Reason, critical thought, and listening

Originally Posted by slovakguy
there was a concerted effort at bi-partisan input for that programme, but one sector of one party had so entrenched themselves against the proposal that constructive negotiation became unlikely. let's at least be honest in that recollection. as for phasing it in, that might have been agreed upon, but, again, one sector of one party refused even to entertain the thought. now that the horse is out of the barn (and the right has played its last card before the supreme court and the shutdown failed), it becomes imperative to find common ground? it was imperative to find common ground several years ago when the proposals were made. we are not that demanding of the items we purchase for our everyday lives. microsoft never phased in a release of the os. they put their bug ridden product out there and tinkered it with it daily, until they were ready to release yet another bug ridden os.

and just a quick question--do you include your representative and senators with the crazies? will you vote against them just because you think they have served too long?
Yes , they are all self serving a-holes. Yours also. Both sides are guilty and you won't sway me from that opinion. As long as we blame one side or the other the career politicians will keep our mindset exactly where they want it and they will thrive.
I would vote against then because career politicians do not hold the general welfare of the public as first priority. Partisan politics holds top billing.
We have not seen the effects of the health care bill.

FYI: I never consider a posters politics before I delete their spam and ban them. I am equal opportunity.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"You guys dont even have a communist party there!
We got like 5 of them..."

We also have the tiny Communist Party Marxist-Leninist that worship two failed dead assholes. Then there's the May 19th Communist Movement. They're hysterical.

Also, The Communist Workers Party. "Commie" and "Worker" in the same name! What a joke!

The Black Panther there's a bunch of upstanding commies! We have White Pather commies, too. Proving stoopidity knows no color boundaries.

The Communist Labor Party of America...loser trade unionists jackholes seeking to own the means of production. Good luck with that! "Workers! Throw off your chains...." <Yawn>

Well...maybe a list of the commie thugs would be in order. Operating within our borders:

As America declines and devolves into the idiocy of "critical thought" we will make the fun Greece is seeing look like a third grade playground spat.

Thats weird... I thought that "communism" was illegal in the US after (and maybe before) the cold war as nazi-ism is in Germany...

Ah Greece... The first party at the moment are the equivalent of the US "Republicans" I guess... Second party are the "Pink-ish red" (trying to look cool and a commie is hilarious) and the third party are the nazi.. ehmmm "The national socialists".

There are alot of shootings going on lately... It has officially hit the fan... They have actually declared the nazi... eeehmm the "National socialist party" to be a criminal organization. They found unlicenced guns, WW2 nazi material etc in their offices too...

Btw the guy who kinda made the whole thing the mess it is today is currently "vacationing" in the US and he teaches somewhere I think. If its economics I think you should consider not to take any lectures from him...
I think they wanted to pull him back for questioning at some point...
"I thought that "communism" was illegal in the US..."


We have 'some' freedom left here in the United States of America.

That includes the freedom to be a retard. As evidenced by the supposed 'critical thoughts' (AKA Big City Thinkers©) seen plastered on the pages of the internet.

You have seen a couple of forum members wanting to 'fire' their representatives in our government.


I'll go one step further and 'fire' about 50% of the citizens (legal, illegal or just plain brain dead). The country is comprised of at LEAST 50% of people that are below average...and 'average' these days ain't what it once was.

Every day more idjuts are convinced to join the FSA and The Republic suffers. As do the remaining productive citizens.

Who is John Galt?

Now you know.
"As long as we blame one side or the other the career politicians will keep our mindset exactly where they want it and they will thrive."

Well, we certainly do not have a career politician running the ship of state now!

Little Junior part-time Senator "Community Organizer" has never had a career. Of any sort. Matter of fact, there's very little known about him other than he liked to do drugs and that his mom posed for some **** pics.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"we are not that demanding of the items we purchase for our everyday lives."


"microsoft never phased in a release of the os."

No commie ever mandated we purchase a Microsoft OS.

