Will Israel Strike First?

ptlwp said:
You, sir, have got a lot of guts to put 6 million plus souls who were murdered in WWII in the last 60 years, after having been a helping hand, like the rest of you xenophobic Europeans and have the nerve to talk about what mitigates what, when it's none of your damn business.

I'm sure you are twisted with sadness over the Jewish children who perished during that war, as much as you **** and moan over every little Arab kid who is a set of for photo ops and is used by the media, for the sake of the media, for the sake of making Europe write its own history in the middle east.

A pigs eye.

You all hide behind the "save your favorite Jew" which in WWII, everyone had to have at least one, so that they weren't shot on the spot by the allies, after the camps were revealed.

All the folks that helped the minorities in WWII have been given accolades a many......but if the rest of you cowards hadn't 1. turned your back to ******'s goings 0n and 2. then joined in the murder, sacking and looting, perhaps there wouldn't be a mideast problem of which you get hysterical over.

Keep hooting about the "right of Iran to possess nuclear armaments," and I will know you are all morons of a special stripe.
I've heard some bollocks on this forum, but this takes the biscuit. Does the forum give out any prizes for insane rambling? I think we have a winner. :rolleyes:
I.G. Farben, Krupp, IBM Europe and America, Mercedes-Benz-Volkswagen and countless others, including Prescott Bush (money laundering) are guilty as sin.....but it was Nazi Germany that beguiled them for their services that are as much to blame as anything they did. There is enough blame to go around, believe me. Read, "IBM and the Holocaust", by Edwin Black, or The Nightmare Years, or any of William L. Shirers' books; "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" or the 900 Days - The Siege of Stalingrad, and countless other books and you will know that the enormous problem, probably started with the Treaty of Versaille, making conditions such that people were too desperate in desperate times, which led to the ability for the rise of a megalomaniac murderer to "people doing in groups, what they would never do on their own".

It's all too complicated to put into a few categories and words, and a whole library full of books, still makes it hard to believe.

The IDF is the least of the problems in the Middle East. Keep the kids out of the war zones like the Brits, the French and most of Europeans did in WWII, and you have very little leg to stand on regarding "Israeli atrocities"......hit me with something a little harder.....Israel has been more humane to a people who could and would be decimated by "lesser people".

Keep a watch on your own backyards, while you're at it. And to all you fine "human secularists", remember, most peoples seem to be indifferent to the plight of many groups, not as strategic as in the middle east.

Who cries for slaves in Africa and who tries to do something for the starving, the murdered in the third world.

The third world needs more help than do the folks in the middle east, and yet there is more indifference, which seems to be in the name of expedience for Europeans who keep trying it's best to hide behind "concern for the middle eastern, deprived Palestinians.

Many celebrities, not to mention Angelina Jolie, are trying to help the truly needy.....not the ones who have created miserable conditions of their own devise, stupid thinking, violence and leaders who sold them out.
I.G. Farben, Krupp, IBM Europe and America, Mercedes-Benz-Volkswagen and countless others, including Prescott Bush (money laundering) are guilty as sin.....but it was Nazi Germany that beguiled them for their services that are as much to blame as anything they did. There is enough blame to go around, believe me. Read, "IBM and the Holocaust", by Edwin Black, or The Nightmare Years, or any of William L. Shirers' books; "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" or the 900 Days - The Siege of Stalingrad, and countless other books and you will know that the enormous problem, probably started with the Treaty of Versaille, making conditions such that people were too desperate in desperate times, which led to the ability for the rise of a megalomaniac murderer to "people doing in groups, what they would never do on their own".

It's all too complicated to put into a few categories and words, and a whole library full of books, still makes it hard to believe.

The IDF is the least of the problems in the Middle East. Keep the kids out of the war zones like the Brits, the French and most of Europeans did in WWII, and you have very little leg to stand on regarding "Israeli atrocities"......hit me with something a little harder.....Israel has been more humane to a people who could and would be decimated by "lesser people".

