Why do folks need to believe Armstrong

House said:
Thunder, (someone who always brings nationalism into another forum as an argument) makes comments about Americans, someone responds with a comment about the French and BroDeal calls the French comment bigotry, but not the American comment...and you see that as claiming to be a victim?!?!?!?! Of course the fact that you are siding with BroDeal and Thunder proves a serious lack of intelligence.
Right, so I take the view that everyone (more or less) is doping, as all evidence suggests. You take the view that the one rider that can thrash the pants off everyone else (even when we know now that they were all doping), is the only clean rider. And you say that I am showing a lack of intelligence. Religious beliefs like yours are always the most ridiculous.
ndbiker said:
There have been cyclists who have come foward to say doping is rampent but have come short of actually spilling the beans on themselves.

I think there have been. Immediately the following spring to mind: Kimmage, Simeoni, Andreu, Gaumont, Skibby and Manzano.
They all confessed to drug taking and all have been attacked in turn for trying to 'destroy the sport', 'bite the hand that fed them', 'spit in the soup' etc. They have all been cast as bitter failures, never-made-it's or disgruntled former employees looking to cash in by dragging cycling through the mud. In some cases, there are legitimate grounds for suspecting that these guys have some sort of grudge, but very few whistle-blowers do so out of genuine conscience or remorse. Usually there's another, possibly not so flattering stimulus.
But when a great champion like Lemond is attacked for speaking out (although not confessing, I'll give you that) then there's clearly no hope for someone like Simeoni.
patch70 said:
Right, so I take the view that everyone (more or less) is doping, as all evidence suggests. You take the view that the one rider that can thrash the pants off everyone else (even when we know now that they were all doping), is the only clean rider. And you say that I am showing a lack of intelligence. Religious beliefs like yours are always the most ridiculous.
Nice, post...having nothing to do with what I was talking about, but considering that you are someone who likes to pick and choose what bigotry to defend I wouldn't expect anything of intelligence.
House said:
Nice, post...having nothing to do with what I was talking about, but considering that you are someone who likes to pick and choose what bigotry to defend I wouldn't expect anything of intelligence.
Your hypocricy knows no bounds.

Stick to your religion of following St Lance.
patch70 said:
Your hypocricy knows no bounds.

Stick to your religion of following St Lance.
My hypocrisy???? I guess saying the OP used as bigoted a comment as the person who said something about the French is hypocritical? Perhaps you are actually trying to discuss something other then what you quoted...if not you just look like a fool.
House said:
My hypocrisy???? I guess saying the OP used as bigoted a comment as the person who said something about the French is hypocritical? Perhaps you are actually trying to discuss something other then what you quoted...if not you just look like a fool.
You regularly pour scorn on the French and anyone who doesn't worship Lance but then you get all shirty if someone says something critical of an American and play the bigot card. You are a hypocrite.
patch70 said:
You regularly pour scorn on the French and anyone who doesn't worship Lance but then you get all shirty if someone says something critical of an American and play the bigot card. You are a hypocrite.
You must be happy that your Aussie boy was doped to the gills and pulled off another CSC trouncing of the field. When the tables are turned, now what will you say? Stuey was clean? He was gonna be Basso's roomie at teh Tour de france last year? CSC is one of the biggest doper teams in the peloton. Why should anyone believe that O'Grady was clean, pulling away solo against Flecha in the chase group and Boonen in the peloton? Unbelievable to many. Unpredicted by all, like FLanders.
patch70 said:
You regularly pour scorn on the French and anyone who doesn't worship Lance but then you get all shirty if someone says something critical of an American and play the bigot card. You are a hypocrite.
1)Why don't you show me some examples of me "regularly pouring scorn on the French." I'm betting you can't...because I don't.

2) I didn't "play the bigot card" someone else did...selectively ignoring the OP doing it while ripping on someone else.
House said:
1)Why don't you show me some examples of me "regularly pouring scorn on the French." I'm betting you can't...because I don't.

2) I didn't "play the bigot card" someone else did...selectively ignoring the OP doing it while ripping on someone else.

House, you always trumpet the relative probity of the French labs. Without showing they leaked info nor the errors that do not include whiteout on a working paper.
thunder said:
House, you always trumpet the relative probity of the French labs. Without showing they leaked info nor the errors that do not include whiteout on a working paper.
Sorry but I don't "trumpet the relative probity of the French labs" I take into account the public issues of a lab. I don't care what country the lab is from, I care about whether it's doing it's job right. I wouldn't expect you to know the difference since you are too busy with your own xenophobia, proven on this forum and the one where you get suspended all the time.
House said:
Sorry but I don't "trumpet the relative probity of the French labs" I take into account the public issues of a lab. I don't care what country the lab is from, I care about whether it's doing it's job right. I wouldn't expect you to know the difference since you are too busy with your own xenophobia, proven on this forum and the one where you get suspended all the time.
You know, you'd be much, much happier if you just stopped denying what is painfully obvious - like his competitors, Armstrong was a doper. Doped most of his career. Started at Motorola. Continued through USPS/Disco. Won 7 Tours while doping. No big shame, since it's clear that his main competitors like Basso, Ullrich, etc were doping as well.

But yes, Armstrong was a doper. Live with it.
Leafer said:
You know, you'd be much, much happier if you just stopped denying what is painfully obvious - like his competitors, Armstrong was a doper. Doped most of his career. Started at Motorola. Continued through USPS/Disco. Won 7 Tours while doping. No big shame, since it's clear that his main competitors like Basso, Ullrich, etc were doping as well.

