Another US rider from SPIKE team caught using testosterone

Why would you assume Blatchford or any other US rider was using anything? Must be the blazing fast times , or maybe the strong showings at world cup events. Blatchford is a youg kid, Alfred is a 39 year old trying to hang in. Dumb to accuse the whole Spike team!
cat6 said:

I guess it is not that uncommon.. probably Blatchford, and others are doing the same..
This is ridiculous accusation. As a resident athlete, Blatch was tested regularly. There is no reason to even suspect he is running top fuel.

You say "Another us rider from SPIKE team"... are you implying there were other spike riders running top fuel?

FixedGearFever said:
This is ridiculous accusation. As a resident athlete, Blatch was tested regularly. There is no reason to even suspect he is running top fuel.

You say "Another us rider from SPIKE team"... are you implying there were other spike riders running top fuel?

My first thought was to ignore the stupidity, but I couldnt. Back to FGF:)
FixedGearFever said:
This is ridiculous accusation. As a resident athlete, Blatch was tested regularly. There is no reason to even suspect he is running top fuel.

You say "Another us rider from SPIKE team"... are you implying there were other spike riders running top fuel?

Just prepare for the next homegrown doping scandal in 4-5 weeks..
At this point sprinters results are so slow that they might stop dope themselves..(no competition and no international starts for either men or women riders).
As far as it goes this is the beginning of the end of US mens sprint.
cat6 said:
Just prepare for the next homegrown doping scandal in 4-5 weeks..
At this point sprinters results are so slow that they might stop dope themselves..(no competition and no international starts for either men or women riders).
As far as it goes this is the beginning of the end of US mens sprint.
We are talking USADA.... 4-5 weeks? How about 4-5 months?

Just being realistic! :)
Absolutely no surprise about Stephen's anabolic steroids and female hormones.

Everyone knew---but could not say. (not politically correct)

Look to Stephen's teammates, training partners, coaches and competitiors for more of the same.

Next thing you know, Aussies trackies will start popping up with equine Growth Hormones eGH from an Adelaide based drug firm.

99.999% of doped athletes can pass $200 urine tests. Stephen certainly did over many, many years---just as everyone else did/does too.

They do NOT even test for 'synthetic testosterone' or hCH or Clomid UNLESS you blow up your T/E past 4:1. It was 6:1 two years ago. Nevermind the insulin, hGH, EPO microdosing that no test can ever catch.

Inotherwords---you can be doped out of your mind--and be considered 'clean'. Such is the righteous tradition of the commercial Olympian. Stephen must have offended someone at USA Cycling & USADA, else they would have fixed this result as they routinely do.
Flyer's.Finale! said:
Absolutely no surprise about Stephen's anabolic steroids and female hormones.

Everyone knew---but could not say. (not politically correct)

Look to Stephen's teammates, training partners, coaches and competitiors for more of the same.

Next thing you know, Aussies trackies will start popping up with equine Growth Hormones eGH from an Adelaide based drug firm.

99.999% of doped athletes can pass $200 urine tests. Stephen certainly did over many, many years---just as everyone else did/does too.

They do NOT even test for 'synthetic testosterone' or hCH or Clomid UNLESS you blow up your T/E past 4:1. It was 6:1 two years ago. Nevermind the insulin, hGH, EPO microdosing that no test can ever catch.

Inotherwords---you can be doped out of your mind--and be considered 'clean'. Such is the righteous tradition of the commercial Olympian. Stephen must have offended someone at USA Cycling & USADA, else they would have fixed this result as they routinely do.
Simple fact of the matter here is that Alfred couldn't afford a good lawyer to get him off...
I am confused. Are you guys bashing US sprinters as being slow , broke and on drugs, or are you claiming that the whole sport is dirty.? What is your reaction to the handfull of guys that went under 10.0 in Moscow?
Billsworld said:
I am confused. Are you guys bashing US sprinters as being slow , broke and on drugs, or are you claiming that the whole sport is dirty.? What is your reaction to the handfull of guys that went under 10.0 in Moscow?
In a word: YES!

Is that not obvious?
Yes to both questions? I guess your going to share with us your insight on the "natural" human capabilities of a male sprint cyclist. If you are faster than X you must be on something:rolleyes: What is X?
Billsworld said:
Yes to both questions? I guess your going to share with us your insight on the "natural" human capabilities of a male sprint cyclist. If you are faster than X you must be on something:rolleyes: What is X?
Losing the the first argument (all track racers avoid anabolic steroids, tosterone, female hormones, hGH and other Polypharmacy) you will now attempt to:

1) reframe the debate
2) promote mythology of 'clean Olympic level sport'
3) discredit anyone who suggests the obvious---THEY ALL DOPE at this level
4) raise your voice, scream and plug your ears.

