Advice on Buying New Mountain/Freeride Bike.


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
I know it's hard to answer questions like this - but I'm going to ask anyways!

The bikes that have caught my interest thus far are the KONA Coiler, KONA Stinky & the BRODIE Diablo. I haven't actually had a chance to ride any of them - but come this saturday I'm going to hit my local shop and see what's what between them. (Assuming all 3 are there for me to try)

I just thought I'd run this past you guys here since you're all so in tune with what's what and I'm pretty new to this whole scene.

It won't be my 1st time riding - just my 1st time investing a sizable amount of money into a bike that won't fall apart on me (as fast)

Here's the nitty gritty.

I'm 23.
About 5'10.
Riding off-road trails for about 5 years now.
The bike will be primarily used for freeriding/trails - and possibly the rare venture around the city.

I'm not planning on any huge drops (yet) - just the usual small jumps and bumps found on most of the trails I ride. No 8-foot stuff yet.

I plan to spend about $2000 - $2500 Canadian. Maybe a little more if I can justify it.... but we shall see.

So any advice on the above mentioned bikes or any others a guy like me should really consider - would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys! And keep up the awesome work.
Hey guys. Just got home from checking out a few shops. Saw the Coiler in real life and fell in love with it. Looked at a lot of other bikes... but so far in my price range the Coiler is looking like my best bet.

One other bike that I Saw at a shop - that was really getting pushed on me by the salesguy - was a 2006 SCOTT Genius MC10 - apparently this thing is worth $6500 Canadian.... and the guy was willing to give it to me for $3290. This sounds great but it made me worry... how can he afford to let a $6500 bike go for half of that?!?! It just didn't sit well with me... I dunno. What do you guys think? The thing was light as hell though. Lightest bike I looked at - but it's about $1000 more than the Coiler.... so that's pushing it. But if it's THAT good of a deal....

super9 said:
Hey guys. Just got home from checking out a few shops. Saw the Coiler in real life and fell in love with it. Looked at a lot of other bikes... but so far in my price range the Coiler is looking like my best bet.

One other bike that I Saw at a shop - that was really getting pushed on me by the salesguy - was a 2006 SCOTT Genius MC10 - apparently this thing is worth $6500 Canadian.... and the guy was willing to give it to me for $3290. This sounds great but it made me worry... how can he afford to let a $6500 bike go for half of that?!?! It just didn't sit well with me... I dunno. What do you guys think? The thing was light as hell though. Lightest bike I looked at - but it's about $1000 more than the Coiler.... so that's pushing it. But if it's THAT good of a deal....

I'd stick with the Coiler...You didn't try Rocky Mountain's bikes? I'm not sure how the prices are in Canada for those, but they have been building very good DH/FR bicycles.
graphixgeek said:
I'd stick with the Coiler...You didn't try Rocky Mountain's bikes? I'm not sure how the prices are in Canada for those, but they have been building very good DH/FR bicycles.
Thanks. I've been looking around still - haven't had the chance to see any Rocky Mountain's.
in the choices you've mentionned, kona is a nice one for free ride.
scott bikes are just overpriced IMO. :rolleyes:

i'd also look into Giant bikes as they offer great value for the price.