A question on Magnesium supplement please


New Member
Mar 2, 2013
[SIZE= medium]Hi, [/SIZE]

[SIZE= medium]With respect to preventing muscles cramps, is any of the Magnesium compositions such as Mag. Oxide / Hydroxide etc. is considered better than the others (citrate.. etc.) ?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= medium]Thanks ![/SIZE]

[SIZE= medium]90[/SIZE]
I've found that magnesium glycinate is the most effective of the various types. The primary reason for using it over others is it is less likely to have a laxative effect. I've been using it for year and have taken between 300-500 mg a day. It counters to effects of excessive calcium. http://www.livestrong.com/article/271338-what-are-the-benefits-of-magnesium-glycinate/

There's basically no major difference other than a side laxative effect, but it doesn't happen very often. I consider them to be the same as I've taken several Magnesium supplements and seen almost no difference. Just take the right dose per day and you'll be fine.
Interesting, i'd have thought hydration was the best safeguard. Also whats the point of supplementing if you're not deficient?
Well, he asked about Magnesium. Otherwise, hydration really is the best solution against cramps, but it can't stand on its own feet without the right dose of vitamins and a good night sleep. Many might have noticed that if you don't sleep for at least 7-8 hours, throughout the day your muscles start to randomly shake. In combination with a wrong diet, it can get really ugly and cramps will pop up randomly.
RidingSeed said:
Well, he asked about Magnesium. Otherwise, hydration really is the best solution against cramps, but it can't stand on its own feet without the right dose of vitamins and a good night sleep. Many might have noticed that if you don't sleep for at least 7-8 hours, throughout the day your muscles start to randomly shake. In combination with a wrong diet, it can get really ugly and cramps will pop up randomly.  
Vitamins can't stand up against just eating properly.