The token Question

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On 20 Oct 2003 00:46:18 +0950, ireman_1 wrote:
> To those that think you know jd and have ridden with jd: what a person shows you is not always
> what you need to be looking at.

Not everyone takes the scribblings of this newsgroup so seriously.

-BB- To reply to me, drop the attitude (from my e-mail address, at least)
ireman_1 wrote:
>> Well, the FAQ wasn't written by JD, so you'll be fine there.
>> Also, if reading JD's words feel like time wasted, why do you >keep reading them and responding
>> to them?
> Fair question. Once I figured out (the Grand Valley is a small world) who jd really is, it was
> obvious THAT person is not worth the time to even "joke" around with in such a forum as this. I
> was completely disgusted and prefer to not have any part of my existence associated with such
> terrible things from that point forward. To those that think you know jd and have ridden with jd:
> what a person shows you is not always what you need to be looking at.
> K.

I'd rather read JD's sarcasms any day compared to the crock you're spewing out. This is usenet
moroon not the place to settle your personal disputes and relationships. Especially non virtual ones
;) Go see a quack or something but leave us out of it.


You have to be smarter than a robot to reply.
ireman_1 <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Fair question. Once I figured out (the Grand Valley is a small world) who jd really is, it was
> obvious THAT person is not worth the time to even "joke" around with in such a forum as this. I
> was completely disgusted and prefer to not have any part of my existence associated with such
> terrible things from that point forward.

Ok, how about backing that up, coward? Tell us all about the many "terrrible things" I have done in
Grand Junction. This I'd like to hear, as would everyone else who was indiscerning enough to read
your drivel.

> To those that think you know jd and have ridden with jd: what a person shows you is not always
> what you need to be looking at.

Under this "logic", they don't need to be keeping an eye on the trail I am showing them? Well, I do
always stop at good viewpoints. Tell us all what they need to be looking at, coward. To those of you
who hide behind your keyboard and think you know JD, guess again.

"Sorni" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> "ireman_1" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > >Well, the FAQ wasn't written by JD, so you'll be fine there.
> > >Also, if reading JD's words feel like time wasted, why do you >keep reading them and responding
> > >to them?
> >
> >
> > Fair question. Once I figured out (the Grand Valley is a small world) who jd really is, it was
> > obvious THAT person is not worth the time to even "joke" around with in such a forum as this. I
> > was completely disgusted and prefer to not have any part of my existence associated with such
> > terrible things from that point forward. To those that think you know jd and have ridden with
> > jd: what a person shows you is not always what you need to be looking at.
> The only thing worse than character assassination is chickenshit character assassination.
> Bill "knows and has ridden with JD" S.

The funniest part of this whole thing is that I have no idea who our tattoed friend is, therefore
proving he doesn't know me at all. Yeah Bill, it's chickenshit. He has no idea who I am, or what I
am about. Of course he'll remain anonymous because he is obviously just another internet coward.

ireman_1 <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> >Now that the content you referred to has been properly quoted, >it's time for your coronation as
> >this weeks "King of Fools". Congratulations, King Dummy. Your >status now, combined with the
> >increasing lack of content in your posts, leaves you on the brink of joining >the lowest forms of
> >life this newsgroup has to offer. Go get some more tattoos, billboard.
> >JD
> Why do you live your life so obsessed with others and their view of you?

You've got that a little backward. *You're* the one trying to make an impression. JD has already
made his, for good or ill.

> Always putting others down, looking at things with such a narrow and caustic view, very cancerous,
> very negative, extremely juvenile in nature.

How is this commentary any different? Quite hypocritical, don't you think?

> As though you have something to prove.

LOL. Irony.

> You say you don't care, however every tendency you display and nearly every word you type betrays
> your true interests.

Your analysis reeks of projection.

> You know, "Me thinks thou dost protest too much" and all that.

Yet more irony.

> It's as if you actually believe the drivel that drips from your putrid psyche.

Here's the strange thing - he actually does believe it. Completely self-consistent.

> That would lead one to only one logical conclusion: you, jd, are psychotic, mental, lacking in the
> reality department, nuts, out of touch...jealous of free-thinkers perhaps?

LOL - a classic case of USENET wannabe-ism.

> Don't bother flaming anymore, I'm done giving anymore attention to you or your posts.

Wow. Picking up your ball and going home. Nice tactic.

> Please, go get laid or something.


Focus on your own foibles, newbie. When you get those tamed, then come back and critique other
posters. Until then, you may want to pretend that you know what you're talking about. Maybe you
should concentrate on MTB issues, rather than picking fights that you can't win, with posters that
you would never criticize openly face-to-face.



E-mail me: rfjonesy *at* hotmail *dot* com
> with posters that
>you would never criticize openly face-to-face.



>E-mail me: rfjonesy *at* hotmail *dot* com

Wow, jd's tall and rides a bike well. What's to fear? Why the aversion to criticism (or truth)? The advice was move on, so trying to move on. Thanks for the 2 1/2 cents though, I'm sure it will come in handy some day.

[email protected] (Spider) wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> ireman_1 <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > Don't bother flaming anymore, I'm done giving anymore attention to you or your posts.
> Wow. Picking up your ball and going home. Nice tactic.

Of course, especially after accusing me of "terrible things" that he conveniently did not detail.
That's the least one can expect from a chickenshit tattoo-ridden punk.

ireman_1 <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > with posters that you would never criticize openly face-to-face.
> Wow, jd's tall and rides a bike well. What's to fear?

Nothing, when you are behind a monitor. You can criticize all you want without fear of
repercussions. Facts look something like this: JD's just about the same in person as in USENET, as
far as expressing opinions goes. I am fairly certain you wouldn't be as big an asshole if JD were 2
feet away when you were spouting your BS. All that makes you is a run-of-the-mill hypocrite.

> Why the aversion to criticism (or truth)?

Yes, why indeed? You seem to have difficulty with the simple concept that in USENET, you're a total
nobody. Criticizing JD, on whatever issue, won't change that for you.

> The advice was move on, so trying to move on.

Sure. But, here we have yet another reply from you, showing you can dish it out just fine, but you
have trouble taking it.

> Thanks for the 2 1/2 cents though, I'm sure it will come in handy some day.

From where I sit, it seems as though it's in one ear, out the other, with very little resistance

More free advice - get over yourself. Nobody cares.




E-mail me: rfjonesy *at* hotmail *dot* com
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