Your analogy sucks and your premise is illogical.
Damn it CAMPYBOB! I go for a little bike ride and when I get back I find you have provided the best comeback line of this entire thread (and there are several good ones).

Coercion does make a little bit of a difference doesn't it?
Originally Posted by jhuskey
Yes , they are all self serving a-holes. Yours also. Both sides are guilty and you won't sway me from that opinion. As long as we blame one side or the other the career politicians will keep our mindset exactly where they want it and they will thrive.
I would vote against then because career politicians do not hold the general welfare of the public as first priority. Partisan politics holds top billing.
We have not seen the effects of the health care bill.
i have no idea if the people representing me are or are not self-serving assholes, having never met them. i cast my votes and believe that is still the finest form of term limits. as an aside, how is it the founding fathers managed to get the second amendment correct (so long as the nra ignores the bit about the well-regulated militia), but screwed up so horribly by not including term limits? puts the original intenters in a bit of a fix. i also think there are some in congress and on both sides of the aisle who are actually well-intentioned and honourable people--murkowski, snowe, sanders, casey, et. al.

as for the bit about both sides deserving equal measures of blame, one only need to look at the debate over the "no child left behind" law. in that debate the democrats had strongly held objections to the programme and its many short-comings. the democrats did not hijack the government and threaten the country with economic disaster. in this recent shutdown, you cannot deny that the democrat led senate invited the republican led house on numerous occasions since the spring to hammer out the budget issues only to be rebuffed time and again by the republicans. yet the republicans wasted much time by holding several dozen repeal the aca votes. it is only by a great deal of willful blindness that you would assign equal measures of blame for the most recent mess. and remember your resolve in the coming primaries and general elections and vote your conscience.

correct, we have not seen the effects of the health care bill. those will be revealed as the future becomes the present and fades into the past. we might predict what we think will happen and then have to wait to find out how accurate we were at those predictions. i doubt the founding fathers saw the need for a standing army and navy when they threw off the british yoke, yet we have both of those organisations and a standing air force to boot. so i can confidently predict that the aca will be tinkered with over the coming decades and that is not a bold prediction.

Quote: Originally Posted by jhuskey .
FYI: I never consider a posters politics before I delete their spam and ban them. I am equal opportunity.

excuse me? have i missed something?
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"we are not that demanding of the items we purchase for our everyday lives."


"microsoft never phased in a release of the os."

No commie ever mandated we purchase a Microsoft OS.

Your analogy sucks and your premise is illogical.
and your response indicates that you have a very low level of reading comprehension. the example which you are twisting to your own purposes is meant to illustrate that we, as humans, rarely put out a product, whether from private industry or government effort or even in our personal lives, that is perfect and whole, not that microsoft legislated we purchase its product.

your response therefore, sucks, and your previous posts show you to be a vindictive and insulting human who cannot express himself in a constructive fashion.
Quote: "I thought that "communism" was illegal in the US..."

Not really. The party was classified as a subversive organization before I was born, but membership in it was not illegal. Freedom of association protected by the First Amendment. Advocating the violent overthrow of the government was, though. Maybe still is.

Of course, by joining it, you probably landed on someone's watch list, even back then. I heard that the party was so infiltrated by the Feds that you might as well send your dues directly to J. Edgar Hoover's desk.

In any event, Gus Hall ran for president every 4 years on their ticket for a long time. Whoever Gus Hall was. I just remember seeing his name on the ballot for a long time.

