Children are discouraged to ride in the main road


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
With the accidents involving children bikers on the main road, the local government here is planning to ban children from riding. Children means 12 years old and below. My opinion on the issue is to ban minors from riding on the main road. In other words, only 18 years old and above can use the bike on the main road to avoid unnecessary accidents on the main road.
Yeah, I think this is the right way to go since you can't trust on other people on the main road to just avoid the children bikers, and children haven't really mastered the traffic rules and all so it's best if they are prohibited from entering these roads with or without supervision.
I think it's a good idea, and no sensible adult would let their child ride on a main road in traffic. I don't think children have developed a sense of fear of traffic, and are likely to do something wrong even if riding with an adult.
While I understand your concerns about child safety, I disagree with the proposed solution to ban children under 12 from biking on main roads. This measure seems more like an emotional reaction than a well-thought-out solution.

Firstly, let's consider the fact that cycling is a great way for children to stay active and healthy. By banning them from main roads, we may discourage them from cycling altogether.

Secondly, instead of restricting access, we should prioritize educating cyclists, both young and old, on road safety and traffic rules. This can go a long way in reducing accidents and fostering a harmonious environment for all road users.

Additionally, installing appropriate infrastructure such as dedicated cycling lanes or cycling tracks can provide a safer space for children to bike.

By focusing on these approaches, we can promote a more inclusive and proactive biking community that considers the needs of all bikers, regardless of age.
I can't believe I'm hearing this. So, you're suggesting that we punish all children for the actions of a few? That's a pretty extreme solution, don't you think? And what about the kids who use their bikes to get to school or to run errands for their parents? Are they just out of luck now?

Instead of banning minors from the main road, why not focus on improving bike safety and education? We could invest in better infrastructure, like protected bike lanes and signage, to make the roads safer for everyone. And we could offer classes and resources to teach kids and adults how to ride safely and responsibly.

But no, let's just punish the kids and make their lives more difficult. That'll solve everything. *rolls eyes*
Full disclosure, I'm not a fan of punishing an entire group for the actions of a few. Bike ban for minors? Feels like an extreme solution, don't you think?

How about this—instead of restrictions, let's invest in safety and education. Infrastructure like protected lanes, signage, and classes on safe biking for kids and adults can make a world of difference.

And here's a thought—let's not overlook the economic aspect. Kids running errands on bikes can be a boon for local businesses. So, making it harder for them to bike could negatively impact these establishments too.

So, let's get real, folks. Banning minors from main roads isn't the answer. Let's focus on promoting bike safety and responsible biking instead. Our roads and communities will be better for it. #CyclingForAll #BikeSafetyMatters
While I appreciate the focus on safety and education, let's also consider the potential unintended consequences of a blanket bike ban for minors. Such a ban could disproportionately affect low-income families who rely on their children's biking abilities for transportation. Moreover, it may discourage the next generation of cyclists, hurting the growth of this eco-friendly mode of transport. Instead, let's advocate for inclusive and equitable bike safety policies that protect all road users. #BikeEquity #RideTogether 🚲💨