The biggest problem in America


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
Ben Frank, Save The USA

The biggest problem in America is the refusal of good-hearted Americans to see that Bush, Cheney, et al are not bumbling idiots, but truly evil bastards destroying our country. To realize that we must stop them before more die.

Wake Up America: The evildoers lied to start a war, needlessly killing a hundred thousand, and they exploited 9/11 to do it.

They exploited 9/11. Think about that. What kind of person would say, "Before Sept 11th, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be contained," (mp3) even though Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

We have already seen:

* The Supreme Court rush in to an emergency Saturday morning session to STOP the vote count (Dec 2000).

* Bush received a Memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US" Aug 6th, 2001. He stayed on vacation, then 9/11 happened. (Why wasn't that enough for impeachment?)

* Criminal Tax Cuts for the Rich, while

* Poverty reaching record levels

* Oil Co Profits at all-time highs

* $1.48 Billion "over-charged" by Halliburton

* Halliburton pumping oil "that isn't even metered"

* The deliberate FUBAR of Iraq, if they had withdrawn the military in 2003, we would have saved Billions of dollars, and thousands of lives! but "saving Billions of Taxpayer $$" means Billions less for Halliburton to "earn".

* $9 Billion "Lost" by Paul Bremer's CPA, which used Cash Bricks ($100,000 of stacked $100�s) stuffed in gunny sacks to pay contractors.

* Stop Loss orders

* Depleted Uranium

* Stolen Election 2004 - Bush's Cousin Kerry took a dive

* Katrina "exercise": FEMA turned help away; Bush stayed on vacation, again!

* Katrina survivors testified that they were not rescued, but detained in "concentration camps".

* A new bankrupcy law that cracks down on individuals, while they "settle" corporate bankrupcies for pennies on the dollar. MCI WorldCom "over-stated" earnings by $13 Billion, stock price collapsed robbing millions of investors of $160 Billion� MCI "settled" for $.5 Billion penalty, then gov't gave them a $.3 Billion contract for Iraq phone service.

That MCI case is typical: the gov't lets the big boys rob billions, while they crack down on the little guy that went bankrupt because of absurd medical bills ($50,000 for a broken arm?!), which is something else this corrupt gov't has refused to address- the broken/corrupt medical industry.

And now we have seen this corrupt gov't revive Cointelpro tactics to spy on Americans. Bush says they're spying on al-Qaeda to protect us, but the evidence indicates they've been spying on Quakers, Catholic Workers and other Peace Groups. Bush says it's perfectly legal, but Constitutional scholars disagree.

Cheney says the NSA spying could have prevented 9/11- yet they began this illegal domestic spying before 9/11. Cheney had maps of Iraq at his secret "energy task force" meeting in March 2001. Does this not indicate that they were planning on invading Iraq, even before 9/11 happened� wtf!

Right now the evidence is clear that we have a criminal cabal running the US gov't and they are making it clear that they are going to continue launching wars, the only question is who's next, Venezuela, Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia?

And instead of a Peace Movement demanding Impeachment for these numerous crimes against humanity, America has a bunch of "activists" that wish to make a career out of fighting the system.

While BushCo claims supreme powers of the executive branch a la ******, appointing another yes man to the Supreme Court, some "activists" are content to wait for another phony election.

While these good-hearted but naive activists continue to follow phony leaders, BushCo is getting ready to implement Ollie North's plan for martial law in case of "widespread internal dissent or national opposition to a military invasion abroad". The plan could be: "Terrorist" Attack, Attack Iran, Martial Law�

Yes, these corrupt bastards will do anything to stay in power, even kill thousands of American citizens as they did in New York and New Orleans, yet the Peace Movement is willing to wait�?

Now BushCo is asking for the RubberStamp Congress to pass the new "Patriot" Act which creates a new Federal Police Force, a new American Gestapo�. while according to former Senator Frank Church, the NSA Spying "could enable [a dictator] to impose total tyranny." They've been spying on us, making "The List" for four years, now they want a federal Gestapo to silence critics.

In short, we have an unelected idiot pretending to be President, while Cheney and other PNAC evildoers plot more world conquest. They do not give a **** about America, they only care about themselves and their own greedy ambitions. Threats to National Security are really threats to Bush/Cheney's hold on power, because if they go down, they will go to the ICC and to prison. And they will do anything to prevent that, including allowing another "terrorist" attack, which would give them the excuse for martial law, as Tommy Franks suggested.

Doesn't anyone else see the urgency? We must STOP THEM before the next attack or "natural" disaster allows them to grab more power and kill more innocents.

