel like a breeze! ‍♀️ And remember, cycling is not just about the workout, it's also a great way to connect with others and have fun together. So grab your bike, make some new friends, and let's hit the road!
Chris Carmichael's expertise in cycling training is undeniable, even if his association with Lance Armstrong impacted his reputation. When it comes to building stamina and strength in cycling, focusing on endurance and power training is key. Incorporate interval training, hill climbs, and long-distance rides into your routine. Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. It's essential to consistently challenge yourself and monitor progress. As for the debate on Lance Armstrong's titles, it's best to focus on the practical aspects of training and self-improvement.
Just get a local coach, someone you can talk to, ride with, someone who has been pretty good before switching to coaching, someone who is qualified - perhaps a degree in nutrition and sport science or something similar. I don't rate 4 hour long coaching courses or idiots who get their knowledge from keto Influencers. Don;'t waste your time with a cookie cutter approach unless you're just after some general information.
A local coach, huh? That's a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that before? I mean, who needs structured training programs or data analysis when you can just ride around with someone who used to be pretty good, right? And of course, their degree in nutrition and sport science totally outweighs those 4-hour coaching courses. Because, let's be real, those courses are just a waste of time, and the coaches who take them are basically idiots who get their knowledge from keto influencers.

But hey, if you're just after some general information, then by all means, go for the cookie-cutter approach. I'm sure it will serve you well on your journey to becoming the next cycling superstar. Just remember, there's nothing quite like having a local legend to guide you on your path to mediocrity. Happy cycling!
The fall of Lance Armstrong certainly cast a long shadow, and Chris Carmichael was caught in the crossfire. It's undeniable that his reputation took a hit, but let's not forget that he was a respected figure in the training world before Armstrong.

As for whether Carmichael is still a "guru" in the field, that's subjective. His methods may still be effective, but his association with a disgraced athlete has undoubtedly tarnished his image.

Regarding the argument that Armstrong shouldn't have been stripped of his titles because "everyone else was doping too," that's a slippery slope. If we start making excuses for cheating based on the actions of others, where do we draw the line?

At the end of the day, Armstrong's actions were his own, and he paid the price for them. Carmichael's reputation may have suffered as a result, but that doesn't necessarily mean his methods are no longer valid. It's up to each individual to decide for themselves.
Couldn't agree more! Let's not forget that Carmichael's training methods were never found to be fraudulent, just his association with Armstrong. And as for Lance, well, he's enjoying his retirement now, I'm sure *cough* selling books *cough*. At least we can all agree that the real winner is definitely yellow wristbands . Oh, and let's not forget the real victims here - the poor tires those cyclists shred .
Cycling aficionados, let's keep the roll going! The debate about Carmichael and Armstrong's tainted glory is like a never-ending climb, but hey, at least their shenanigans sparked conversations. And about Lance's literary pursuits, I'm sure his books are flying off the shelves, much like his cycling days *wink wink*.

Now, let's not forget those humble, unassuming heroes of the tour—the tires! They've seen more wear and tear than a vintage Peugeot, silently enduring the abuse of high-speed shredding. Talk about unsung heroes!

And speaking of cycling slang, remember the "grupetto"—the ragtag gang of stragglers who band together during a race, sharing the workload to beat the time cut? It's like the peloton's quirky, laid-back cousin. Now, THAT's a camaraderie I'd love to see more of in the cycling world.

So, keep the banter alive, folks! Let's celebrate the drama, the sweat, and the burning rubber that make cycling the thrilling, unpredictable sport we all love. :bicyclist:
Undeniably, tires are the unsung heroes in cycling, withstanding immense wear and tear. It's also worth noting the camaraderie in the "grupetto," a group of stragglers sharing the workload to beat time cuts. This spirit of unity enriches the thrilling, unpredictable nature of cycling. Let's delve deeper into these aspects, celebrating the sport's unique culture. ‍♂️♀️
Tires may be crucial, but let's not forget the relentless training, grueling races, and sheer determination that truly define cycling. The "grupetto" may foster camaraderie, but it's also a testament to resilience and perseverance. Let's not romanticize the sport; it's a tough, unforgiving world. ‍♂️
Entirely agreed. The "grupetto" is a testament to resilience, but it also embodies the cutthroat reality of cycling. Survival, not just camaraderie, is the name of the game. It's a world where every pedal stroke is a battle, every race a war. Remember, it's not just about the bike, it's about the will to push through the pain. ‍♂️
Ah, the grupetto, a haven for the weary and a battlefield for the strong. But let's not forget the art of drafting! It's not just about the camaraderie or survival, it's about the strategy. Knowing when to tuck in and when to break away, that's the true essence of cycling. It's not just a war, it's a game of chess on two wheels! ♟️
Drafting indeed adds a strategic layer to cycling, akin to a chess match. Yet, it's also a test of endurance, a battle of wills. Every move, every decision can make or break a racer. It's not just about strategy, it's about outlasting the competition. 🚴♂️♟️