But yes, Armstrong was a doper. Live with it.
Where did I say anything in this thread about whether Armstrong doped or not? I simply called someone out for calling one person a bigot while ignoring another making the same type of comments. I guess some people just can't let their obsession go long enough to read what is actually written.
thunder said:
House, you always trumpet the relative probity of the French labs. Without showing they leaked info nor the errors that do not include whiteout on a working paper.

After the Landis positive, LNDD ran an IRMS test for ex. test on Saturday. The results were published in L'Equipe on Sunday, while the notification to the UCI didn't come until Monday. Most likely, someone at LNDD leaked the results to L'Equipe - they were the only ones who knew what the results were at that point.

Not that big of a deal, as it would have been public soon, but confidentiality is supposed to be one of LNDD's core competencies. Put that together with their less than secure computer system, and one does have to wonder how seriously the lab takes that confidentiality pledge.

This doesn't mean that FL should be let off the hook. But, if we're going to get serious about stopping doping, then the verification procedures need to be ironclad and secure, especially if the results can wreck a top cyclist's career.

It is possible to run a lab in a secure manner - BALCO and Fuentes did it for years, without so much as a word escaping.
House said:
Where did I say anything in this thread about whether Armstrong doped or not? I simply called someone out for calling one person a bigot while ignoring another making the same type of comments. I guess some people just can't let their obsession go long enough to read what is actually written.
Go back and look at some of you previous 715 postings if your memory is so short.
bobke said:
You must be happy that your Aussie boy was doped to the gills and pulled off another CSC trouncing of the field. When the tables are turned, now what will you say? Stuey was clean? He was gonna be Basso's roomie at teh Tour de france last year? CSC is one of the biggest doper teams in the peloton. Why should anyone believe that O'Grady was clean, pulling away solo against Flecha in the chase group and Boonen in the peloton? Unbelievable to many. Unpredicted by all, like FLanders.

You're saying O'Grady was doped? Where is your evidence? The labs are all corrupt! Pound is framing them! O'Grady has a vanishing twin! "This is yet one more instance of public character assassination."!!!!


Oh wait, that only applies when the "victim" is St. Lance.
tcklyde said:
You're saying O'Grady was doped? Where is your evidence? The labs are all corrupt! Pound is framing them! O'Grady has a vanishing twin! "This is yet one more instance of public character assassination."!!!!


Oh wait, that only applies when the "victim" is St. Lance.
While Bobke is obviously on the same level of obsession and intelligence as people like patch, WBT, etc. and thus generally only good for a laugh, I think the point he was making in his own way was that many claim that clean riders can't beat doped riders, thus a winner of a race like this must be doped. Of course then we have people trumpeting the CSC and T-Mobile doping programs...and usually they are the same people who say that a clean rider can't beat doped riders. So, according to them, Stuey must be doped because he won, but has to be clean because he rides for CSC. Then you can add the idea that the peloton is now clean, but those same individuals don't believe that. In other words Stuey winning presents quite the conundrum for those people who say these things.

*note- I make no judgement or statement about individual or team doping in this post*
Ironic someone tells us that they think O'Grady doped without having failed a dope test after P-R.

Especially so, given that they continually repeat how Flandis, Chimera Hamilton and Cheatstrong didn't dope and were in fact clean (despite their having failed their respective dope test(s))!

jhuskey said:
... Armstrong is retire if anyone is unaware....
Neil? Lance?

By the way... Are PED's illegal on the moon?

Did anybody tell **** Pound about this? Lefevere? Welten? the pope? Mcquaid? My neighbour?
cyclingheroes said:
Neil? Lance?

By the way... Are PED's illegal on the moon?

Did anybody tell **** Pound about this? Lefevere? Welten? the pope? Mcquaid? My neighbour?

When I use dope sometimes I go to the moon.
limerickman said:
Ironic someone tells us that they think O'Grady doped without having failed a dope test after P-R.

Especially so, given that they continually repeat how Flandis, Chimera Hamilton and Cheatstrong didn't dope and were in fact clean (despite their having failed their respective dope test(s))!

While it’s true that failing a drug test proves something significant, the converse is not true: never having failed a drug test doesn’t really mean very much. Up to the point that Millar was busted with empty dope vials, he had never failed a drug test, neither had the Festina squad, neither had Rumsas until they started targeting him after discovering a truckload of dope in his wife’s car, neither had the guys whose hotels were raided at the 2004(?) Giro, neither had Ullrich or the other OP drug cheats whose 200 bags of blood were found at Fuentes’ dope lab. Recent history is replete with so many examples of cyclists who never failed a drug test, only to be busted through other means, that never having failed a drug test doesn’t really mean a lot. I have no idea if O’Grady is a doper or not. But I can’t agree with the notion that it’s preposterous for someone to think he might be, simply because he never failed a drug test. There are too many counter examples for this to be a tenable position in my opinion. Until cycling cleans up it’s act, misplaced suspicion will be another unfortunate consequence for the cyclists who are clean.

But I hear what you’re saying about the failure to acknowledge when a positive test result has been obtained. There is no shortage of idol worshipers on this forum who are willing to suspend logic when it comes to their particular hero – and not just Armstrong fans; there are plenty of cheerleaders all the way around.