Beginning Training; Figuring My Speed?


New Member
Jan 2, 2004
I'm 16 years old and new to biycyling. I've started training this winter on a "Phoenix cycle" in my basement, it is a spinning bike. I wondered how fast I am going, the bike doesn't have a speedometer (it's a spinning bike) but I count every few minutes and I keep 96RMP, I measured the resistance the adjustable brake pads use kind of unscientifically, I would put a pedal horizontal and place weight plates on it until it would start to turn. The lowest weight plate that, with a tiny bit of help would start it to move slowly, I would measure as the resistance. The spin bike has a 38lbs wheel. The wheel has a circumference of 1.2446. One turn of the pedal equals 8.382 meters for total circumference. The resistance that I usually use is 8.6 kg but I am going to be switching to 10.9 kg in a few weeks as I get used to cycling.

I usually go for 30 minutes. The last five minutes I do 15-30 second intervals which get my rpms over 120. I drop down to around 86 rpms during my rest which is as long as my interval.

I do this 3 days a week and on days inbetween, I run 5 miles. I have always hated running, but it is bearable when I measure 100 ft. in my yard and run laps. A lap is a total of 200 ft., I run 132 laps and that equals five miles. I am doing this in less than 38 minutes. I have done it three times so far, the second time, my time dropped 2 minutes, the third, it dropped another 30 seconds, plus, I wasted around two or three minutes when I tried taking of my warm-up suit, and just wearing my running shorts, because the zipper jammed. These runs don't wear me out or leave me out of breath.

I have always liked bicycling and I want to get myself in good enough shape to maybe race next year.

None of this training gets my heart rate over 130 though, except the intervals can get my heart rate to around 166 when I go all out to exhaustion. I also jump rope everyday. My athletic background is Taekwondo, (the olympic sport) and I have been training around 4-6 hours a day this month to get ready for the state championship. I am hoping that this running and bicycling will get me enough endurance to be able to compete in the national championship. Some of the friends I train with have qualified for the nationals before, (one won the Puerto Rican national championship for his age division when he was 13) and this is my first year of eligibility. ( I got my black belt).

I go to Taekwondo class 5 days a week and the instructor there is from Korea (the home of Taekwondo), he was on the national team and has lots of college degrees, chiropractor, sports medicine etc. He runs us through plyometrics, wind sprints, and distance running each monday along with some strength exercises and we do flexibility stuff every day. I think that I am in pretty good shape.

However, how long do I need to ride everyday if I want to get in good enough shape to bicycle road race? Is running every other day beneficial? I weight-lift 4 days a week and jump rope for an average of 10-15 minutes at a 120+ jumps per minute pace. What other things do I need to add to my training? What is my real speed that I am doing on the exercycle? Is it possible to figure this out?:confused:
Originally posted by supersaiyan
I wondered how fast I am going, the bike doesn't have a speedometer (it's a spinning bike) but I count every few minutes and I keep 96RMP, I measured the resistance the adjustable brake pads use kind of unscientifically, I would put a pedal horizontal and place weight plates on it until it would start to turn.
The resistance that I usually use is 8.6 kg but I am going to be switching to 10.9 kg in a few weeks as I get used to cycling.

Looks like about 150 Watts of power.
(Pedal moves just over 1 meter per rev, so 10kg at 1 rev per sec (60RPM) gives around 100 Watts.)

Try if you want an idea of speed at that power, but unless you are tiny you might not be impressed.

However, how long do I need to ride everyday if I want to get in good enough shape to bicycle road race? Is running every other day beneficial? I weight-lift 4 days a week and jump rope for an average of 10-15 minutes at a 120+ jumps per minute pace. What other things do I need to add to my training? What is my real speed that I am doing on the exercycle? Is it possible to figure this out?

I'd cut out running, weight-lifting and possibly skipping as these aren't that specific to either cycling or Taekwando and get out on a bike instead. (If you are weight-training to move up weight categories then forget road racing)

Before you go any further join a cycling club, get some practice riding in a bunch - that is as important as being fit. You'll also get an idea of the sort of speed and endurance required.

I am hoping that this running and bicycling will get me enough endurance to be able to compete in the national championship.
They may, but I'd devise more Taekwondo specific endurance work for that.

Competing in two very different sports is a lot to take on, good luck.