Aitor Gonzalez vainqueur du Tour de Suisse


Steady Rollin' Man

Aitor Gonzalez vainqueur du Tour de Suisse


Aitor Gonzalez a fait coup double en remportant dimanche l'étape du jour
ainsi que le 69ème Tour de Suisse. A Ulrichen, le coureur basque d'Euskaltel
a subtilisé la première place du classement général à l'Australien de la
Quickstep Michael Rogers, quatrième de l'étape. Frank Schleck (CSC) et
Daniel Atienza (COF) terminent respectivement sur la deuxième et sur la
troisième marche du podium.

"Je suis heureux de revenir au meilleur niveau, a déclaré Aitor Gonzalez au
micro de la télévision suisse. Après deux ans difficiles, durant lesquels j'ai
connu quelques problèmes de santé, ça fait plaisir." C'est dans les premiers
kilomètres de la montée du col de la Furka que le Basque a laissé comprendre
qu'il se battrait pour la victoire d'étape et, indirectement, pour la
première place du classement général.

A ce moment-là, il plaçait une attaque que le groupe du maillot jaune ne
pouvait pas freiner. Avec une minute d'avance au sommet du col et une
descente pratiquement idéale, le Basque n'a jamais donné l'impression de
céder la moindre seconde. Poussé dans ses tout derniers retranchements sur
la fin, il s'est montré héroïque et a offert un final exceptionnel. La
veille déjà, peu avant l'arrivée à Verbier, le coureur d'Euskaltel avait
prouvé qu'il était capable de réussir de jolis coups. Largué encore peu
avant l'arrivée, il avait grappillé peu à peu ses secondes de retard pour
terminer à la quatrième place. Un effort loin d'être vain puisqu'il lui
permettait de prendre également la quatrième place au classement général, à
36 secondes de Michael Rogers qu'il a détrôné sur ce circuit des Alpes.

Cette dernière étape du 69ème Tour de Suisse a véritablement tenu toutes ses
promesses. Les ascensions successives des cols du Nufenen, du Gotthard et de
la Furka (tous classés hors catégorie) ont donné lieu à de nombreux

Au classement général final, Jan Ullrich conserve sa troisième place. Sur
cette étape-reine, l'Allemand n'est pas apparu dans sa meilleure forme. Si
le coureur de la T-Mobile compte rivaliser avec Lance Armstrong sur le
prochain Tour de France, il devra encore profiter des 15 jours qui lui
restent pour affiner sa préparation.
"Steady Rollin' Man" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Aitor Gonzalez vainqueur du Tour de Suisse
> 19.06.2005
> Aitor Gonzalez a fait coup double en remportant dimanche l'étape du jour
> ainsi que le 69ème Tour de Suisse. A Ulrichen, le coureur basque
> d'Euskaltel a subtilisé la première place du classement général à
> l'Australien de la Quickstep Michael Rogers, quatrième de l'étape. Frank
> Schleck (CSC) et Daniel Atienza (COF) terminent respectivement sur la
> deuxième et sur la troisième marche du podium.
> "Je suis heureux de revenir au meilleur niveau, a déclaré Aitor Gonzalez
> au micro de la télévision suisse. Après deux ans difficiles, durant
> lesquels j'ai connu quelques problèmes de santé, ça fait plaisir." C'est
> dans les premiers kilomètres de la montée du col de la Furka que le Basque
> a laissé comprendre qu'il se battrait pour la victoire d'étape et,
> indirectement, pour la première place du classement général.
> A ce moment-là, il plaçait une attaque que le groupe du maillot jaune ne
> pouvait pas freiner. Avec une minute d'avance au sommet du col et une
> descente pratiquement idéale, le Basque n'a jamais donné l'impression de
> céder la moindre seconde. Poussé dans ses tout derniers retranchements sur
> la fin, il s'est montré héroïque et a offert un final exceptionnel. La
> veille déjà, peu avant l'arrivée à Verbier, le coureur d'Euskaltel avait
> prouvé qu'il était capable de réussir de jolis coups. Largué encore peu
> avant l'arrivée, il avait grappillé peu à peu ses secondes de retard pour
> terminer à la quatrième place. Un effort loin d'être vain puisqu'il lui
> permettait de prendre également la quatrième place au classement général,
> à 36 secondes de Michael Rogers qu'il a détrôné sur ce circuit des Alpes.
> Cette dernière étape du 69ème Tour de Suisse a véritablement tenu toutes
> ses promesses. Les ascensions successives des cols du Nufenen, du Gotthard
> et de la Furka (tous classés hors catégorie) ont donné lieu à de nombreux
> rebondissements.
> Au classement général final, Jan Ullrich conserve sa troisième place. Sur
> cette étape-reine, l'Allemand n'est pas apparu dans sa meilleure forme. Si
> le coureur de la T-Mobile compte rivaliser avec Lance Armstrong sur le
> prochain Tour de France, il devra encore profiter des 15 jours qui lui
> restent pour affiner sa préparation.