To all Americans that desire peace in the world and a better life for your grandchildren:

STOP WAITING for the Politicians to do something.

STOP WAITING for MoveOn or TrueMajority or some phony activist "steam valve" to do something- they are frauds as proven by their silent complicity in the 2004 election theft.

It is time for you to stop business as usual.

It damning stuff, Wurm.

When you read all of the mistakes contained in one article, it is damning.
If the Bush presidency was a piece of fiction - it would never get published because the plot would be considered too outlandish.

The Clinton era must seem lifetime away from the current mess that this administration has created.

The US economy in such good health when it was handed over to Bush- is in shambles : record trade deficits, record budget deficits, unemployment higher than at any time during the Clinton era, a dollar which has lost 30% of it's face value, soaring levels of jobs going overseas, huge takeup in the ownership of US assets by foreign companies, ever increasing levels of personal debt.

Politically, you have the ongoing debacle that is Iraq.
Abu Ghuraib, Guantameno, NSA secret prisons, rendition, torture, spying on US citizens, repeal of US citizen rights.

On the domestic front, you have an administration that appears to be mired in corruption (DeLay, Libby, Abramoff, Rove).

My theory is that Bush isn't in charge - he neither has the ability or interest, to be in charge.
The people around him have the power - and are running the show to their own end.
To the deteriment of the US and the wider world.
Can't you just forgive and forget Wurm? After all, it's not like they're shagging rent boys or anything. :D:D:D
limerickman said:
It damning stuff, Wurm.

When you read all of the mistakes contained in one article, it is damning.
If the Bush presidency was a piece of fiction - it would never get published because the plot would be considered too outlandish.

The Clinton era must seem lifetime away from the current mess that this administration has created.

The US economy in such good health when it was handed over to Bush- is in shambles : record trade deficits, record budget deficits, unemployment higher than at any time during the Clinton era, a dollar which has lost 30% of it's face value, soaring levels of jobs going overseas, huge takeup in the ownership of US assets by foreign companies, ever increasing levels of personal debt.

Politically, you have the ongoing debacle that is Iraq.
Abu Ghuraib, Guantameno, NSA secret prisons, rendition, torture, spying on US citizens, repeal of US citizen rights.

On the domestic front, you have an administration that appears to be mired in corruption (DeLay, Libby, Abramoff, Rove).

My theory is that Bush isn't in charge - he neither has the ability or interest, to be in charge.
The people around him have the power - and are running the show to their own end.
To the deteriment of the US and the wider world.
I think if you are hell bent on being a pacifist, then of course you will long for the days of Clinton. The days of depleting our military to the point that we could not justly and swiftly answer any call/attack. When they try to blow up one of our buildings, what should we do???? Just lob a few missiles in their direction and call the issue resolved. Everyone wants to sit back on their "soap box" and point fingers at what an idiot Bush is, but at the end of the day he was dealt a losing hand and has not done a horrible job with it. By the way Mr. Limmerickman, how is the utopic political situation from where you derive doing these days?
IndyRider said:
I think if you are hell bent on being a pacifist, then of course you will long for the days of Clinton. The days of depleting our military to the point that we could not justly and swiftly answer any call/attack. When they try to blow up one of our buildings, what should we do???? Just lob a few missiles in their direction and call the issue resolved. Everyone wants to sit back on their "soap box" and point fingers at what an idiot Bush is, but at the end of the day he was dealt a losing hand and has not done a horrible job with it. By the way Mr. Limmerickman, how is the utopic political situation from where you derive doing these days?
I presume that by "they" you mean the saudi arabians who killed a few people in new york?
What does that have to do with iraq?
if you know your recent history you would know wtc attack #1 perpetrators were captured and tried...

but if this deflection of focus from pertinent current events gives you a safe place to dwell mentally so be it.

comparisons of dubious validity and finger pointing of past events is perhaps a convenient way to duck issues, though.

stick around, though, and see what you can gather that is relevent to the reality of situations as they stand here and now.

QUOTE=IndyRider]try to blow up one of our buildings, what should we do???? Just lob a few missiles in their direction and call the issue resolved. situation ?[/QUOTE]
IndyRider said:
I think if you are hell bent on being a pacifist, then of course you will long for the days of Clinton. The days of depleting our military to the point that we could not justly and swiftly answer any call/attack. When they try to blow up one of our buildings, what should we do???? Just lob a few missiles in their direction and call the issue resolved. Everyone wants to sit back on their "soap box" and point fingers at what an idiot Bush is, but at the end of the day he was dealt a losing hand and has not done a horrible job with it. By the way Mr. Limmerickman, how is the utopic political situation from where you derive doing these days?

