zeroing torque question-PT SL


New Member
Jan 20, 2007
This has probably been asked before but I couldn't find it.

I zeroed my torque the other day, after reading that many do it every ride, and everything went normal.

Last night before my ride a go to do the same and, "watts" on the cpu just flashes when I hold select for 2 seconds. I can't seem to enter "torque" mode.

I go to "trip", bring my cursor to the "watts" line and hold for 2 seconds as per the manual (which worked the other day) and it just flashes.

That is torque mode. You do need to be coasting (no pressure on the pedals) when doing so.
peterpen said:
That is torque mode. You do need to be coasting (no pressure on the pedals) when doing so.

when I did it previously, "watts" disappeared and there was a number in it's place like in the manual. The watts showed 3, I held select until it zeroed and that was it.
tweety102us said:
when I did it previously, "watts" disappeared and there was a number in it's place like in the manual. The watts showed 3, I held select until it zeroed and that was it.
What CPU do you have? With the older black model, the Watts indicator goes away. But with the newer yellow CPU's it should flash. With an SL, I assume you have the yellow CPU...maybe you were just dreaming that it went away before? ;)

Either way, the hub needs to be "transmitting" when you zero the torque. So make sure the transmission icon is displayed in the upper left corner.
I go with the "dreaming" idea more than anything.

Yes it's the yellow cpu with PT on the top

Thanks alot.