"Jim Flom " <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Discuss.

With such class I don't know why you aren't on TV.
Tom Kunich wrote:
> "Jim Flom " <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:qWkte.81492$tt5.64261@edtnps90...

> With such class I don't know why you aren't on TV.

That's an intriguing comment.

You're right, there IS an alarming lack of class in RBR. What do you
propose that we do about it, OGO?
Steady Rollin' Man wrote:
> Aitor Gonzalez vainqueur du Tour de Suisse
> 19.06.2005
> Aitor Gonzalez a fait coup double en remportant dimanche l'étape du jour
> ainsi que le 69ème Tour de Suisse. A Ulrichen, le coureur basque d'Euskaltel
> a subtilisé la première place du classement général à l'Australien de la
> Quickstep Michael Rogers, quatrième de l'étape. Frank Schleck (CSC) et
> Daniel Atienza (COF) terminent respectivement sur la deuxième et sur la
> troisième marche du podium.
> "Je suis heureux de revenir au meilleur niveau, a déclaré Aitor Gonzalez au
> micro de la télévision suisse. Après deux ans difficiles, durant lesquels j'ai
> connu quelques problèmes de santé, ça fait plaisir." C'est dans les premiers
> kilomètres de la montée du col de la Furka que le Basque a laissé comprendre
> qu'il se battrait pour la victoire d'étape et, indirectement, pour la
> première place du classement général.
> A ce moment-là, il plaçait une attaque que le groupe du maillot jaune ne
> pouvait pas freiner. Avec une minute d'avance au sommet du col et une
> descente pratiquement idéale, le Basque n'a jamais donné l'impression de
> céder la moindre seconde. Poussé dans ses tout derniers retranchements sur
> la fin, il s'est montré héroïque et a offert un final exceptionnel. La
> veille déjà, peu avant l'arrivée à Verbier, le coureur d'Euskaltel avait
> prouvé qu'il était capable de réussir de jolis coups. Largué encore peu
> avant l'arrivée, il avait grappillé peu à peu ses secondes de retard pour
> terminer à la quatrième place. Un effort loin d'être vain puisqu'il lui
> permettait de prendre également la quatrième place au classement général, à
> 36 secondes de Michael Rogers qu'il a détrôné sur ce circuit des Alpes.
> Cette dernière étape du 69ème Tour de Suisse a véritablement tenu toutes ses
> promesses. Les ascensions successives des cols du Nufenen, du Gotthard et de
> la Furka (tous classés hors catégorie) ont donné lieu à de nombreux
> rebondissements.
> Au classement général final, Jan Ullrich conserve sa troisième place. Sur
> cette étape-reine, l'Allemand n'est pas apparu dans sa meilleure forme. Si
> le coureur de la T-Mobile compte rivaliser avec Lance Armstrong sur le
> prochain Tour de France, il devra encore profiter des 15 jours qui lui
> restent pour affiner sa préparation.

It's so nice to see Euskaltel finally getting **** done. I wonder if
Gonzalez is going to the Tour? He performed very poorly in the Giro,
but he seems to be coming into the kind of form that will be invaluable
to the E-E cause in the Tour. But he said at the beginning of the
season that he wouldn't be doing it anymore, that the TdF "didn't suit
him." But he should. He really should.. Mayo will need all the help he
can get.

sonarrat schreef:

> . Mayo will need all the help he
> can get.

Any indication that Mayo will be remotely ready to ride for the overall?
Van Hoorebeeck Bart wrote:
> sonarrat schreef:
>>. Mayo will need all the help he
>>can get.

> Any indication that Mayo will be remotely ready to ride for the overall?

There have been flashes here and there, but I'm not sure. I think the
first race he did this year was the Volta a Catalunya at the end of May.
That worries me, because that's the kind of late-start program that
Roberto Heras used to do when he wanted to merely "get through" the
Tour, but go on to seriously contest the Vuelta. Furthermore, that's
the same sort of schedule Mayo himself followed in 2002 when he took 5th
place in the Vuelta. I think there is reason to be suspicious about his
readiness for the Tour, but there -have- been those flashes of form that
give me encouragement.

"Tim Lines" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Kunich wrote:
>> "Jim Flom " <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:qWkte.81492$tt5.64261@edtnps90...

>> With such class I don't know why you aren't on TV.

> That's an intriguing comment.
> You're right, there IS an alarming lack of class in RBR. What do you
> propose that we do about it, OGO?

