

New Member
Jan 18, 2004
I am on a diet (Weight Watcher) and I will start making exercices on an apartment's bike.

Could you give me some informations about how to proceed please. Do you have some fitness programme protocol.

My weight is : 73 kg
I measure : 158 cm
I am 54 years old

I am in a good health apart from beiing overweight.

Thanks for your advise.

Looking forward for an answer.

Best regards,

Originally posted by madeleine
I am on a diet (Weight Watcher) and I will start making exercices on an apartment's bike.

Could you give me some informations about how to proceed please. Do you have some fitness programme protocol.

My weight is : 73 kg
I measure : 158 cm
I am 54 years old

I am in a good health apart from beiing overweight.

Thanks for your advise.

Looking forward for an answer.

Best regards,


Is there any reason why you prefer a static bike over a real one?
I'm asking this because you'll get almost the same benefit with a real one plus you'll get some fresh air, see places you've probably never seen before in your Neighborhood and generally have a good time, static Bikes are boring and without the added stimulus of getting out and about you may get bored very quickly and give up.

You can buy a very reasonable begginers Bike at a lot of different stores, and of course, you'll need a helmet...apart from that, no fancy gear...shorts, T-Shirt (depending on your climate), a pair of tennies and off you go...

Just use the static Bike on rainy Days and evenings...

Just ride Girl!!