Winchester Bike Week Launch


John B

It was better that any of us expected.
While the Council has cut all its budget fror promoting cycling or
alternative transport, local cyclists [1] came to pulled together and
made sure this year's event went ahed.

This morning, in glorious sunshine, the Mayor of Winchester set off over
50 riders on a short tour around the city centre. I winced when she said
she no longer rode a bike because of the danger, but few heard her as
the megaphone was not on properly ;-)

The route started under King Alfred's statue and weaved up through the
Saturday shoppers before circling teh Cathedral Close. After Kingsgate
Arch it passed Jane Austen's House and Winchester College before
crossing the River Itchen and climbing Wharf Hill.

The local police acted as outriders on their bikes, and thoroughly
enjoyed themselves, even though, as ride leader, I took great pleasure
in telling one off for bunny-hopping onto and off the pavement :)
It was blatant showing off ;-) He grinned.
We also had Sustrans provide help 'in the bunch' and we had waves and
toots from all we passed.

I hope the Council takes note that it cannot ignore cycling and that it
reverts its crazy decision to cut its support.

A limited number of pics are here:

[1] local cyclists from:
Winchester CTC:
Hampshire Cycle Training:

John B
John B wrote:
> It was better that any of us expected.
> While the Council has cut all its budget fror promoting cycling or
> alternative transport, local cyclists [1] came to pulled together and
> made sure this year's event went ahed.

Excellent work.

Was the mayor on her bike?

Ambrose Nankivell wrote:

> John B wrote:
> > It was better that any of us expected.
> > While the Council has cut all its budget fror promoting cycling or
> > alternative transport, local cyclists [1] came to pulled together and
> > made sure this year's event went ahed.

> Excellent work.
> Was the mayor on her bike?

'Fraid not. She said she hasn't ridden a bike for years :-(
Too dangerous :-(

Its now a very busy week of rides and cycle-training events.

John B