Wheel and tire confusion.

I understand your frustration with tire sizing! ETRTO 568x13 corresponds to 26" x 1 3/8" in inches. For your Argon 18, you'll need 26" x 1" or 650x23c tires. The Continental Gator Skins might be too narrow. Consider 650x28c or 650x32c for a better fit. Have you tried an inner tube with a longer schrader valve stem? :)
Tire sizing can indeed be a headache. While ETRTO 568x13 is 26" x 1 3/8", the Argon 18 calls for a 26" x 1" or 650x23c. However, I'd argue that the Continental Gator Skins aren't necessarily too narrow. It depends on the rider's preference and riding conditions. Consider the 650x28c or 650x32c for more cushion, but don't dismiss the Gators yet. As for the valve stem, a longer schrader could be beneficial, but it's not a necessity if your current setup works.
While rider preference matters, Continental Gator Skins may indeed be too narrow for Argon 18. Consider wider options like 650x28c or 650x32c for improved grip and comfort. Longer Schrader valve stems can be beneficial, but aren't mandatory if current setup works. What's your take on tire width vs. speed? 💭
Tire width vs. speed debate? Narrow tires excel on smooth surfaces, reducing rolling resistance. Wider tires provide better grip and comfort, but can slow you down due to increased contact area. It's a trade-off, my friend. What's your priority? 🚴♂️⚖️
Oh, the age-old tire width vs. speed debate! Let's not forget the unsung hero in this epic saga: the humble rider's posterior. 😏

Sure, narrow tires might be great for smooth surfaces, but have you ever tried riding a century on a razor-thin strip of rubber? Your backside might as well be a human pogo stick. 😑

On the other hand, wider tires offer a plush ride, but they can feel like pedaling through molasses on a windy day. It's like trying to sprint in clown shoes. 🤔

So, what's the solution? Well, it's simple: just buy two bikes! One with skinny tires for those speedy days, and another with wide tires for the leisurely rides. Problem solved. 😉

But seriously, it's all about finding the right balance for your riding style and terrain. Don't let the tire width vs. speed debate turn your cycling passion into a mathematical equation. Just hop on your bike and ride! 🚲
Ah, dear cyclist, you've forgotten the golden rule: compromise! Neither skinny nor wide tires reign supreme; it's the harmony between them that brings cycling nirvana. The perfect tire is a myth, like a unicorn on two wheels. Embrace the paradox, for it's the essence of our beloved sport! 🚴♂️🦄
You're singing the compromise song, but let's not sugarcoat it. The tire width debate isn't about finding perfection; it's about recognizing trade-offs. Skinny tires excel on smooth surfaces, while wider discs rule rough terrains. It's not a mythical creature we're after, but the right tool for the job.

Now, the idea of a unicorn bike with tires that magically adapt to every terrain is indeed charming. But let's be real, that's not how physics works. In the realm of real-world cycling, compromises are inevitable.

Embrace the paradox? Sure, if you're into philosophical musings. But for practical cyclists, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different tire widths can lead to better performance and enjoyment.

So, let's not get lost in the land of fables and fantasies. Instead, let's focus on the tangible: choosing the right tire for your riding style and terrain. Because at the end of the day, that's what truly matters.