Reason, critical thought, and listening

Originally Posted by JohnyRain

Where to start?

You got something right; I am a student of Objectivism. I do know that Ayn Rand was an atheist; I have read, and own, all her works and most everything written about her. Her love and support of freedom was and is great inspiration to me and millions of others. I am not sure that I accept the claim that Atlas Shrugged is the second most influential book after the bible, but it certainly is a significant piece of American fiction that details a logical, life-supporting philosophy.
and, for all that, a work of fiction (and, frankly, not very good fiction--stilted characters, wooden dialogue, and enormous plot holes). star trek, both television and film and quite popular, also presents a fictional representation of life, and in that, the role of money is greatly diminished. and yet the characters in those fictions still strive to excel. point being, these are works of fiction and therefore all artificial governed only by the author's imagination (douglas adams in his hitchhiker series even made it possible for humans to defy the law of gravity). to take "atlas shrugged", "the fountainhead", "anthem" or "moby ****" as anything other than fiction--even didactic fiction--is to give it a place beyond its merit. and as for it being a life-supporting philosophy, because it, demanding selfishness as its foundation, blinds itself to the reality that we, as a species, have advanced more rapidly through co-operation than selfishness (a topic adequately covered by a '70's television documentary by james burke called "connections," which makes the great point that our great technological leaps are built up over time relying upon an earlier invention). so, please continue to read whatever texts you like, but rand presented an america which never existed. seriously, what railroad can you think of which is named after a family? where in that novel do you find a conglomerate, which were extant in the '50's? and did you notice that the government, which in that era and earlier exerted military force to topple foreign governments for us corporations, doesn't play a role like that in her work? you should realise, then, that this is a highly stylised author manipulated world. she creates the strawman and knocks it down--not much of a philosophical feat.
Quote: Originally Posted by JohnyRain .Explain this to me: How do you extract from CAMPYBOB's posting a quote from one of Ayn Rand's characters that he is an atheist? It is just such unreasoned leaps as that that discourage me, and I suspect others, from engaging in what you so loosely term "debate".
you do realise that the interactions with him are nothing i would in any way characterise as conversation or debate, but giving as good as he gives it? he posts incendiary comments and then runs from the argument when challenged, returning only to make personal attacks on the one who challenged him. those posts concerning him are insults and are intended as such. as for your real question, if you have actually read her works, you cannot have missed that rand, herself, dismisses the possibility of being both religious and objectivist. inescapable fact. if you self-identify as an objectivist, then the here-after cannot exist. if you self-identify as an objectivist, then you have to accept her point that the sacrifice christ made is the very thing she despises in that quotation blobbo used--the sacrifice of one's life for others. these are paraphrases of her words, not mine.
Quote: Originally Posted by JohnyRain .
I am no fan of Bush, Cheney or waterboarding, but it was better than the actions of the administration we currently have, which doesn't waterboard them, they just kill them and anyone else in the way with drones. Bush and Cheney protected our ambassadors abroad too. They also didn't mandate that we purchase a product that we don't want on a web site that doesn't work. This is too easy - later.
so, you castigate "communism" for being anti-life, yet, it's okay for america to behave in that manner? this strikes me as hating the sinner and loving the sin. it's particularily revealing that you accept the actions under bush-cheney as distasteful but necessary to preserve our nationhood, but blanch at the use deadly force against others. does it lurk somewhere in the back of your thinking that bush only had the bad guys tortured? as for you disdain for the aca, review the supreme court's decision as to the nature of this product. they termed it a levy, which the us government has the power to do as stated in the constitution. as i've noted before, you have given me no reason to consider you anything less that a tea partier, even if you don't care for the characterisation. additionally, if you feel like disobeying the law, feel free to do so. accept the consequences for your actions. further, as most states require auto insurance, push your protest against the infringements on your liberty by refusing to get that. same for home owners insurance. power to the people! oops, sorry. forgot individualists like to stand alone surrounded by like thinking others. as ben franklin noted, we hang together or we shall hang separately. he was always funnier than patrick henry, anyway.
I guess I can't stand to not enter the fray at this point so I will comment on the ACA. To compare it to auto insurance is Apples and Oranges. The federal government does not require auto insurance, that is a state mandate, auto insurance does not cover , tires, oil changes, engine rebuilds or any type of general maintenance. You may buy an extended warranty but that is a voluntary issue. You cannot wreck your car, buy a policy and have the damages repaired. Under ACA pre-existing conditions are covered.
I am sorry but I see way too many flaws in this law as it exits. I believe it will eventually fail or be redesigned and I am not a commie , tea party member or extremist of any nature but I do have an opinion.
"review the supreme court's decision as to the nature of this product."

Would this be the same Supreme Court that reversed itself as the winds of liberalism, socialism and communism were fanned?...For example, in the years 1946–1992, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed itself in about 130 cases.
"I guess I can't stand to not enter the fray at this point"

The Tenn. Troll?!?! I keed! I keed! Please don't tax me, bro!

"I am not a commie"

Have you now or have you ever been a member of...

Do you have a garage, Mr. Huskey? Let me ask you, again...Do you have a garage?!?! Answer the committee! (and name that song!)