I used to work with a guy down in NYC who was really out there where the buses don't run. He claimed that CPUS was really a front for the CIA designed to divert people's attention from the true Marxists. I think the term "useful idiots" hadn't been coined yet. He belonged to some splinter Marxist outfit. He used to walk around his neighborhood trying to get people to sign nomination papers for various people his party wanted to run for office. He didn't get a lot of them, as I recall. He asked me to sign, just once. He didn't like my answer. Never asked again.
slovakguy said:
i have no idea if the people representing me are or are not self-serving assholes, having never met them.  i cast my votes and believe that is still the finest form of term limits.  as an aside, how is it the founding fathers managed to get the second amendment correct (so long as the nra ignores the bit about the well-regulated militia), but screwed up so horribly by not including term limits?  puts the original intenters in a bit of a fix.  i also think there are some in congress and on both sides of the aisle who are actually well-intentioned and honourable people--murkowski, snowe, sanders, casey, et. al. as for the bit about both sides deserving equal measures of blame, one only need to look at the debate over the "no child left behind" law.  in that debate the democrats had strongly held objections to the programme and its many short-comings.  the democrats did not hijack the government and threaten the country with economic disaster.  in this recent shutdown, you cannot deny that the democrat led senate invited the republican led house on numerous occasions since the spring to hammer out the budget issues only to be rebuffed time and again by the republicans.  yet the republicans wasted much time by holding several dozen repeal the aca votes.  it is only by a great deal of willful blindness that you would assign equal measures of blame for the most recent mess.  and remember your resolve in the coming primaries and general elections and vote your conscience. correct, we have not seen the effects of the health care bill.  those will be revealed as the future becomes the present and fades into the past.  we might predict what we think will happen and then have to wait to find out how accurate we were at those predictions.  i doubt the founding fathers saw the need for a standing army and navy when they threw off the british yoke, yet we have both of those organisations and a standing air force to boot.  so i can confidently predict that the aca will be tinkered with over the coming decades and that is not a bold prediction. excuse me?  have i missed something?
Probably but I was referring to spammers. Been a lot of them lately and I don't check their voter card. It is clear we do not agree on politics.
Originally Posted by jhuskey

Probably but I was referring to spammers. Been a lot of them lately and I don't check their voter card. It is clear we do not agree on politics.
i don't believe having disagreements on political positions is negative. the debates are useful in how we progress as a country. the point i cannot agree with you is that all our elected officials are self-serving assholes. some are; some aren't. same in government, same in business. if anything, for each objection you've raised to the aca and which i've offered rebuttal, you will not change your opinion toward it. that is emblematic of the country's problem more than anything. i still have little hope that no child left behind will achieve anything (mainly because i don't believe its crafters knew what they were trying to accomplish and recent international surveys still show how much we lag behind other countries in sciences and math), but i see no reason to overthrow the government because it is law and has not performed as advertised.
slovakguy said:
i don't believe having disagreements on political positions is negative.  the debates are useful in how we progress as a country.  the point i cannot agree with you is that all our elected officials are self-serving assholes.  some are; some aren't.  same in government, same in business.  if anything, for each objection you've raised to the aca and which i've offered rebuttal, you will not change your opinion toward it.  that is emblematic of the country's problem more than anything.  i still have little hope that no child left behind will achieve anything (mainly because i don't believe its crafters knew what they were trying to accomplish and recent international surveys still show how much we lag behind other countries in sciences and math), but i see no reason to overthrow the government because it is law and has not performed as advertised.
I feel the same about this law I truly wish it could work but do not see how but we will know more in a few months.
"we, as humans, rarely put out a product, whether from private industry or government effort or even in our personal lives, that is perfect and whole,"

That's ********. You fail. Again.

"not that microsoft legislated we purchase its product."

Rrrrrriiiiight. Backpedal any faster and those crank bearings are going to burn up.

"your previous posts show you to be a vindictive

I've vindicated myself quite extraordinarily well, old chap!

"and insulting"

Smashing your words back like a Venus Williams forehand and drilling it!

"human who cannot express himself in a constructive fashion."

Freakin' malarky! I express my loathing of you and commie ideals, in general, like Monet worked a canvas! Like Botticelli drew light to his subjects! Like Sir Edward Elgar directs The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. know how much you're loathed due to my highly developed critical thought process, reasoning abilities that transcend the Age of Reason and my honed skills of being able to listen to page after page of your illogical rantings. And because I said so.

