The reason why the buck stops with Bush on global warming

MountainPro said:
i cant believe youre bleating on about the fact i drove an SUV. Trust me, try renting a car in SoCal these days and the salesmen are so pushy, you'll come away with what they want to rent to you, not what you want to hire from them. We went to about 4 different businesses and yes, there were chioces, Big SUVs, small SUVs, short SUVs, long SUVs, white SUVs, black SUVs, the chioce was indeed endless...
I did a search on 2 popular rental car companies in the LA area.
Here were the options that were for rent...
Hyundai Accent (Not a SUV)
Toyota Corolla (Not a SUV)
Ford Taurus (Not a SUV)
PT Cruiser (Not A SUV)
Chevrolet Impala (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Aveo (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Cobalt (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Monte Carlo (Not a SUV)
Hummer H3 SUV!
Nissan Exterra SUV!
Lincoln Navigator SUV!
Chevrolet trail Blazer SUV!

8 choices that were not SUVs! Yet you claim that you were persuaded to rent the SUV.

You came and visited the US. You drove a SUV while you were here. Then you return to Scotland and trash Americans for driving SUV's. If you truly cared about the enviroment you would have never let a "pushy" salesman convince you to rent the SUV. But the enviroment was never the real reason for this thread.
Colorado Ryder said:
I did a search on 2 popular rental car companies in the LA area.
Here were the options that were for rent...
Hyundai Accent (Not a SUV)
Toyota Corolla (Not a SUV)
Ford Taurus (Not a SUV)
PT Cruiser (Not A SUV)
Chevrolet Impala (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Aveo (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Cobalt (Not a SUV)
Chevrolet Monte Carlo (Not a SUV)
Hummer H3 SUV!
Nissan Exterra SUV!
Lincoln Navigator SUV!
Chevrolet trail Blazer SUV!

8 choices that were not SUVs! Yet you claim that you were persuaded to rent the SUV.

You came and visited the US. You drove a SUV while you were here. Then you return to Scotland and trash Americans for driving SUV's. If you truly cared about the enviroment you would have never let a "pushy" salesman convince you to rent the SUV. But the enviroment was never the real reason for this thread.
the reason for the thread was global warming and Bush's anti-environment agenda.

perhaps since Arnie has had a change of heart, things have changed on the hire car front.

the difference between you and me CR is that if you ever save up the money to be able to travel outside your country and experience other cultures, you'll be complaing why the hire cars dont have V8 engines, why you cant get 'french' fries in France and the local radio TV stations isnt showing Dog the Bounty Hunter.

At least i tried to act like an American.
jhuskey said:
I hate posting to such subjects..why? There is no winning the debate, but I am just a ***** for controvesy.
Large companies in the US use 1940's technology for pollution control and how do they get by the EPA? Some companies have become over compliant and have leaped ahead of present pollution laws.
So now the polluters buy up their credits of those companies and apply them to their companies.
A loophole to pollute and this has been going on for some time.
Every gram of CO2 that is expelled into the atmosphere aids global warming.
So pollution,overpopulation of the entire world,deforestation especially in the Amazon, contribute to the problem.
A balance will need to be achieved, and will be one way or another.
We can control our population and pollution growth or mother nature will do it for us.
mother nature is already trying to achieve equilibruim, people are being killed as nature struggles to shake off the scourge of Man. This is indirect Bush policy.
MountainPro said:
the difference between you and me CR is that if you ever save up the money to be able to travel outside your country and experience other cultures, you'll be complaing why the hire cars dont have V8 engines, why you cant get 'french' fries in France and the local radio TV stations isnt showing Dog the Bounty Hunter.

At least i tried to act like an American.
First you stereotype Americans then you presume to know what I think and how I would act! You visit the US for a week or two and then presume you know all about US? If I spend a week or two in Scotland would that confirm that all Scottish people are ignorant jerks?

You can get french fries in France. But they just call them frites.
Colorado Ryder said:
First you stereotype Americans then you presume to know what I think and how I would act! You visit the US for a week or two and then presume you know all about US? If I spend a week or two in Scotland would that confirm that all Scottish people are ignorant jerks?

