Beginners Workout


Scott Robb

Does anyone out there have a good and quick beggining program to get started in training for
Triathlons. Any suggestions would be good. I am 6'1", 240 lbs. I am physically fit, but am a rugby
player. I am a runner by nature and can knock out 8 - 10 miles at a time. I currently lift 6
days/week, 2 times/day. I don't know what I should do for Swim/Bike/Run when it comes to
distance/time and I know that I am lifting way too much. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you, Scott from Oregon
[Asked also on and answered there]

Scott Robb wrote:
> Does anyone out there have a good and quick beggining program to get started in training for
> Triathlons. Any suggestions would be good. I am 6'1", 240 lbs. I am physically fit, but am a rugby
> player. I am a runner by nature and can knock out 8 - 10 miles at a time. I currently lift 6
> days/week, 2 times/day. I don't know what I should do for Swim/Bike/Run when it comes to
> distance/time and I know that I am lifting way too much. Any help would be much appreciated.

As far as lifting too much goes, lots of athletes who need both strength and endurance are turning
to kettlebells these days. Read more at my little web site on the subject:

They're cast-iron cannonball-shaped things with thick handles that you lift and swing. The main
sizes are 36, 53, and 70 lbs. (16, 24, and 32kg) and you do things like a swing-style one-armed
****** for reps - works your whole body. Kettlebells will let you stay strong without adding
unnecessary bulk and will help, not hinder, your endurance. Disclaimer: if you buy something through
the links on my web site, I make a small commission.

If you're looking for specific swim/bike/run training programs just Google on "triathlon training
programs" and you'll get a lot of hits. Here's but one web site for you:

For most people who don't come from a swimming background, the swim is their worst skill. If this
sounds like you, get some swimming instruction before you start putting in the hours of practice -
the local YMCA is a good place to start, as is a local Master's swim team (ours is at our local Y).

Generally speaking, you will want to train in all three sports by putting in the same total time at
the same relative effort, but you should gear your training to the kind of triathlon you want to
enter. If the tri distances you'll cover are short, there's no need to go for an 90 minute swim when
you only expect to be in the water for 30 minutes at the actual event. The trinewbies site is packed
full of training programs so you should be needing anything more than that to get yourself started.

I'm hardly an expert having only completed an Oly. distance last summer, but one thing I learned
this year from training up for a half
i/m is don't do too much too soon. I am in the Army and thought I was in pretty good shape, but
after hitting the pavement pretty hard for a couple of weeks, I pulled the achilles tendon on my
right leg. Cost me a week in down time waiting for it to heal. My suggestion would be to give
yourself a day of rest between a particular work out, I run every other day, and bike on days you
aren't running. I plan on doing that for another 2-3 weeks until the body is used to it. The
swimming I didn't think hurt me to do on consecutive days, so I swim on Mon, Tue and skip Wed,
then go back Thur and Fri. I took the 18 week half
j/m schedule from and modified it a little. They have a variety of training
schedules. Take a look. Might see you around at a Tri this summer, I'm up in Washington.
Good Luck!


"Scott Robb" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<Iaqoa.297669$Zo.60090@sccrnsc03>...
> Does anyone out there have a good and quick beggining program to get started in training for
> Triathlons. Any suggestions would be good. I am 6'1", 240 lbs. I am physically fit, but am a rugby
> player. I am a runner by nature and can knock out 8 - 10 miles at a time. I currently lift 6
> days/week, 2 times/day. I don't know what I should do for Swim/Bike/Run when it comes to
> distance/time and I know that I am lifting way too much. Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thank you, Scott from Oregon