Clydesdale Community Challenge

840 mi/1351 km + 26mi./41.84km = 866mi./1392.84km

Since my first post on this thread winter returned to the Tetons, IN A BIG WAY! Over 7ft. of light, dry, fluffy powder since March 26th. I spent nearly everyday of it on my splitboard. :D

Finally got back on the bike today encouraged by a warm overcast day.

My motto for spring riding "Who needs hills when you have wind?";)
Wlfdg said:
My motto for spring riding "Who needs hills when you have wind?";)
My motto for all riding is "who needs either one?"

866 mi/1393 km + 7 mi/11 km = 873 mi/1400 km
18 on Saturday 14.6 mph pace
20 on Sunday 14.9 mph pace
14 today 14.9 mph pace cool down day as I'm gonna try my first group ride tomorrow night, its an intermediate no man left behind ride starting in Northern Kentucky at a local bike shop.

Still trying to break the 15 mph pace, but I'll get there soon enough.

925 Miles/1,488 KM

Almost 1/40th of the way there guys
xeus said:
Almost 1/40th of the way there guys
I'm going on the assumption several of us are battling dodgy weather; I have to ride through some dead legs. Once it gets consistently warm, I'm thinking we'll all be riding like theMadOne.
925 miles + 30 miles = 955 miles/1537 km

very hilly ride,I felt bad because it was my first group ride and it was a no man left behind ride so they kept waiting for me at the top of the hills. The hills were so big too, but I set a new max speed on my way down one of them, 37 mph or so.
952 mi/1532 km + 16 mi/25 km = 968 mi/1557 km

TOMORROW, big group ride. Even if nobody else rides, I'll put us over 1k.
No offense maydog, but I need a little clarification on exactly what your numbers mean. Until then:

968 mi/1557 km + 42 mi/67 km = 1010 mi/1624 km

Man, I was totally arsed at the end of the ride. I thought I was approaching the outskirts of Bonk City, then I hopped off my bike and needed about 3 minutes to figure out how to work my car's key fob. Taking off my shoes and jersey was a whole 'nother sort of adventure.
still have no idea what you are talking about maydog

did 18 yesterday

1010 + 18 = 1028 Miles
Sorry, I see now that this is a running total. Thats OK anyway my spreadsheet on my mileage was wack. Chalk me up for 500 miles.

maydog said:
Sorry, I see now that this is a running total. Thats OK anyway my spreadsheet on my mileage was wack. Chalk me up for 500 miles.

You've racked up 500 mi this year? Wowzers.
1528 + 13 = 1541
Left the house under blue skies. At 3.5mi out the wind kicked up just in time to go uphill a bit. A few minutes later it started hailing. The ultimate in Clydesdale thermo-regulation assistance. ;)

Chavez said:
No miles to add, but I did ride my first crit today.
VERY :cool:! So how did it go? :)
Wlfdg said:
VERY :cool:! So how did it go? :)

My buddy said "every race, I find something new I need to work on"; I said the biggest thing I found I needed to work on was not being last. I was what the French might call "la pied de la course." :cool:
Wlfdg said:
Do you mean faire de la course a pied? You ran the course?
No, I mean if the front of the race is "la tete de la course"....I was the foot of it. ;)
Chavez said:
You've racked up 500 mi this year? Wowzers.

Yes, I got sick of the trainer and did a lot of those miles in freezing temps. I should be good for about 100mi a week here on out.
3/19 - 10 miles
3/31 - 10 miles
4/1 - 11 miles
4/13 - 12 miles
4/18 - 12 miles
55 miles

These are my rides this year since the start of this thread.
1541 miles + 55 miles = 1596 miles
Cool - my first post here but I will play along. Since I got back on the bike 2 months ago I have logged 299 miles.

1596 + 299 = 1895 miles