"I am sorry but I see way too many flaws in this law as it exits."

Same with the USPS, but those old white guys had the damned thing included in the Articles of Incorporation of this confounded little experiment.

****...I've completely run out of reasoning. 60 years of listening to critical thought has drained my reserves.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
I guess I can't stand to not enter the fray at this point so I will comment on the ACA. To compare it to auto insurance is Apples and Oranges. The federal government does not require auto insurance, that is a state mandate, auto insurance does not cover , tires, oil changes, engine rebuilds or any type of general maintenance. You may buy an extended warranty but that is a voluntary issue. You cannot wreck your car, buy a policy and have the damages repaired. Under ACA pre-existing conditions are covered.
I am sorry but I see way too many flaws in this law as it exits. I believe it will eventually fail or be redesigned and I am not a commie , tea party member or extremist of any nature but I do have an opinion.
at the root, however, we as a people have accepted the notion that a state power can in fact require us to purchase insurance (additionally, the supreme court decided the aca is tax/levy, similar, i believe to social security in that respect). admittedly ludicrous were a government to require us to purchase auto insurance if we had no auto, but the point remains valid--it is an authority which the government has. as for the issue of volition, one is free to disobey the law as you wish--even auto insurance. for the shortcomings in the law, not one of us here can say we've seen a law--federal, state or municipal--yet that hasn't been amended at some point. that is to say it is an unrealistic expectation that this law/programme would be born perfect. if we are to expect that of this law, or aspect of our government, then we would have abandoned our military forty times by now for its numerous ****-ups and examples of blatant waste. in that last example, our military has been adapted over the years, so will the aca.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"review the supreme court's decision as to the nature of this product."

Would this be the same Supreme Court that reversed itself as the winds of liberalism, socialism and communism were fanned?...For example, in the years 1946–1992, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed itself in about 130 cases.
are you speaking to anyone in particular, or just baying madly as you usually do?
Originally Posted by JohnyRain
...the commies are going to be upset now." Are you upset now?
The commies are -always- upset.

What I dont get is why they bother participating in democratic elections, since as they have stated "They want to take the administration with the means of revolution".

I was once helping in the elections (I went to vote and apparently I was "drafted") and I was giving the voting slips to the voters. I had a visit from a couple of very upset looking persons with commie nametags on them (f@ckin disgusting...) which were the party's representatives in the voting hall that I was helping and they wanted to ask me if I had their voting slip amongst the others... Really weird...

Anyway I am so "Open minded" right now... I have no idea whats going on...


Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"review the supreme court's decision as to the nature of this product."

Would this be the same Supreme Court that reversed itself as the winds of liberalism, socialism and communism were fanned?...For example, in the years 1946–1992, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed itself in about 130 cases.
with a changing roster of judges over that span, how can it even be considered as the "same supreme court"? why even limit it to the years 1946-1992? if you take the court in its totality from inception to present day, i don't believe the court has "reversed" itself on 130 issues. the court does not review previously decided issues/cases. it takes under consideration for oral argument a new case which may limit a previous decision or effectively overturn a prior court's decision. the supreme court may strike down laws, but does not strike down prior decisions. and, just because i have always had a great deal of respect for this person and her ability to put her opinion forward, i present retired justice sandra day o'connor to explain if the supreme court "reverses" its decision.

I want to thank you for starting a most interesting thread. I would ask that you go back and read your original post and tell me if you, or any of us for that matter, have lived up to your original intent when you started this thread?
JohnyRain said:
Alienator, I want to thank you for starting a most interesting thread.  I would ask that you go back and read your original post and tell me if you, or any of us for that matter, have lived up to your original intent when you started this thread?
Sorry, I'm not going make a grade sheet for people participating in the thread. That will only incite.
We certainly wouldn't want to do anything to incite.

I do not think we lived up to your original intent. Too bad; I think we might enjoy actually trying to figure out how seemingly intelligent individuals can have such differing opinions.
"The commies are -always- upset."

Oh hells yes! And heart rate data confirms this is the only workout they got all week!

Take all the people ****** killed and quadruple it.

That number is a drop in the bucket when compared to the numbers of innocents the commies wiped from the planet.
"I think we might enjoy actually trying to figure out how seemingly intelligent individuals can have such differing opinions."

I found the problem, Mr. Rain.

History is littered with scattered bones of socialists, liberals and commies that never learned to do anything except beg for free ****. The FSA (Free **** Army) of modern American has grown fat on EBT cards sold at a discount for crack, meth and McFood.

Mao hats and Castro fatigues have been replaced with FUBU, the Nike Swoosh and the hoodie.

Saddle up, gentlemen. There's no time for critical thinking anymore. We done tried that **** and look at where the hell it got us.

Ol' Jug Ears in the White House, Hitlary on deck and the Fed's printing presses melting down from years on overdrive! Hah! And them dumb bastards are expecting ME to pay for some commie's Platinum Plan?!?! Whadda joke! I'll spend it all on hookers & blow before that ever comes to pass.

