Questions on beginning training


New Member
Jun 13, 2004
I'm in wisconsin and the weather is just getting nice, so I'm starting to want to ride every day. For the past 10 years or so I've been a competitive swimmer so I'm used to structured training at high intensity. The only thing is I've just recently been on a 5-month break from training over the winter. Now I want to start riding. My goal is to race end of season or start of next season. Here are a couple of questions:

1) Can I be riding every day (except sunday), and not overtrain?

2) What HR zone should I be in for building base and increase vo2 max?

My leg muscles give out WAAAY before my aerobic system does. My legs are dog tired and I'm not even breathing real hard. I also ride at a cadence of 90-100 rpm.

3) Will riding every day increase leg muscle, or will it be bad for my legs? I know that in weight lifting, if you don't give muscles time to recover they get weaker not stronger. Is this the same thing?

4) If so, do I need to somehow increase leg strength while still working aerobically on days I don't ride? Maybe ride 3 days a week, and swim on the other days? I would really like to ride more though...

5) Can I somehow incorporate lifting, or is that for off-season?

Sorry for all the questions, but thanks for help. *I mainly want to know how to not overtrain since coming off of a break, and what to do about my weak legs while still working my aerobic system for a base.*

EDIT: Should creatine be a consideration? Creatine monohydrate gives you water retention weight, but nowadays there is stuff called creatine ethyl ester which DOES NOT have any water retention. Is it worth a shot? Also I hear whey protein and glutamine help in muscle gains...