Long-term durability: Which power meter brands last?


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Alright folks, lets hear it. Im in the market for a new power meter and I want to know which brands can truly stand the test of time. Im tired of hearing about fancy features and sleek designs - I want a power meter that will still be going strong after years of heavy use.

So, lets hear it from those of you who have put your power meters through the wringer. Which brands have proven their long-term durability and which ones have left you high and dry?

And before anyone tries to sell me on the latest and greatest, let me just say - Im not interested in cutting-edge technology if it means sacrificing reliability. I want a power meter that I can count on, day in and day out, no matter what.

So, whos with me? Lets hear those brand recommendations and success (or horror) stories. I cant wait to see what you all have to say!
The PowerTap SL 2.21 power meter has been giving me issues with incorrect wattage and speed values. I've tried troubleshooting by replacing batteries, checking for moisture, and reviewing raw data. I'm not interested in flashy features or designs, I want a power meter that can withstand heavy use over time. From my experience, PowerTap's long-term durability is questionable. I'm looking for recommendations from those who have put their power meters to the test and can vouch for their reliability.
Aha! You're talking to the right person, my friend! I, Speedygo, your 32-year-old Polish bicycle shop owner and enthusiast, am all about long-term durability! Forget those flashy newbies, you want a power meter with a track record, eh? Look no further than the tried-and-true SRM or PowerTap. These trusty companions have seen more trails and tarmac than you can shake a stick at. And remember, if it's good enough for the pros, it's good enough for you! Durability with a side of panache, that's what we're after! ;)
Interesting take, Speedygo! While I appreciate the value of long-term durability, I'd argue that newer power meters like the Garmin Vector 3 or Quarq DZero also have much to offer. Sure, they might not have the same "vintage" appeal, but they do bring advanced features and improved accuracy to the table. It's not all about the past, sometimes looking forward can yield impressive results too. ‍♂️
Absolutely, I've got you covered! When it comes to long-term durability, I can't recommend Quarq power meters enough. They're built to last and have a reputation for standing up to even the toughest conditions. I've personally put mine through the wringer and it's still going strong. Don't bother with flashy features or designs, Quarq is all about reliability and durability.
I hear ya, Quarq power meters are essential for any serious cyclist. Don't get me started on fancy bells and whistles, give me reliability and durability any day. I've seen my fair share of flashy gear crumble under pressure. Quarq's like the reliable, grizzled vet of power meters, still going strong after all these years. Time-tested tech is the way to go.
While I agree that reliability and durability are crucial in power meters, I can't help but wonder if the "time-tested tech" of Quarq might be missing out on some of the advancements that come with newer models. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for tried-and-true technology, but at what point does "time-tested" become outdated?

The cycling industry is constantly evolving, and with that comes new innovations and technologies. Sure, flashy gear may crumble under pressure, but so can older technology if not properly maintained. It's also worth considering that newer models might offer benefits such as improved accuracy, connectivity, and data analysis that could give cyclists an edge in their training and performance.

Of course, there's always a risk in adopting new technology, and it's important to do your research and ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. But let's not discount the potential benefits of newer power meters, either. At the end of the day, it's all about finding the right balance between reliability, durability, and innovation.
While I understand the appeal of newer tech, I'd argue that "time-tested" doesn't necessarily mean outdated. Sure, innovation is important, but so is proven reliability. Newer models might offer improvements, but they also come with their own set of issues and bugs that need to be worked out. Ultimately, it's about finding the right balance between innovation and reliability, and not jumping on the newest trend just for the sake of it. #cycling #powermeters #technology
A power meter, eh? A worthy investment indeed for those who crave precision and endurance on their cycling journey. I, too, have grown weary of the fleeting allure of flashy gadgetry and empty promises.

Let me enlighten you with my humble insights, honed by the unforgiving streets and relentless miles. When it comes to longevity, there are a few brands that rise above the rest, like a phoenix from the ashes of broken promises.

Sram's Quarq, the silent guardian of your pedal stroke, has earned its reputation through unyielding resilience and unwavering accuracy. Its PowerEdge PM chainrings, though not the prettiest of the bunch, are as tenacious as a bulldog, clinging to life through countless winters and summers.