Time to remove the Nike ceiling Lance posters too.
No reframe at all. There is/was no debate. You imply that all elite track sprinters are juicers . Not just the slow underfunded Americans, but all of them. You also seem to have problems with the UCI testing methods. Frankly I dont know squat about drug use or the testing methods(seriously , I dont) and am now seeking your apparent wisdom on how fast a sprinter can go before he is going to be subjected to your drug accusations. Is the term "elite" defined by his times, or simply by the fact that he is competing at world cup events.....Is it "everyone at World Cup events on drugs or everone that goes faster than X on drugs. ...Just confused..... BTW I dont give Lance much thought.
Billsworld said:
No reframe at all. There is/was no debate. You imply that all elite track sprinters are juicers . Not just the slow underfunded Americans, but all of them. You also seem to have problems with the UCI testing methods. Frankly I dont know squat about drug use or the testing methods(seriously , I dont) and am now seeking your apparent wisdom on how fast a sprinter can go before he is going to be subjected to your drug accusations. Is the term "elite" defined by his times, or simply by the fact that he is competing at world cup events.....Is it "everyone at World Cup events on drugs or everone that goes faster than X on drugs. ...Just confused..... BTW I dont give Lance much thought.
I know you are wholly uneducated re: so-called drug protocols. that was apparent since you obviously believe in marketing myths, not the dirty facts.

the feeble and underfunded tests do not test for things easliy detectable such as testosterone and instead test for indirect measures which are more about health levels for chheaters, then the unbiquitous cheating itself.

btw: if every elite track athete was subjected to a $300 'exogenious testosterone urine test' 100% would fail it.

The young U-23s would fail as well as the Stephen Alfred's who failed in 1998 at age 30 and failed again at age 38 in 2006. As well as Aussie track stars too. You know the names.

btw: I do not make accusations. Drug cheating is a fact of life. Like breathing is.
Billsworld said:
Why would you assume Blatchford or any other US rider was using anything? Must be the blazing fast times , or maybe the strong showings at world cup events. Blatchford is a youg kid, Alfred is a 39 year old trying to hang in. Dumb to accuse the whole Spike team!
He was doping when he was young too!

The AIS had a doping scandal. Was it fair to question them?

Team Spike is suspect. No doubt about it.

One million US High school teenagers abuse steroids and 90% will never be professional. 100% of Olympians must dope or stay home.
Flyer's.Finale! said:
3) discredit anyone who suggests the obvious---THEY ALL DOPE at this level...
FF, you make valid points more often than not with regard to conspiracies that exist in athletics, hell, the whole world for that matter, but until you can PROVIDE EVIDENCE that "THEY ALL DOPE at this level", your soap box rants about all pro cyclists using drugs IS NOT OBVIOUS, FACTUAL, NOR WITH ANY MERIT. As Bill mentioned, you simply whitewash everyone with the taint of drugs because, perhaps, you couldn't attain their level of performance?????

With regard to drugs, I personally (do a google on my name if you don't believe me) played in the NFL. My career was shortened due to injury, but I made it nonetheless and I was not, nor have ever been, on any drugs to improve my performance. So, I am proof that not everyone who makes money performing an athletic feat at an extremely high level needs to be on PEDs to do it.

I believe if you qualified you statements with an "I believe...", or "In my opinion..." you would garner more credibility. Just a thought...
tonyzackery said:
FF, you make valid points more often than not with regard to conspiracies that exist in athletics, hell, the whole world for that matter, but until you can PROVIDE EVIDENCE that "THEY ALL DOPE at this level", your soap box rants about all pro cyclists using drugs IS NOT OBVIOUS, FACTUAL, NOR WITH ANY MERIT. As Bill mentioned, you simply whitewash everyone with the taint of drugs because, perhaps, you couldn't attain their level of performance?????

With regard to drugs, I personally (do a google on my name if you don't believe me) played in the NFL. My career was shortened due to injury, but I made it nonetheless and I was not, nor have ever been, on any drugs to improve my performance. So, I am proof that not everyone who makes money performing an athletic feat at an extremely high level needs to be on PEDs to do it.

I believe if you qualified you statements with an "I believe...", or "In my opinion..." you would garner more credibility. Just a thought...
You wrote consipracy, not me.

Institutional fraud is NOT a conspiracy. I never asserted any consipracies.

Omerta and fraud are a way to maximize revenue and profit by cheating, lying, denying and marketing. The mafia adopted this method from Big Business.

--And until you can offer up some shread of PROOF (not silly presumptions)that a commercially endorsed athlete is 'clean; (does not use peptide hormones, amphetamines, hGH, eGH, IGF, insulin, Salbutamol, cortisone, cortisone based steroids) your assertion that athletes are clean is hogwash. Pure myth.

