XT RapidFire Plus 7 speed brake lever / shifter pod set


New Member
Sep 10, 2005
My rachet has gone in my ancient XT shifter pod.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a new set of the same brake lever / shifters, in the United Kingdom ?
TJHL said:
My rachet has gone in my ancient XT shifter pod.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a new set of the same brake lever / shifters, in the United Kingdom ?

what do you mean the ratchet has gone ?

sometimes the grease in older indexed shifters dries up and the little claw pieces (youll know what i mean if you open one up) freeze up because of the gummy, dry grease so if it is that you can probably spray some degreaser in there to free them up.

and as for getting the same thing unless you can find a shop that has some old stock hanging around or a 2nd hand one you'll be out of luck.
I took the bike to my local shop they said that the problem could not be fixed as the "rachet had gone" in the pod. The problem is the left shifter, front deralier, goes direct from outer ring three to one bipassing two. Then I can go to two but not back down to one but need to go up to three and then down to one.

Do you think they just don't know how to clean it out ?