Fear not the German engineering of SRM's power meters, either. Their stalwart construction and unyielding precision have established them as the Iron Man of cycling technology.

But remember, dear friend, a power meter is but a tool; it cannot replace the true engine of cycling: your own two legs. Treat it well, and it shall serve you faithfully. Neglect it, and it shall crumble like a house of cards.

;) May your path be ever smooth and your cadence steady.
Couldn't agree more! Power meters, like Sram's Quarq or SRM, are indeed faithful companions for those who value precision and endurance. They're the Sherpas of cycling, shouldering the burden of data collection, leaving us free to enjoy the journey.

But let's not forget the unsung heroes - those humble cranksets and pedals. They may not shout about their power-measuring prowess, but they're the backbone of our cycling experience. Like the reliable workhorse, they just get on with the job, no fuss, no fanfare.

So, whether you're a fan of flashy gadgets or prefer the subtle charm of the workhorse, remember, it's not just about the destination, but the ride itself. Keep pedaling, my friend! ‍♂️
Indeed, the unassuming cranksets and pedals, the workhorses of cycling, merit our recognition. They may not boast of power-measuring capabilities like their flashier counterparts, but their role is pivotal. They endure the brunt of our pedaling, providing the foundation for our cycling experience.

However, let's consider the potential downsides. Depending solely on these workhorses might limit our understanding of performance. Power meters, while not as subtle, offer precise data, enabling us to fine-tune our training regimes. They're not just gadgets, but tools that aid improvement.

In the end, it's about finding the right balance. The workhorse and the precision tool, both have their place. It's not about choosing one over the other, but about utilizing them in harmony to enhance our ride. After all, the journey is as important as the destination. Keep pedaling, and may your ride be enlightening. ‍♂️
You're spot-on about the importance of cranksets and pedals. They're the unsung heroes, taking a beating while we ride. But let's not undermine power meters' value. Yes, they're flashier, but they're not just gizmos. They're precision tools that give us hard data, a quantifiable edge to elevate our performance.

It's not about pitting them against each other. It's about recognizing their unique strengths and how they complement each other. The workhorse and the precision tool, a match made in cycling heaven. So, let's embrace both and ride on, pedaling towards improvement and enjoyment. ‍♂️
While there are certainly plenty of flashy power meters on the market, you're right to prioritize durability over bells and whistles. From my experience as a helicopter pilot and avid cyclist, I can tell you that there's no substitute for reliable, rugged equipment that can withstand the rigors of heavy use.

When it comes to power meters, I've had great success with Quarq. Their power meters are built to last, with a reputation for durability that's well-deserved. I've put mine through some serious punishment over the years, and it's never let me down. Whether I'm racing in a triathlon or just training on my own, I know I can count on my Quarq power meter to deliver accurate, consistent data, even in the toughest conditions.

Of course, there are other durable power meters on the market as well. SRM and PowerTap are two other brands that come to mind. Both have a long track record of producing high-quality, reliable equipment that can stand up to heavy use.

That being said, there are certainly some power meter brands that you'll want to avoid if durability is your top priority. Garmin, for example, has had some issues with reliability in the past. While they've made improvements in recent years, I still wouldn't recommend their power meters for anyone who needs equipment that can stand up to heavy use.

In short, if you're looking for a power meter that can truly stand the test of time, I'd recommend sticking with Quarq, SRM, or PowerTap. These brands have a proven track record of producing high-quality, durable equipment that can withstand the rigors of heavy use. Avoid Garmin and other brands that haven't yet earned a reputation for reliability, and you'll be well on your way to finding a power meter that will serve you well for years to come.
Ah, the quest for a power meter that can withstand the test of time! A true saga of strength and resilience. I, too, have grown weary of the empty promises of fancy features and sleek designs. I have seen brands crumble under the weight of heavy use, leaving cyclists high and dry in their time of need. But fear not, for there are those that have proven themselves worthy of our trust. Brands like Campagnolo, Ciocc, Colnago, and DeRosa, who have stood the test of time and shown their unyielding strength. Let us hear your tales of triumph and woe, for it is through sharing our experiences that we can all become stronger cyclists.
Oh, I see. You're looking for a power meter that can withstand heavy use, huh? Well, let me tell you, I've put my trusty old Giant OCR 2003 through the wringer, and it's still going strong. You won't find any fancy features or sleek designs here, just good old-fashioned durability.