You can get french fries in France. But they just call them frites.
Don't bother with this fool CR. After all, he can't even persuade a salesperson to let him rent a car. He wanted to rent a car but was forced by the "pushy salesperson" to rent an SUV. What an idiot
NeoKon said:
Don't bother with this fool CR. After all, he can't even persuade a salesperson to let him rent a car. He wanted to rent a car but was forced by the "pushy salesperson" to rent an SUV. What an idiot
Interesting tone, coming from one who is so dull-witted as to say Bu$hCo has done nothing impeachable.

You might know that had you crawled from under your rock in the last...oh...couple of YEARS.

News for ya: the Texass Dingbat has admitted to some of the offenses with his own words. Like it or lump it. Them's tha facts.
Carrera said:
Back to Colorado Rider's point, though. I think that at least the Yanks aren't slaughtering seals and whales as the Japanese are doing. If you really want to get angry, spare a thought too for those whales the Japanese are determined to massacre out of sheer, shameless greed.
i think you're getting a little confused as to what causes global warming.
Colorado Ryder said:
First you stereotype Americans then you presume to know what I think and how I would act! You visit the US for a week or two and then presume you know all about US? If I spend a week or two in Scotland would that confirm that all Scottish people are ignorant jerks?

You can get french fries in France. But they just call them frites.
i am not stereotyping anyone, i presented my own personal experience of Americans at home and abroad.

there are plenty of 'jerks' in Scotland, or ****-holes as we prefer to call them and i know if you so robustly defend the use of SUVs and Bush policy on cover-ups over global warming while on a visit here, you'll be leaving with a rather bad view of Scots, and British in general.
NeoKon said:
Don't bother with this fool CR. After all, he can't even persuade a salesperson to let him rent a car. He wanted to rent a car but was forced by the "pushy salesperson" to rent an SUV. What an idiot
sure thing Zapper/Cornmuffer/ColoradoRider/ should see a doctor about your schizophrenic tendancies.
Tips for CR when abroad...

"The reputation of the 'Ugly American' abroad is not...just some cruel stereotype, but - according to the American government itself - worryingly accurate,"

"Loud and brash, in gawdy garb and baseball caps, more than three million of them flock to our shores every year. Shuffling between tourist sites or preparing to negotiate a business deal, they bemoan the failings of the world outside the United States."

"leave the Homer Simpson behavior at home"
MountainPro said:
sure thing Zapper/Cornmuffer/ColoradoRider/ should see a doctor about your schizophrenic tendancies.
OK. Mountain Pro/Limerickman/Wurm/Stevebaby..........
MountainPro said:
and i know if you so robustly defend the use of SUVs and Bush policy on cover-ups over global warming while on a visit here, you'll be leaving with a rather bad view of Scots, and British in general.
Never defended SUV's nor any alleged coverups. Just find it all humorous for you to criticize others behavior when you engaged in the same type of behavior. That my friend makes you a hypocrite.
Colorado Ryder said:
Never defended SUV's nor any alleged coverups. Just find it all humorous for you to criticize others behavior when you engaged in the same type of behavior. That my friend makes you a hypocrite.
in order to criticize something, one should first have experienced it, otherwise, one would not be qualified to criticize.

doesnt made me a hypocrite....more a convert.
Overpopulation. That's what causes it. There's nothing wrong with gas-guzzling vehicles so long as not too many people are using them. In the fifties the Yanks drove these huge gas-guzzling cars but the number of vehicle drivers back then was far far fewer than today. Nowadays, I can hardly cross the road for cars.
CR does have a point, though. We're all guilty. However, I do think the real serious damage is caused by nuclear tests, industrial accidents (such as Chernobyl) and wars.

MountainPro said:
i think you're getting a little confused as to what causes global warming.
Carrera said:
There's nothing wrong with gas-guzzling vehicles so long as not too many people are using them. In the fifties the Yanks drove these huge gas-guzzling cars...
I guess you've forgotten what cities like LA looked like in the 60'-70's, when a dark pall of smog (remember that word?) hung over them almost daily. I can remember when I lived in Phoenix in the late 60'-early 70's, we would get days when you could barely see South Mountain through the ****. My father at the time drove the bigger cars like most did, but really had no choice for something fuel-efficient that would haul families like ours with 8 kids.