Everyone who played high school football---played hurt. College and the NFL demand daily doseages of drugs into order to train, recover over night and play aggressively--whilst injuried. Everyone from the NFL is on drugs (the punters and place kickers too)---even after retirement. You are not being 100% honest about that--despite your impassioned doping denial. (Floyd was more endearing in his little fib)

Nike knows cheating, doping and winning:
Marion Jones
Tim Montgomery
CJ Hunter
LaTasha Jenkins
Justin Gatlin
Regina Jacobs
Kelli White
Michelle Collins
Lance Armstrong
Barry Bonds

Quit supporting the Live Wrong Foundation. Free Tlyer!
Flyer's.Finale! said:
--And until you can offer up some shread of PROOF (not silly presumptions)that a commercially endorsed athlete is 'clean; (does not use peptide hormones, amphetamines, hGH, eGH, IGF, insulin, Salbutamol, cortisone, cortisone based steroids) your assertion that athletes are clean is hogwash. Pure myth.

Everyone who played high school football---played hurt. College and the NFL demand daily doseages of drugs into order to train, recover over night and play aggressively--whilst injuried. Everyone from the NFL is on drugs (the punters and place kickers too)---even after retirement. You are not being 100% honest about that--despite your impassioned doping denial. (Floyd was more endearing in his little fib)
You are a fraud, and I must say, appear to be a bitter person. I already told you I didn't use drugs and played in the NFL but you continue to insist "everyone from the NFL is on drugs...". But you call me dishonest and don't even know me; you are laughable now.

In your world, unfortunately, an athlete is guilty (if performing at a level you, the judge and jury, doesn't believe possible without drugs) until proven INNOCENT. What a novel state of consciousness - excuse me -consciousness. You'd be right at home in communist China, Cuba, or North Korea.

I hope you can get some help for your issues...I really do because you have some redeeming qualities and make a few valid points. However, the fact that you are opinionated makes your credibilty wane.
tonyzackery said:
You are a fraud, and I must say, appear to be a bitter person. I already told you I didn't use drugs and played in the NFL but you continue to insist "everyone from the NFL is on drugs...". But you call me dishonest and don't even know me; you are laughable now.

In your world, unfortunately, an athlete is guilty (if performing at a level you, the judge and jury, doesn't believe possible without drugs) until proven INNOCENT. What a novel state of consciousness - excuse me -consciousness. You'd be right at home in communist China, Cuba, or North Korea.

I hope you can get some help for your issues...I really do because you have some redeeming qualities and make a few valid points. However, the fact that you are opinionated makes your credibilty wane.
Whistle. I am thowing a flag on that post! 10 yards and a loss of down.

Dopers are defensive. All addicts live in abject denial. That helps explains your phobia and desperate need to reframe the question or discredit me via name calling, silly NFL wanna-be trash talk. Pretending to defend the NFL was your undoing. A $5.6 BILLION private monopoly of human exploitation, concusions, deception, myths, mass media marketing, greed and massive abuse of anabolic steroids, cortisone, amphetamines, asthma inhalation and female hormones too.

No reasonable person thinks that giving and accepting violent hits by titanium helmeted 200-365 lb freaks, blind sided, clothes-lined, head first spearing, clipping (lateral knee chops), on a weekly basis could function without daily trauma medicine and therapy. The USA is no different than China or Cuba insofar as endulging your anti-doping cover story. The USA spents $100 BILLION on such nonsense each year. ESPN-ABC-Disney covers up for MLB & NFL steroids directly (George Mitchell, Disney Chairman is also the steroid auditor and TV contract supervisor) Lies and commercial conflicts is all you have to sell us Tony. We have plenty of propaganda here. No need to volunteer for more cancer.

One million high school teens abuse steroids in the USA today. Many of those kids play HS football. They are beginning with oral meds often before the 9th grade. Our children are doping earlier and earlier each year. Ridalin for the ACT, Winstrol and greenies for the football JVs. Marijuana after practice, ecstasy after the game.

Nobody gets recruited to LSU, University of Washington, Cal, Notre Dame, Michigan, Ohio State or USC without steroid abuse--PRIOR to camp.

Every person who plays college football receives injuries with lasting effects. Most NLF alumni are bi-polar cripples---and on daily drugs until death.

You have been outed Tony. Just like defending Stephen Alfred or his peers, the NFL was built on synthetic hormones. WR, DB, QB, TE, LB, FB to punters.

From Terrell Owens, to Ricky Williams, Maurice Clarett, to Todd Stauerbran, Todd Steusse, Jeff Mitchell, Terry Bradshaw, Steve Courson, Jim Haslett, Barrett Robbins, Dana Stubblefield, Rod Martin, Chris Cooper, Lawrence Taylor, Shawne Merriman, to Brian Bosworth, Bill Romanowski, et al. the whole doped bunch. They all lie on camera too! Just like in cycling.

NFL----never forget lying!