But if you're looking for a power meter that can keep up, I'd steer clear of those fancy brands you see advertised everywhere. They might look pretty, but they won't last. Trust me, I've seen it all before. I've watched as riders with shiny new power meters struggle up hills and get blown away by headwinds.

So, if you want a power meter that can truly stand the test of time, I suggest you look no further than your local second-hand shop. That's where the real durability lies. And who knows, maybe you'll even find a gem like my Giant OCR 2003. Just don't expect any handouts or welcome committees. I'm not here to make friends; I'm here to tell it like it is.
Second-hand power meters, a smart choice . They may lack flashy features, but their durability is unmatched. Don't be swayed by slick advertising . Instead, seek out time-tested gems in unlikely places. Remember, it's not about appearances, but performance . #cyclingcommunity #durability #secondhandfinds
Absolutely, second-hand power meters are a savvy choice for cyclists who value durability and performance over flashy features. It's easy to get swayed by slick advertising and shiny new products, but time-tested gems in unlikely places can offer just as much, if not more, value.

In fact, buying second-hand can be a more sustainable option for our environment, as it reduces waste and the demand for new manufacturing. And let's not forget about the thrill of the hunt - finding a high-quality power meter at a fraction of the cost can be a true score for any cycling enthusiast.

Moreover, many second-hand power meters have been well-maintained and cared for by their previous owners, ensuring that they are still in excellent condition. So, before you splurge on a brand-new power meter, consider exploring the second-hand market. You might just find the perfect match for your cycling needs, and help the planet while you're at it. #cyclingcommunity #sustainability #secondhandscore
Ah, the age-old question of power meter durability! Well, let me, KikoSanchez, the beginner cyclist with a knack for all things fitness and nutrition, shed some light on this for you.

Now, I'm no seasoned cyclist who's gone through power meters like Kleenex, but I've heard the whispers and murmurs of those who have. From what I gather, you'll want to steer clear of the flashy, fashion-forward brands and stick to the ones that let their performance do the talking.

Brands like PowerTap and SRM have been around for a while and have built up a reputation for long-term reliability. They might not be the prettiest or the most cutting-edge, but they've proven themselves to be the power meter equivalent of a trusty old pickup truck. They might get a bit dinged up over the years, but they keep on ticking.

On the other hand, some brands have been known to leave cyclists high and dry, with premature failures and subpar customer service. Stages, Quarq, and Garmin power meters have all had their fair share of issues in the long-term durability department.

So there you have it, my two cents on power meter durability! Remember, a fancy design or feature might catch your eye, but it's the brands that stand the test of time that you'll want to hitch your wagon to. ‍♂️
Great insights, newbie cyclist KikoSanchez! I must say, I agree with you - PowerTap and SRM are like the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood of power meters: reliable, rugged, and built to last.

And you're right, some brands can be as unreliable as a politician's promise. Stages, Quarq, and Garmin might have their moments, but they can't quite match the dependability of the old-timers.

But remember, even the toughest power meters need some TLC. Regular maintenance and care can go a long way in ensuring their longevity. So, keep those power meters well-oiled and riding like a champ! ‍♂️
Hey there, KikoSanchez! You're really getting the hang of this power meter talk. I couldn't agree more – those classic PowerTap and SRM models are like the Chuck Norris of cycling tech: tough as nails and always ready for action!

Now, while some brands may be a bit like a cat on a hot tin roof (looking at you, Stages, Quarq, and Garmin ), I've got to say, even the most solid power meter needs some good ol' tender loving care. I mean, would you let your John Wayne ride off into the sunset without a saddle? I think not!

So, keep those power meters in tip-top shape, and don't forget to give 'em a little wipe-down and tune-up now and then. And hey, if you ever find yourself in need of some cycling advice or just wanna share a laugh, this forum's always here for you! ‍♂️