Actually, I don't advocate that I live in a utopia,
Despite having the best performing economy in the world

But let's look at the point that you raise - Bush wasn't dealt a losing hand.
In fact he was given the reins of a very successful economy and he had no foreign policy crisis to deal with - apart maybe from the stalled Middle East peace process.
So to say that Bush was dealt a losing hand isn't correct.

And one other issue - your country wasn't invaded by a foreign army.
It was attacked by 19 people.
Therefore the lack of military numbers is of no consequence.
IndyRider said:
When they try to blow up one of our buildings, what should we do????
Perhaps honestly going after those who are guilty would be a start.

Having researched the matter, I don't think there is much doubt that the administration had a hand in 9-11. The absence of any challenge to any of the hijacked airliners in spite of ample time (it's simply not possible that this was a mistake), the twin towers and building 7 (which had very minor fires and no other damage) coming down in what had to be controlled demolitions, the quick dispersal of all evidence, the purposely botched and ineffective "investigation" by the 9-11 Commission- all point to 9-11 being that much desired 'PNAC Pearl Harbor'.

Operation Northwoods was approved at the highest levels (except President Kennedy) and indeed called for the murder of any number of Americans by Americans, the incident to be blamed on Cubans as a pretext for invasion.

With 9-11 it happened for real, and it will happen again if the criminals in power see it to their benefit. It's the politics of PNAC and Leo Strauss, who taught that people have to be lied to, manipulated and misled 'for their own good'. That's the official philosophy of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove and the other criminals in charge. America has never been in such a mess. It might well be finished.
Wurm said:
Perhaps honestly going after those who are guilty would be a start.

Having researched the matter, I don't think there is much doubt that the administration had a hand in 9-11. The absence of any challenge to any of the hijacked airliners in spite of ample time (it's simply not possible that this was a mistake), the twin towers and building 7 (which had very minor fires and no other damage) coming down in what had to be controlled demolitions, the quick dispersal of all evidence, the purposely botched and ineffective "investigation" by the 9-11 Commission- all point to 9-11 being that much desired 'PNAC Pearl Harbor'.

Operation Northwoods was approved at the highest levels (except President Kennedy) and indeed called for the murder of any number of Americans by Americans, the incident to be blamed on Cubans as a pretext for invasion.

With 9-11 it happened for real, and it will happen again if the criminals in power see it to their benefit. It's the politics of PNAC and Leo Strauss, who taught that people have to be lied to, manipulated and misled 'for their own good'. That's the official philosophy of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove and the other criminals in charge. America has never been in such a mess. It might well be finished.

Leo Strauss and the cohorts and their philosophy are the root of the problem.
Strauss lectured in Chicago in the 1950's and is the father of the Neocon
limerickman said:
Leo Strauss and the cohorts and their philosophy are the root of the problem.
Strauss lectured in Chicago in the 1950's and is the father of the Neocon
Right, and most Merkins that actually voted for the thugs don't have the foggiest idea of the ideological background they voted for. They thought they were getting wholesome, white-bread 'conservatism'.

Wurm said:
Perhaps honestly going after those who are guilty would be a start.

Having researched the matter, I don't think there is much doubt that the administration had a hand in 9-11. The absence of any challenge to any of the hijacked airliners in spite of ample time (it's simply not possible that this was a mistake), the twin towers and building 7 (which had very minor fires and no other damage) coming down in what had to be controlled demolitions, the quick dispersal of all evidence, the purposely botched and ineffective "investigation" by the 9-11 Commission- all point to 9-11 being that much desired 'PNAC Pearl Harbor'.

Operation Northwoods was approved at the highest levels (except President Kennedy) and indeed called for the murder of any number of Americans by Americans, the incident to be blamed on Cubans as a pretext for invasion.

With 9-11 it happened for real, and it will happen again if the criminals in power see it to their benefit. It's the politics of PNAC and Leo Strauss, who taught that people have to be lied to, manipulated and misled 'for their own good'. That's the official philosophy of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove and the other criminals in charge. America has never been in such a mess. It might well be finished.
The bombs went off in London at the same time as the G8 conference.
A media diversion perhaps? Or a means to step up the police state mentality?
wheelist said:
The bombs went off in London at the same time as the G8 conference.
A media diversion perhaps? Or a means to step up the police state mentality?
I'm sure that was simply a statement against the 'new world order', the corporate/gov't fascism that seems to be where some "democratic" gov'ts are leading us to.