*I * would suggest that people whose IQ is less than the width of a BB in
feet should not ask others to comment on something.
Tom Kunich wrote:
> "Tim Lines" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Tom Kunich wrote:
>>>"Jim Flom " <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>With such class I don't know why you aren't on TV.

>>That's an intriguing comment.
>>You're right, there IS an alarming lack of class in RBR. What do you
>>propose that we do about it, OGO?

> *I * would suggest that people whose IQ is less than the width of a BB in
> feet should not ask others to comment on something.

Thank you for your contribution to continually increasing the amount of
class exhibited in this fine newsgroup. You are a beacon of brightness
and enlightenment in an otherwise dim something-or-other.
"Tim Lines" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Kunich wrote:
>> "Tim Lines" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Tom Kunich wrote:
>>>>"Jim Flom " <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>With such class I don't know why you aren't on TV.
>>>That's an intriguing comment.
>>>You're right, there IS an alarming lack of class in RBR. What do you
>>>propose that we do about it, OGO?

>> *I * would suggest that people whose IQ is less than the width of a BB in
>> feet should not ask others to comment on something.

> Thank you for your contribution to continually increasing the amount of
> class exhibited in this fine newsgroup. You are a beacon of brightness
> and enlightenment in an otherwise dim something-or-other.

"Van Hoorebeeck Bart" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
> sonarrat schreef:
>> . Mayo will need all the help he
>> can get.

> Any indication that Mayo will be remotely ready to ride for the overall?

O.K if you are a huge fan of Mayo:

1) You belive he is following a great preparation program and that it will
show off at the right time.

2) You suspect that Haimar Zubeldia is secretly following an equally
intensive program (nobody knows where) and that he is going back to his 2003
shape, just with the only objective of disminishing Mayo's shine (a kind of
mini Cunego-Simoni) and dispute him the team's leadership.

3) You are horrified to see that Aitor Gonzalez is in great shape and he may
claim a position in the TdF team (in which he was not supposed to
participate) and that he will use such chance not to help Mayo, but to take
shine away from him.

Sounds paranoic. Well, that seems to be the case right now. If the team has
another debacle in the TdF it could be the end of it! But you never know,
look what has happend.. Two major TdF preparation races, two wins for

Of course, everything would be different if Mayo had shown anything in the
TdS. If what is rumoured about Zubeldia is true, the team could set up an
acceptable TTT with Zubeldia and Gonzalez (to save Mayo's ass) and then add
Laiseka and Landaluze (that seems to be in Decent shape to help Mayo in the

But really, with Euskaltel management team expect the unexpected.
alex <[email protected]> wrote:
> 2) You suspect that Haimar Zubeldia is secretly following an equally
> intensive program (nobody knows where) and that he is going back to his 2003
> shape, just with the only objective of disminishing Mayo's shine (a kind of
> mini Cunego-Simoni) and dispute him the team's leadership.

I have always felt that great things can be expected from people that
take time off from racing to properly, ummmm, prepare for the Tour.

I won't speculate on any motives though.

Bob Schwartz
[email protected]
alex wrote:
> "Van Hoorebeeck Bart" <[email protected]> wrote in
> message news:[email protected]...
>>sonarrat schreef:
>>>. Mayo will need all the help he
>>>can get.

>>Any indication that Mayo will be remotely ready to ride for the overall?

> O.K if you are a huge fan of Mayo:
> 1) You belive he is following a great preparation program and that it will
> show off at the right time.
> 2) You suspect that Haimar Zubeldia is secretly following an equally
> intensive program (nobody knows where) and that he is going back to his 2003
> shape, just with the only objective of disminishing Mayo's shine (a kind of
> mini Cunego-Simoni) and dispute him the team's leadership.
> 3) You are horrified to see that Aitor Gonzalez is in great shape and he may
> claim a position in the TdF team (in which he was not supposed to
> participate) and that he will use such chance not to help Mayo, but to take
> shine away from him.
> Sounds paranoic. Well, that seems to be the case right now. If the team has
> another debacle in the TdF it could be the end of it! But you never know,
> look what has happend.. Two major TdF preparation races, two wins for
> Euskaltel.
> Of course, everything would be different if Mayo had shown anything in the
> TdS. If what is rumoured about Zubeldia is true, the team could set up an
> acceptable TTT with Zubeldia and Gonzalez (to save Mayo's ass) and then add
> Laiseka and Landaluze (that seems to be in Decent shape to help Mayo in the
> mountains).
> But really, with Euskaltel management team expect the unexpected.

They've certainly kept their cards close to their chest. Remember when
T-Mobile was grousing about not having any victories? No such
complaints from E-E. I have strong suspicions that nobody from the team
did any serious training until February, with the big single goal of the
season being the Tour de France, with the majority of the team coming
onto form in July or later.