Keep a watch on your own backyards, while you're at it. And to all you fine "human secularists", remember, most peoples seem to be indifferent to the plight of many groups, not as strategic as in the middle east.

Who cries for slaves in Africa and who tries to do something for the starving, the murdered in the third world.

The third world needs more help than do the folks in the middle east, and yet there is more indifference, which seems to be in the name of expedience for Europeans who keep trying it's best to hide behind "concern for the middle eastern, deprived Palestinians.

Many celebrities, not to mention Angelina Jolie, are trying to help the truly needy.....not the ones who have created miserable conditions of their own devise, stupid thinking, violence and leaders who sold them out.
ptlwp said:
I.G. Farben, Krupp, IBM Europe and America, Mercedes-Benz-Volkswagen and countless others, including Prescott Bush (money laundering) are guilty as sin.....but it was Nazi Germany that beguiled them for their services that are as much to blame as anything they did. There is enough blame to go around, believe me. Read, "IBM and the Holocaust", by Edwin Black, or The Nightmare Years, or any of William L. Shirers' books; "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" or the 900 Days - The Siege of Stalingrad, and countless other books and you will know that the enormous problem, probably started with the Treaty of Versaille, making conditions such that people were too desperate in desperate times, which led to the ability for the rise of a megalomaniac murderer to "people doing in groups, what they would never do on their own".

It's all too complicated to put into a few categories and words, and a whole library full of books, still makes it hard to believe.

The IDF is the least of the problems in the Middle East. Keep the kids out of the war zones like the Brits, the French and most of Europeans did in WWII, and you have very little leg to stand on regarding "Israeli atrocities"......hit me with something a little harder.....Israel has been more humane to a people who could and would be decimated by "lesser people".

Keep a watch on your own backyards, while you're at it. And to all you fine "human secularists", remember, most peoples seem to be indifferent to the plight of many groups, not as strategic as in the middle east.

Who cries for slaves in Africa and who tries to do something for the starving, the murdered in the third world.

The third world needs more help than do the folks in the middle east, and yet there is more indifference, which seems to be in the name of expedience for Europeans who keep trying it's best to hide behind "concern for the middle eastern, deprived Palestinians.

Many celebrities, not to mention Angelina Jolie, are trying to help the truly needy.....not the ones who have created miserable conditions of their own devise, stupid thinking, violence and leaders who sold them out.

You're correct and incorrect.

You're correct in stating that many companies supplied and profitted the Nazi war machine.
You're correct that the Treaty of Versaille created the macro conditions in which an ideology such as Nazism could flourish (people being disenfranchised, seeking scapegoats for economic problems etc).
You're correct that this entire subject would take many many words to articulate just what went wrong in the 1930/40's.

You're wrong about Israel and it's activities in Palestine.
davidmc said:
Why can't the Infidels and the Gentiles live side by side :confused: It is obvious. Aren't the names, that their respective religions bestow upon non-believers, indicator's enough of their inherent intolerance :confused: All one has to do to create disharmony, among men, is to introduce religion :) See my Sig ;)

That is a tautology, hard to see how that moves the debate forward.
ptlwp said:
Keep hooting about the "right of Iran to possess nuclear armaments," and I will know you are all morons of a special stripe.

CNN actually *misquoted* the Iranian president with respect to that quote (no idea who you are quoting because you don't make any attribution at all). The Iranian president was referring to nuclear power, not weapons.

At the end of the day, here in the real world :
Iran has as much right to Nuclear power than Israel does.
Iran has as much right to Nuclear weapons as Israel does.

Tough luck if your ideology doesn't mesh with the hard reality of Planet Earth in 2006.
darkboong said:
CNN actually *misquoted* the Iranian president with respect to that quote (no idea who you are quoting because you don't make any attribution at all). The Iranian president was referring to nuclear power, not weapons.

At the end of the day, here in the real world :
Iran has as much right to Nuclear power than Israel does.
Iran has as much right to Nuclear weapons as Israel does.

Tough luck if your ideology doesn't mesh with the hard reality of Planet Earth in 2006.