But, please! Do go on and describe, in exquisite detail, my insulting humanness and lack of constructive fashion sense. My listening abilities are set to 'All Ears'. And I love it when you compliment my expressive side!
"if anything, for each objection you've raised to the aca and which i've offered rebuttal"

Queue the hysterical laughter gif.

We're doing just fine in the education arena. Probably way above the rest of the world when you factor Democrats taking up space in the classrooms.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"if anything, for each objection you've raised to the aca and which i've offered rebuttal"

Queue the hysterical laughter gif.

We're doing just fine in the education arena. Probably way above the rest of the world when you factor Democrats taking up space in the classrooms.
woo-hoo! we're number thirteen! usa! usa! usa! strange how the title of the article eludes your comprehension. certainly in crazyblobbo land getting "beat" equates to winning. or the phrase "...but americans are still consistently outranked by the same handful of countries." little wonder your "employers" only let you keep crayons at your desk.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"we, as humans, rarely put out a product, whether from private industry or government effort or even in our personal lives, that is perfect and whole,"

That's ********. You fail. Again.
quite the poignant rebuttal. so full of it, actually. yep, full of it.
Quote: Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
"not that microsoft legislated we purchase its product."

Rrrrrriiiiight. Backpedal any faster and those crank bearings are going to burn up.

right. another attempt at twisting another's words which failed for you, so you resort to repeating the same lie again and again. typical tea party tactic.

Quote: Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
"your previous posts show you to be a vindictive

I've vindicated myself quite extraordinarily well, old chap!

i stand by my description of you--vindictive and insulting. i should have added homophobic, bigoted, and idiotic, but i've described you as such elsewhere.

Quote: Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
"and insulting"

Smashing your words back like a Venus Williams forehand and drilling it!

another example of your desire to lead an alternative lifestyle and sense of womens fashion. vive le difference, freakazoid!

Quote: Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB .
"human who cannot express himself in a constructive fashion."
Freakin' malarky! I express my loathing of you and commie ideals, in general, like Monet worked a canvas! Like Botticelli drew light to his subjects! Like Sir Edward Elgar directs The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. know how much you're loathed due to my highly developed critical thought process, reasoning abilities that transcend the Age of Reason and my honed skills of being able to listen to page after page of your illogical rantings. And because I said so.

But, please! Do go on and describe, in exquisite detail, my insulting humanness and lack of constructive fashion sense. My listening abilities are set to 'All Ears'. And I love it when you compliment my expressive side!

barking mad. and so very sensitive to being insulted. also a bit over the top with the estimation of your abilities since you've had a difficult time supporting your position with anything but bluster, insult, or the twisting of words to meet your needs..
"woo-hoo! we're number thirteen! usa! usa! usa! strange how the title of the article eludes your comprehension. certainly in crazyblobbo land getting "beat" equates to winning. or the phrase "...but americans are still consistently outranked by the same handful of countries." little wonder your "employers" only let you keep crayons at your desk."

We are doing just fine. If people like yourself are factored out of the calculations, we are number one.
"quite the poignant rebuttal.."

Thank you. It was.

"typical tea party tactic."

Your backpedalling is a procedure patented by libtards. I found a picture of you practicing...

"i should have added homophobic,"

I fear no homos.


I am an equal opportunity bigot. Although I do tend to rank libtards higher on the American Society of Bigots Scale of Focus©.

"and idiotic,"

I am deeply honored, then, that you have spent the better part of twelve pages using your critical thought and reasoned response embarrassing yourself in failed refutation. Rail on, Wayne.

"but i've described you as such elsewhere."

Of course you have, Bunky. And you're a pedantic bore. Worse, a communist and a Democrat. No wonder you suck.

"vive le difference, freakazoid!"

I am elated to be different from whatever the hell it is that you are. I praise God for that miracle.

"barking mad."

"still unable to address your objectivist hypocrisy."

Of course you can't! You're bangin' on them bongos like a chimpanzee!

Mellow out, dude. It's time you marched to the beat of a different drummer.