Whatever happens, even Mayo's worst seasons have shown his ample natural
ability. He always manages to do something.

Bob Schwartz wrote:
> I have always felt that great things can be expected from people that
> take time off from racing to properly, ummmm, prepare for the Tour.

Have you been near Lafferty lately, or can Laffertitus be transmitted over
the Internet ?
Donald Munro <[email protected]> wrote:
> Bob Schwartz wrote:
>> I have always felt that great things can be expected from people that
>> take time off from racing to properly, ummmm, prepare for the Tour.

> Have you been near Lafferty lately, or can Laffertitus be transmitted over
> the Internet ?

Lafferty gives me an upset stomach.

My model for the above sentiment is Ullrich. Year after year the guy
sucks hard in the spring. There have been times when his form was
so bad that you would not think this guy could ever be a professional
cyclist. Then he disappears for an intensive training camp. When he
gets back he's the second best stage racer around. Gotta wonder what
goes on in that camp. The progress he makes is astounding.

The model used to be that you raced yourself into good form for the
Tour. But that model is out of date. It is not unusual at all to see
someone disappear and then be roaring in the Tour.

Bob Schwartz
[email protected]
Donald Munro wrote:

> Have you been near Lafferty lately, or can Laffertitus be transmitted
> over the Internet ?

Lately it seems like some rbr posters have been very near to Lafferty.
"sonarrat" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> alex wrote:
>> "Van Hoorebeeck Bart" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> message news:[email protected]...
>>>sonarrat schreef:
>>>>. Mayo will need all the help he
>>>>can get.
>>>Any indication that Mayo will be remotely ready to ride for the overall?

>> O.K if you are a huge fan of Mayo:
>> 1) You belive he is following a great preparation program and that it
>> will show off at the right time.
>> 2) You suspect that Haimar Zubeldia is secretly following an equally
>> intensive program (nobody knows where) and that he is going back to his
>> 2003 shape, just with the only objective of disminishing Mayo's shine (a
>> kind of mini Cunego-Simoni) and dispute him the team's leadership.
>> 3) You are horrified to see that Aitor Gonzalez is in great shape and he
>> may claim a position in the TdF team (in which he was not supposed to
>> participate) and that he will use such chance not to help Mayo, but to
>> take shine away from him.
>> Sounds paranoic. Well, that seems to be the case right now. If the team
>> has another debacle in the TdF it could be the end of it! But you never
>> know, look what has happend.. Two major TdF preparation races, two wins
>> for Euskaltel.
>> Of course, everything would be different if Mayo had shown anything in
>> the TdS. If what is rumoured about Zubeldia is true, the team could set
>> up an acceptable TTT with Zubeldia and Gonzalez (to save Mayo's ass) and
>> then add Laiseka and Landaluze (that seems to be in Decent shape to help
>> Mayo in the mountains).
>> But really, with Euskaltel management team expect the unexpected.

> They've certainly kept their cards close to their chest. Remember when
> T-Mobile was grousing about not having any victories? No such complaints
> from E-E. I have strong suspicions that nobody from the team did any
> serious training until February, with the big single goal of the season
> being the Tour de France, with the majority of the team coming onto form
> in July or later.

I think you give their organization too much credit. I have the impression
the management team did not even suspect that Aitor was in such shinning
shape. The team has been getting plenty of heat during the early season in
the Basque country (and they get the usual level of discredit from the
Spanish press ), not least because the doping allegations last year just
before the TdF and the suspicious descend in relative performance since last
year (that I guess is the source of the remark that Bob made). But the last
two weeks have helped them to lower the pressure levels. In the doping
department it seems it may have helped that the attention now has diverted
to Liberty...
alex wrote:

> I think you give their organization too much credit. I have the impression
> the management team did not even suspect that Aitor was in such shinning
> shape. The team has been getting plenty of heat during the early season in
> the Basque country (and they get the usual level of discredit from the
> Spanish press ), not least because the doping allegations last year just
> before the TdF and the suspicious descend in relative performance since last
> year (that I guess is the source of the remark that Bob made). But the last
> two weeks have helped them to lower the pressure levels. In the doping
> department it seems it may have helped that the attention now has diverted
> to Liberty...

I am, of course, willing to entertain the possibility that Julian
Gorospe doesn't know a cycling team from a hole in the wall.
Bob Schwartz wrote:

> Lafferty gives me an upset stomach.

Just because the dish is passed doesn't mean you're obligated to take a
scoop. This is rbr: you can risk being rude.
Robert Chung wrote:
> Donald Munro wrote:
> > Have you been near Lafferty lately, or can Laffertitus be transmitted
> > over the Internet ?

> Lately it seems like some rbr posters have been very near to Lafferty.

I suppose at this point you'll be naming names.

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