At that time, Phoenix was certainly growing quickly but was nowhere near the population it is now. As we know, the changing from leaded gasoline to unleaded is largely what stopped the smog, not so much the improvement in fuel economy.

Ongoing population growth is a contributing factor, I don't think anyone could deny that. But realizing that, the car mfg's and federal gov't have a responsibility to lower emissions yet further, which they have not done in significant amounts.
Colorado Ryder said:
Convert to what? Does that mean you actually don't mind SUV's?
i dont mind SUVs, i think farmers and estate workers need something to get them up on the hills with heavy loads in muddy and rough terrain in order to feed the livestock.

it's the soccer mom, drive through, lazy, ignorant, 'bigger is better' idiot that i would like to bayonet through the neck.

4x4s are great for manual workers that need the functionality that road cars cannot provide.

you wouldnt go swimming in a ski jacket would you?

most SUVs are neither Sporty (most are autos) nor Utility so the name makes no sense, which suits the mentality drivers.

nope, 4x4s are excellent for what they do, i just dont think we should all be driving one.
My boat runs on red diesel although I have to get the damned thing going. Over here, you can't get a diesel mechanic to fix up boat engines so I've had to learn by myself. Of course, when it does run, it won't be doing the environment much good either. There are also thousands of diesel guzzling boats on the canals as well as cars on the roads.

MountainPro said:
i dont mind SUVs, i think farmers and estate workers need something to get them up on the hills with heavy loads in muddy and rough terrain in order to feed the livestock.

it's the soccer mom, drive through, lazy, ignorant, 'bigger is better' idiot that i would like to bayonet through the neck.

4x4s are great for manual workers that need the functionality that road cars cannot provide.

you wouldnt go swimming in a ski jacket would you?

most SUVs are neither Sporty (most are autos) nor Utility so the name makes no sense, which suits the mentality drivers.

nope, 4x4s are excellent for what they do, i just dont think we should all be driving one.
MountainPro said:
i dont mind SUVs, i think farmers and estate workers need something to get them up on the hills with heavy loads in muddy and rough terrain in order to feed the livestock.

it's the soccer mom, drive through, lazy, ignorant, 'bigger is better' idiot that i would like to bayonet through the neck.

4x4s are great for manual workers that need the functionality that road cars cannot provide.

you wouldnt go swimming in a ski jacket would you?

most SUVs are neither Sporty (most are autos) nor Utility so the name makes no sense, which suits the mentality drivers.

nope, 4x4s are excellent for what they do, i just dont think we should all be driving one.
Well well well. We agree!
Nothing worse than seeing a Excursion with only one person out on the highway. I also don't understand the need to drive a Hummer. Most SUV's can't survive off road for long. They are not made for rugged terrain. There are people that drive giant pick ups that don't need one that large.
The smaller SUV's are ok eg. the Santa Fe, Highlander, Equinox, etc.
Colorado Ryder said:
Well well well. We agree!
Nothing worse than seeing a Excursion with only one person out on the highway. I also don't understand the need to drive a Hummer. Most SUV's can't survive off road for long. They are not made for rugged terrain. There are people that drive giant pick ups that don't need one that large.
The smaller SUV's are ok eg. the Santa Fe, Highlander, Equinox, etc.
hummers are great...for transporting troops over rough terrain in a military situation...they look out of place on a city street.

my bro works for a landscaping company and the owner is obsessed with off road vehicles. First he had a Diahatsu 4Trak 2.8 turbo V6, a real beast good at uprooting trees. Then he has an Mitsu L200 animal, now he has a....wait for it, Hummer H2. (a cut down version for narrow UK roads). This company is always up to their armpits in mud so nothing else will do. Plus it pulls large trailers with lawnmowers and earth moving equipment on the back, caterpillars etc.

for me thats fine...but today i saw a woman driving a Landrover Vogue V8 to work in front of me on the road, it wasnt till she pulled into our company car park that i relaised she worked for the same comapny. I made a friendly remark like, didnt know you lived on a farm, but she just laughed saying that she loves her Landrover....£65 grand it cost too...fukcing ridiculous.

We need to implement car pools on certain motorways in this country to stop idiots like that.