Americans are bad!

Felt_Rider said:
I was thinking that as well until this past Saturday.
Now I have a lot of missing skin, but thank goodness for the foam on my head. The foam busted, but my head is okay. :) If only I had foam on my shoulder when I hit the pavement.

And this time I got the full rear exposure for all the spectators to see.
The bike shop is putting my bib shorts on display. :)
A mixture of blood and gaping hole in the seat.

I put a vote in for Audi as well.
Not sure if I want any further dtails on that injury.... specificly the part near the seat.:)
Billsworld said:
Not sure if I want any further dtails on that injury.... specificly the part near the seat.:)
Well some of it is good news. Turns out my shoulder or collar bone is not broken. Just really inflammed. With just road rash I will be back on my back up bike this weekend and will not have missed a beat. I used a spin bike the past 3 days to check out my cycling performance and there was a slight discomfort in my right quadricep this morning, but I should be good for a calm recreational ride on Saturday.