Tautology,I had to look that one up.
Obviously you are not aware of the universal law that states you are not allowed to own nuclear weapons unless you had them before 1960. Then it is OK. :D
jhuskey said:
Tautology,I had to look that one up.

I probably wouldn't know that one either if I hadn't have studied Propositional Calculus over and over and over again because the lecturers were too --ing stupid to think of something new. I am sure you will find that one handy in your line of work. :)

jhuskey said:
Obviously you are not aware of the universal law that states you are not allowed to own nuclear weapons unless you had them before 1960. Then it is OK. :D

Hmm, the Universal Qualifier would strike me as being incompatable with the Cold War "Logic". Besides, I was under the impression that Israel didn't *own* it's nukes until the early/mid 80s.
darkboong said:
I probably wouldn't know that one either if I hadn't have studied Propositional Calculus over and over and over again because the lecturers were too --ing stupid to think of something new. I am sure you will find that one handy in your line of work. :)

Hmm, the Universal Qualifier would strike me as being incompatable with the Cold War "Logic". Besides, I was under the impression that Israel didn't *own* it's nukes until the early/mid 80s.

It only applies if you are developing your own nukes from scratch.
Colorado Ryder said:
Who owned them?

There were rumours of a lend-lease style arrangement. No more than that though, which is why I used the phrase "I was under the impression ...".
darkboong said:
There were rumours of a lend-lease style arrangement. No more than that though, which is why I used the phrase "I was under the impression ...".
lend leased from whom?
Colorado Ryder said:
lend leased from whom?

That depends which rumours you listen to. The "usual suspects" are the US, Britain and France. Israel is reported to have received assistance from Britain, France, Norway and South Africa in developing it's own nukes. That dates back to the 50s...
darkboong said:
That depends which rumours you listen to. The "usual suspects" are the US, Britain and France. Israel is reported to have received assistance from Britain, France, Norway and South Africa in developing it's own nukes. That dates back to the 50s...
The French designed and built the nuclear plant at Dimona in Israel. Who paid for it I know not, but I suspect the US did. It was never designed as a electricity generating plant. The French also supplied Mirage fighters to the IDF, but this was in the 'Cold War' era. Perhaps the US funded both as a lay-off, so as not to directly include themselves.
FredC said:
The French designed and built the nuclear plant at Dimona in Israel. Who paid for it I know not, but I suspect the US did. It was never designed as a electricity generating plant. The French also supplied Mirage fighters to the IDF, but this was in the 'Cold War' era. Perhaps the US funded both as a lay-off, so as not to directly include themselves.

South Africa are specifically mentioned w.r.t. providing Uranium for Dimona. The US not only provides Israel with capital, but it also provides key components for Israel's Nuclear arsenal, specifically state of the art delivery platforms. As does Germany of course.
Iran needs nuclear energy like Eskimos need ice.

This has been a laughable excuse and even Europeans know it, now and are trying to figure this one out..
ptlwp said:
Iran needs nuclear energy like Eskimos need ice.

This has been a laughable excuse and even Europeans know it, now and are trying to figure this one out..
Indeed. They need to conduct experiments w/ enriched uranium &/or plutonium as much as they need, to quote one of my colleagues, a chocolate bathtub :rolleyes:
ptlwp said:
Iran needs nuclear energy like Eskimos need ice.

Same goes for the US.
Same goes for the UK.

ptlwp said:
This has been a laughable excuse and even Europeans know it, now and are trying to figure this one out..

It's the money stupid !

1) Iran needs electricity, it doesn't have anything like enough to supply it's domestic needs.
2) Iran's major source of revenue is Oil, they need to export as much as possible of it.
3) Oil kWh prices are rising rapidly, it is claimed that nuclear power will be cheaper than oil kWh *very* soon.

Therfore it makes sense to export the oil and burn Uranium instead. It is basic economic sense. In essence they are leveraging their natural resource to reduce their own dependance on it while making a killing selling it.

America could learn a lot from Iran's energy policy judging by it's trade & budget deficits.