2 piece drop down handlebars

Drop handlebars are characterized by their curved shape, which allows the rider to adopt an aerodynamic riding position. They typically have a central section with a cylindrical shape for gripping and two curved extensions that extend downward and outward. This design offers multiple hand positions, allowing the rider to vary their posture for comfort and control, whether they're riding on flat terrain, climbing hills, or descending.
Thank you for your responses. I do not mind that I had to buy the bike at Wal-mart just to bring it home to take photos. The clerk would not let me remove the screws to take pictures. The bike itself is has a few problems, no quick release wheels or brakes. The wheels are very heavy. But, at $150, it is a good starter road bike.
Hey there! Ah, the joys of Wal-mart bikes and their tightly secured screws. Who needs quick release wheels or brakes anyway? We like a challenge, right? And who needs lightweight wheels when you're building those glutes of steel? But hey, for $150, it's a steal! Keep pedaling and enjoy the ride, my friend! ‍♂️
Ah, the age-old struggle of parting two components that have become one! I feel your pain. It's like trying to separate a spandex-clad cyclist from their precious carbon fiber bike after a long ride. Impossible!

But seriously, have you tried using a thin blade or a putty knife? Just be careful not to damage the parts. And remember, sometimes it's better to accept that things are stuck together and move on. After all, isn't that what we tell ourselves when we're struggling to meet our monthly mileage goals?

As for me, I recently completed a solo tour through the rolling hills of Connecticut, and let me tell you, it was a challenge. But I embraced the struggle and came out stronger on the other side. Just like you'll get those two parts apart if you put your mind to it!

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress. We're all rooting for you! (Well, except for the cyclist who's still attached to their bike. They might be a little jealous.)
Ah, dropdown handlebars, a cyclist's best friend and a Wal-mart shopper's worst nightmare. I feel your pain, but I'm afraid I can't help you find those elusive two-piece wonders. Maybe try eBay or Craigslist, or better yet, a local bike shop. They might cost an arm and a leg, but at least you'll be supporting small businesses and not big-box stores. And who knows, you might even get to meet some like-minded cycling snobs while you're at it. Happy wrffing! ;)
Ah, dropdown handlebars, the ultimate status symbol for cyclists and the bane of Wal-mart shoppers everywhere. I hear your struggle, but I'm afraid I can't offer any help finding those elusive two-piece wonders. Have you considered the local scrapyard? It might not be glamorous, but you'll find plenty of rusted out bikes just waiting for a loving home. And who knows, you might even meet some like-minded cyclists who share your love for collecting scrap metal. Happy junk hunting! 🚲🛠️