White Bike gets dirty!


New Member
Aug 27, 2006
Hi all... I have a beautiful white specialized dulce with white bar tape.... but as all things do, it gets dirty easily.... especially the tape.. do any of you know of how to keep the tape clean or use anything that get's it clean? I was thinking of switching to black tape so it won't show the dirt so much. Any cleaning tips?
if you are using synthetic tape, it'll clean up a little better than if you are using cork tape, but pretty much once cork tape has taken on the grungy look, it either looks really grungy, or slightly less grungy. You can use some warm water and a drop or two of dish soap and some light scrubbing action, take it easy on the side to side scrubbing. Use a sponge or an old terry cloth towel, once you are feeling statisfied, or fear you are about to mess up the tape it's time to rinse the soapy scum water off with some clear water and you should see a difference. Keeping any light color bar tape looking pristine is pretty much a fantasy... that's why my yellow bar tape looks the way it does.

tumbleweed77 said:
Hi all... I have a beautiful white specialized dulce with white bar tape.... but as all things do, it gets dirty easily.... especially the tape.. do any of you know of how to keep the tape clean or use anything that get's it clean? I was thinking of switching to black tape so it won't show the dirt so much. Any cleaning tips?
I have found that that Simple Green is a great bike cleaner. Simple Green is a concintrated degreeser, so you will need to delute it (10 parts water to 1 part Simple Green). DO NOT SPRAY IT DIRECTLY ON TO THE BIKE! Spray onto a rag and then wipe the bike.

I use black cork tape but I don't bother cleaning it. I just rewrap my handlebars a couple times a year.
well, i ended up replacing the bar tape when i pulled out the gel padding underneath and made a compromise between black and white and went w/ gray. It's the same color as the dirt so it shows less. i'm currently using an orange oil hand cleanser on my bike to get the dirt off as i'm allergic to the simple green stuff and itchy hands is NOT pleasant. i find it odd that so many bikes are sold w/ white bar tape and you rarely ever see anyone with a bike w/ white tape... the companies ought to change!