Armstrong on/off/on again for the Tour


New Member
Jan 24, 2004
The on again off again of Armstrong racing the Tour is now back at On again.?,25197,24535000-2722,00.html

Is it a coincidence that Contador has only just confirmed the other day that he would not leave Astana?

But then the comments in the article only say he will ride if he is made welcome by the organisers, journo's & fans.
I thought he was supposed to be transparent and be open to all regardless.
Of course, his main objective is TDF but he is not welcome however he always hopes miracle and makes call for it!
Trev_S said:
The on again off again of Armstrong racing the Tour is now back at On again.?,25197,24535000-2722,00.html

Is it a coincidence that Contador has only just confirmed the other day that he would not leave Astana?

But then the comments in the article only say he will ride if he is made welcome by the organisers, journo's & fans.
I thought he was supposed to be transparent and be open to all regardless.

Maybe we read the article with different blinkers on but mine said "if I'm invited I'll ride the '09 TdF".. Whats not transparent about that?

Personally I hope he doesn't ride it - his "blue train" style of Tour de Francing "whittle down the bunch until Lance can jump with 2km to go" was akin to watching the worlds slowest paint dry.

That said - I see no legal or "political" reasons why he shouldn't ride.

May the best (clean) rider win...
The transparent comment was just in reference to the journo's.
He has said something along the lines off being open to all journalists and their questions. Instead of the old banning of some journo's as he used to do.
So a bit like if invited and they're all nice to me I'll ride :p

But yeah probably looking at it from a different perspective.
Eldron said:
Maybe we read the article with different blinkers on but mine said "if I'm invited I'll ride the '09 TdF".. Whats not transparent about that?

Personally I hope he doesn't ride it - his "blue train" style of Tour de Francing "whittle down the bunch until Lance can jump with 2km to go" was akin to watching the worlds slowest paint dry.

That said - I see no legal or "political" reasons why he shouldn't ride.

May the best (clean) rider win...
No political reasons ?

The TDF presentation standed up in the french assembly... and all deputies have received few day after the LA's return that image.
I doubt he is welcomed and it seems that his name was never pronounced today. A clear indication confirming the unsuccessfull pressure and extern help which LA is seeking by his statements to the press.
poulidor said:
No political reasons ?

The TDF presentation standed up in the french assembly... and all deputies have received few day after the LA's return that image.
I doubt he is welcomed and it seems that his name was never pronounced today. A clear indication confirming the unsuccessfull pressure and extern help which LA is seeking by his statements to the press.

See now that's just funny!

Other than the tee shirt (man that IS funny) I see no reason why the french shouldn't invite him to the Tour. Sure they hate each other but in life putting emotions before logic only limits you.

Let him ride - it'll make the french more money so they should suck up their little egos and give everyone (including dopers who have done their time and dopers that haven't been charged) the chance to ride.
I for one hope he rides in the tour again. If nothing else it will give the superstars on this I-hate-lance thread something current to talk about. He has been out of professional cycling since July '05 and the stars can't talk about him enough. He will give the sport new energy and excitement which has been lacking for the last few years. As for the boring racing, I disagree completely the races were always fun to watch and probably viewed worldwide by more people than the last few years. I can tell you that the superstars will be watching every second when Lance rides cause they can't help themselves. I don't want doping to be a part of cycling anymore than anyone else and anything that can be done to eliminate it I am for. Considering all that is being done and what is planned I feel they are trying to get rid of it. Last year unfortunantly it was still present. It was obvious who was doping last year in most cases, as the identified dopers rode head and shoulders above the others just prior to testing positive. I say bring on Lance and if he can't ride in the Tour de France then the Giro will be the biggest race in their history when he competes there. Haters will be haters. Most of them don't even have a bike, they just sit in their broken down desk chairs, in their sweat pants farting and drinking coffee. They don't ride much but find great satisfaction in making fun of people. This is kind of pathetic really, they need to find something productive to do with their time.
leerobbs said:
I for one hope he rides in the tour again. If nothing else it will give the superstars on this I-hate-lance thread something current to talk about. He has been out of professional cycling since July '05 and the stars can't talk about him enough. He will give the sport new energy and excitement which has been lacking for the last few years. As for the boring racing, I disagree completely the races were always fun to watch and probably viewed worldwide by more people than the last few years. I can tell you that the superstars will be watching every second when Lance rides cause they can't help themselves. I don't want doping to be a part of cycling anymore than anyone else and anything that can be done to eliminate it I am for. Considering all that is being done and what is planned I feel they are trying to get rid of it. Last year unfortunantly it was still present. It was obvious who was doping last year in most cases, as the identified dopers rode head and shoulders above the others just prior to testing positive. I say bring on Lance and if he can't ride in the Tour de France then the Giro will be the biggest race in their history when he competes there. Haters will be haters. Most of them don't even have a bike, they just sit in their broken down desk chairs, in their sweat pants farting and drinking coffee. They don't ride much but find great satisfaction in making fun of people. This is kind of pathetic really, they need to find something productive to do with their time.
Yawn, Yawn. You seem confused and your arguments seem even more confused. A lot of dope made for exciting racing when endurance sports should really be about conserving and pacing your attacks. Todays racing is cleaner no doubt about it and you are moaning. All L.A dislikers don't ride bikes, strange indeed.
poulidor said:
Of course, his main objective is TDF but he is not welcome however he always hopes miracle and makes call for it!