I'm LMFAOWBBQ and hoping those dumb twats' kids and grandkids and great grandkids enjoy paying for the awesome amount of fail they visited upon them.
yeah! or rand paul helping himself to somebody else's intellectual efforts without paying proper credit! rotten kentucky commie!
JohnyRain said:
We certainly wouldn't want to do anything to incite. I do not think we lived up to your original intent.  Too bad; I think we might enjoy actually trying to figure out how seemingly intelligent individuals can have such differing opinions.
Phrase it however you like. Offering my opinion of a grade would be completely pointless. You wouldn't accept it. BigotBob would reject it because his universe is very small and doesn't recognize such things as the opinions of others, and so on. It would be viewed from the same, well established inflexible positions. There would be no figuring anything out, as quite a few aren't actually committed to understanding or learning anything. With that, my part in this thread is done.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"The commies are -always- upset."

Oh hells yes! And heart rate data confirms this is the only workout they got all week!
You guys dont even have a communist party there!
We got like 5 of them...

The Super - red (with the scythe and everything
The regular (with the scythe and everything
The Red "light" (good for starters)
and "Pink-ish red" (bait for people who got tax increase
Plus some other ones maybe... Cant remember...

When I was handing out these vote slips I felt like a Jehovah's Witness from Hell
. I should make a joke now that I think of it... Like telling the other one on the side who was handing out the packs: "Ya got enough commie-ones mate?"

Anyway at least you dont have to see their ugly faces in the morning shows... What happened to documentaries and stuff?

I think the whole politics - media circus is just after money anyway... and they found a way not to pay anything for quality shows! They just talk between them and then the ad for the new Matsu-baru shows up...

Which then gets taxed... But those were "those other guys"...

Oh and I think I just figured out why they bother with elections, they get money to go to the elections... Money which I am sure its spent on the elections and the election expenditures alone.
And good deeds... and cookies...
"You guys dont even have a communist party there!
We got like 5 of them..."

We have one huge commie party. We call them, "Democrats". They are mainly the stupid, the insane and mental defects. Seeing that they include mental defects, they are the largest commie party as liberalism is a mental disease.

We also have the tiny Communist Party Marxist-Leninist that worship two failed dead assholes. Then there's the May 19th Communist Movement. They're hysterical.

Also, The Communist Workers Party. "Commie" and "Worker" in the same name! What a joke!

The Black Panther there's a bunch of upstanding commies! We have White Pather commies, too. Proving stoopidity knows no color boundaries.

The Communist Labor Party of America...loser trade unionists jackholes seeking to own the means of production. Good luck with that! "Workers! Throw off your chains...." <Yawn>

Well...maybe a list of the commie thugs would be in order. Operating within our borders:

C D F I I cont. J L M N P R R cont. S T U W
As America declines and devolves into the idiocy of "critical thought" we will make the fun Greece is seeing look like a third grade playground spat.
Originally Posted by slovakguy
at the root, however, we as a people have accepted the notion that a state power can in fact require us to purchase insurance (additionally, the supreme court decided the aca is tax/levy, similar, i believe to social security in that respect). admittedly ludicrous were a government to require us to purchase auto insurance if we had no auto, but the point remains valid--it is an authority which the government has. as for the issue of volition, one is free to disobey the law as you wish--even auto insurance. for the shortcomings in the law, not one of us here can say we've seen a law--federal, state or municipal--yet that hasn't been amended at some point. that is to say it is an unrealistic expectation that this law/programme would be born perfect. if we are to expect that of this law, or aspect of our government, then we would have abandoned our military forty times by now for its numerous ****-ups and examples of blatant waste. in that last example, our military has been adapted over the years, so will the aca.

It would have been more logical to phase in the program and modify it as needed as a bipartisan effort but that will never happen since both parties are more interested in political alignment than the interest of the nation. If it were up to me I would fire all their a**es from the top down and outlaw career politicians.
The crazies are truly in charge of the asylum at this point.
Originally Posted by jhuskey

It would have been more logical to phase in the program and modify it as needed as a bipartisan effort but that will never happen since both parties are more interested in political alignment than the interest of the nation. If it were up to me I would fire all their a**es from the top down and outlaw career politicians.
The crazies are truly in charge of the asylum at this point.
there was a concerted effort at bi-partisan input for that programme, but one sector of one party had so entrenched themselves against the proposal that constructive negotiation became unlikely. let's at least be honest in that recollection. as for phasing it in, that might have been agreed upon, but, again, one sector of one party refused even to entertain the thought. now that the horse is out of the barn (and the right has played its last card before the supreme court and the shutdown failed), it becomes imperative to find common ground? it was imperative to find common ground several years ago when the proposals were made. we are not that demanding of the items we purchase for our everyday lives. microsoft never phased in a release of the os. they put their bug ridden product out there and tinkered it with it daily, until they were ready to release yet another bug ridden os.

and just a quick question--do you include your representative and senators with the crazies? will you vote against them just because you think they have served too long?
"we are not that demanding of the items we purchase for our everyday lives."


"microsoft never phased in a release of the os."

No commie ever mandated we purchase a Microsoft OS.

Your analogy sucks and your premise is illogical.