I still don't get why he isn't welcome and can't race because of that. As far as I've heard the organisers are ok with him racing if he follows the rules as everyone else and those are the guys who decide whether he can come or not.
so how is Armstrong racing the Tour de France helping the fight against cancer?

it's all and always has been all about his ego, and he doesn''t have the balls (well ball) to admit it.
RdBiker said:
I still don't get why he isn't welcome and can't race because of that. As far as I've heard the organisers are ok with him racing if he follows the rules as everyone else and those are the guys who decide whether he can come or not.
What you heard that is "the political correct". For the reasons I have already given there is very few chance that he will be on TDF.
Don't forget Lance would be a big problem on the roads. Nobody can assure his security, and there is a lot of people who don't want to see him.
Probably he would have a big test on Paris-Nice.
Poulidor...lets see without facts your comments have no value.

Lance Armstrong 6 positive EPO tests is banned from TDF. When was this ban issued...give me the facts.

If this forum is based on facts it would have to be shut down.

I have not heard anyone moan because the riders are riding clean. I thought the racing was good this year, I watched everyday and was sad when it was over. Yawn...your arguments seem confused and not based on anything I mentioned. Yawn.
earth_dweller said:
so how is Armstrong racing the Tour de France helping the fight against cancer?

it's all and always has been all about his ego, and he doesn''t have the balls (well ball) to admit it.
It;s about exposure. Even bad press is good press. Lance says he is riding without salary and there is no doubt that he will bring LOTS of publicity. He doesn't even need to ride to create a buzz. Look what his announcement has already created. NON Riders are talking about TDF. That is good for the sport weather you like L.A. or not. Contorvercy is part of this crazy sport. This sport is full of controvercy, always has and always will be part of it.

Brian Friend
brian friend said:
It;s about exposure. Even bad press is good press. Lance says he is riding without salary and there is no doubt that he will bring LOTS of publicity. He doesn't even need to ride to create a buzz. Look what his announcement has already created. NON Riders are talking about TDF. That is good for the sport weather you like L.A. or not. Contorvercy is part of this crazy sport. This sport is full of controvercy, always has and always will be part of it.

Brian Friend
I didn't ask if it was good for the sport or not (which is whole other conversation), I asked how it's helping the fight against cancer: How is all this controversy and media buzz helping his stated 'cancer awareness'. Pretty sure that France with its healthcare doesn't need him to be aware of cancer, wouldn't you say? Now if he decided to ride le Tour de Faso maybe his humongous ego would be overlooked.
earth_dweller said:
I didn't ask if it was good for the sport or not (which is whole other conversation), I asked how it's helping the fight against cancer: How is all this controversy and media buzz helping his stated 'cancer awareness'. Pretty sure that France with its healthcare doesn't need him to be aware of cancer, wouldn't you say?
Sure, we don't need him and our cancer associations prefer cancer donations staying in France!
Earth dweller...who knows exactly how it will benefit cancer awareness at this point but having the platform will make the effort possible. How difficult is this to understand? You go from hanging out and dating hollywood pinheads to riding in races all around the world again where you will be the center-piece with constant opportunities to make points about cancer. Wake up man take off the blinders! This is not that difficult.
Sure, we don't need him and our cancer associations prefer cancer donations staying in France!__________________
This comment is of no value...yawn...makes no since and is a waste of time...yawn.
leerobbs said:
Earth dweller...who knows exactly how it will benefit cancer awareness at this point but having the platform will make the effort possible. How difficult is this to understand? You go from hanging out and dating hollywood pinheads to riding in races all around the world again where you will be the center-piece with constant opportunities to make points about cancer. Wake up man take off the blinders! This is not that difficult.
So you don't know either.
earth_dweller said:
so how is Armstrong racing the Tour de France helping the fight against cancer?

it's all and always has been all about his ego, and he doesn''t have the balls (well ball) to admit it.
+1. He has decided that bedding young gals doesn't give him "enough publicity". And what better way to get publicity than to return to cycling? :D